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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, December 7, 2006

current song: ABCs of Kinky Sex - Lords of Acid
so today I had my English exam.
I could have been the first or second one finished, but the test wasn't timed and if you didnt finish in an hour and a half (thats how long each class period is) then you got moved to the library where you could continue your test into the next period.
Well, needless to say, I did NOT want to go to the next period b/c I had gym, so I stalled like CRAZY.
I made sure I wasn't finished in time by drawing on my pants, singing a really long song verbatim in my head, daydreaming, etc.
Haha I win.

I only managed to skip half of gym class (once i left the library I also stopped at every bathroom along the way and redid my makeup and whatever *sweatdrop*), but when I got there I had to sit out because I wore my big heels today and didn't bring my other clothes to dress out in.
This other kid didnt dress out either, and normally we're forced to walk around the gym all period but the bleachers were pulled out today so me and that kid sat behind them because our teacher is an oblivious idiot.
He is a druggie @___@ The kid, not the teacher, lol.
So we talked about drugs a lot o____O;;;
and drinking.
I mentioned I didn't do anything but smoke normal cigarettes, of course, but we still talked all period.
It was a straaaaange conversation.
I have no desire to do any type of drug (well..I need to quit smoking, too *coughs*)


Spanish was fun, as always :)
I love that class, but only because my teacher is really funny and a SMARTASSSS as long as you don't piss her off.
And I have two friends in there who I actually don't secretly despise @__@

I hope next semester I have fun classes

Hannah is coming after Christmas!! I'm so excited
We're planning on the 27th-30th maybe
I dunno yet hahaha. But I'm just so happy to see her again.
I miss her like crazy

I was going to go to Fanime this summer
but my parents are being whores
and I can't
I didn't talk to them for an entire day.

I had better go, I'm exhausted and can barely make a distinguishable sentence anymore.


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