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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

current song:: La La La - SE7EN
current mood:: upset

super late post
im sorry

im so stressed out lately
i just want to cry gnfklgnflnflhnd >:(
I have been procrastinating this book essay that was due today but I have the chance to turn it in tomorrow before school starts (which I'm TOTALLY grateful for), and I am still trying to write it.
It's my own fault so I shouldn't be complaining about it, but it's just so frustrating.
I am going to end up snapping at everyone for the next long while, I know it.
When I'm like this I tend to ignore that impulse to THINK before I talk.
And I'm seriously about to just POP, if my mom or dad says one thing bitchy to me I'm going to freak out and scream at them.
Inevitabley landing me a spot in parental hell.

In other news....
I made a bunch of cookies today.
Out of chocolate cake mix (yes it is a real recipe and yes it is freakishly GOOD).
and i added butterscotch chips to some. Super good.
I would eat them all if given the chance.
But I'm taking a couple to my Art teacher tomorrow :)
She is always given a rough time because she can be mean if you annoy her (which i tend to do, but not intentionally). And I feel bad for her having to go through such idiotic students all the time.
She really is a good Artist and Art teacher, people just don't get it.

That's just it right there.
People are pissing me off so often, and I never let myself say anything because though I know I'm a very blunt person when it comes to telling people when they are being annoying or stupid, I try not to do it unless inquired as to my opinion on the matter.
I don't complain about it if it can be helped, and if I do then it's in a joking manner.
I don't have serious conversations with people here, they're ignorant and stupid and would just end up getting confused.
Plus it's downright awkward to have a meaningful conversation with people I don't even like..

If this is the first thing you ever hear me say, you'd think I was a total bitch
I know.

ahh SE7EN. You make this bad day much more bearable.
I like this music.
Yes that means I do enjoy other bands (NOT JUST ASIAN, HELLO) in thie genre.
R&B and pop.
i'm not afraid to admit it *shrugs*.

I had better get back to my essay.



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