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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, December 18, 2006

happy post this time? :D

I have no tardies, an A or B in all of my classes, and no detentions/ISS/suspensions!
So I'm exempt from EVERY exam :DD I'm soooo happy.
I don't have to go to school tomorrow or Wed. because it's testing days, but I'm going tomorrow to hand out my Xmas cookies i made for people (hey man, my cookies own some ass, okay? don't hate.)
And I'll just hang out in the Art room all day with friends who do have a test, since they only have to go to that period to take it then they can come back :)
I'm bringin my portable DVD player and my Japanese horror movies
xD funnn.

OH and I sent out my Xmas gifts today!! Momo chan expect yours within the week!! It's nothing really special, but I hope you like it anyway D:
*is a cheesey icky mofo*

I'm tiiiiired, geez.

Hannah is coming so soon. I couldn't be more excited! We have so much stuff planned (though she'll only be here a few days, 3 or 4...).
We're going to the mall near my house because there is this REALLY REALLY beautiful vietnamese guy at the nail salon and we want to get our "nails done"
Every time my friends and I pass it we'll glance at him and giggle like the teenage girls we are. He's caught us a few times XD!! And he smiled and I waved and he waved back *insane laughter*
Such a cutie pie...yes.

I'm hoping to buy purple hair dye.
As much as I love shun and his sexy red hair, I'm getting sick of my OWN hair being red and blonde. Time for PURPLE and red and blonde xD
Maybe black too. I need to dye my brown parts black =/
Hmmm I wanted white too...fuck I don't think I can find that anywhere *ponders* I'll have to ask my hairdresser, she's cool ;D

Tomorrow should be great fun :D
People love my cookies, so I usually get good reactions. I made two kinds, one from red velvet cake and one from devils food d( ^___^)b

Have a great holiday season, everyone ~


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