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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Why is it that EVERY fucking time I make plans, taking the care and effort to make them weeks or even MONTHS beforehand, they NEVER work.
Someone always has to be an inconsiderate fucking WHORE and ruin them at the last GODDAMNED minute, after everything is carefully set in place and all the plans are made down to the last detail.


And every time it DOES happen, I end up getting WAY too upset, cry, and then start swearing that I'll never make plans again.
Of course, I eventually do, and I end up getting ditched/fucked over YET AGAIN.

I am so fucking pissed all I could do for the past two hours is cry and scream and cuss to my parents about how Hannah's sister is a selfish dumbass fucking bitch because she refuses to go 10 minutes out of her way to save my dad and me 2 hours of driving time and fucking GAS MONEY.
Thus we probably can't get Hannah down here.

I'm so disgusted with her sister and mom I can barely talk without tearing up and wanting to scream some very not nice words.

I'm going to go before said not nice words spill out onto this page.

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