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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, December 3, 2006

   short short post :D

I wonder if I could pull off Hitsugi
im so fluffy :x and my fucking eyes are too colored, I need contacts to cover up the blue when I do vk makeup D: fuck.
Jrock + blue eyes = ROAR NO NO NO

not to mention I'm not really that pretty d(*-* '')b

what's funny is aside from the eyebrows and lipstick and eyeliner, that's my real face XD
No white makeup or anything. Goddamn I'm pale

hitsugi is gorgeous
dammit. There goes one for me p(~o~'' )
grr. Why can't I be cute like Natsuki??? Dx

We're going to take my dog to a big park soon :)

and Hannah is probably coming to visit me this Christmas!! I'm so excited, I miss her so much.
We can go to this nail salon in the mall where this ADORABLE vietnamese guy works. Oh my god he is TOO cute I want to hug him.
He is really tall and thin and has longish hair to his shoulders
he isn't like HOT but he's more cute. Like a puppy x] *hearts* a fluffy little puppy.

I am making cookies again
using confetti cake :D
I sell them now at school, because everyone LOVE my white cake cookies.
Everyone who tried one said they were the best ever x3
boosted my ego, hahaha.


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