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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, December 29, 2006

BITCH i vomit rainbows :D
So Sarah bought some blue hair dye at the mall the other day, and since I had let her use some of my red dye earlier this week she let me use a little bit of it :)
I look like a Macaw parrot thing, as quoted by my mother, hahaha.
I also had to cut a lot of it because the orange/red was overlapping the blue so much you could barely see it *_*;

Yes, I know my lack of mascara is slightly retina-burning v___v''

yayyy but I want to go buy more colors now @__@;
which I can't afford, because I need to be saving cash at the moment.

In other news, I went to the mall with Sarah and Stephanie yesterday :D
Stephanie is my 21-year-old friend, she kept talking about how she felt so old and loserish, hanging out with 15-year-olds xD haha but she's nice. She's the only Jrock friend of mine within a 400 mile radius, I believe.
We took some weird ass videos, but I decided not to post them because uhh... well frankly when I laugh (which i did a lot in those videos)it sounds downright obnoxious and you can see my teeth. I hate my teeth. One of my canines decided not to grow down and so it's not there ._.; which is another reason I need braces *sighs*
We ate a bunch of shit and I probably gained 10 pounds in those 5 hours at the mall, but it was SO fun so I do'nt care :D
We met a few friends of mine and Sarah's, so when we went outside for a smoke Steph and I chatted on about Jrock and stuff, I told her about the D'espa concert (EVERYONE loves the freaky stories from that live...those poor, poor musicians D:) and she told me about a friend of hers that worships one of Zero's watterbottles @___@ *mega sweatdrop*
Sarah and the other girls chatted for a while about stuff I wasn't interested in, haha, so me and Steph just talked.

This is the most fucking amazing drink ever. I hate coffee, so when we went to this coffee shop I didn't get anything with coffee in it, I got this. It's like a...strawberry vanilla "Uncoffee" as they called it. Jesus Christ, it was ungodly @__@ so mushc so that it deserved a picture xD heee

XD Yeah we loitered in the underwear/shoes section of Sears for like half an hour, we are SO cool ;P

Hoshit I haven't had poprocks since I was...what? 12? FLASHBACK TIME!

Steph said my little lonely blonde pigtail (the other was red xD) reminded her of Bou....thus the Donald Duck.
(we wont discuss that face xD Im retarded)

this motorcycle wouldn't work....so Steph showed it who's boss x]

Steph decided she wanted ALL of my mullet in pigtails....*facepalm* ignore my expression xD I was confusedddd

A friend of Sarah's friend, haha. She had cool braids @__@ so i HAD to document them in a photoooo of course

New Years is going to be so boring.
I was gonna go out with Steph. and her friends but my MADRE dearest says I'm not going out with my 21-year-old friends on a party night
she's afraid I'll get drunk or something -_- I don't even LIKE the taste of alcohol. AT ALL. I think it's disgusting to SMELL too. Jesus.
But...I guess I can just stay home e_e if I must.

My dad was discussing moving to Seattle :D
I would LOVE that, as opposed to living HERE.
I doubt we really will, but he applied for a job there.
But I am, sadly, the type to get my hopes up in a snap, then be heartbroken when it doesn't happen.
So...shit @_@
I'm trying my best not to get all excited about things anymore, just to be safe.

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