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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

okay so. explanation time.
Friday night I went over to Megan's place for the first time, she is a sweetheart
Anyway, nothing eventful happened until after he parents went to sleep. She had some Bacardi stashed away and, since I've never drank anything and liked it before, she offered to me a taste. Needless to say, we finished it off very quickly, resulting in me being just a bit tipsy for the next little while (yeah...low tolerance I guess)
A bunch of her friends I haven't met came over, they were cool though and they liked me so we got along well :D
I got flashed by three of them, which I admit was strange @___@; but it's not like I'm a prude (far from, actually) so I don't really care haha. They were having a New Years party and invited us along, but we couldn't make it anyway because Megan's mother isn't too fond of the girl having it.
They stayed for about an hour and a half, they had to leave, so Megan called up her friend Scott around midnight or so, and he came by to take us down to the Waffle House just down the street.
We bullshitted and lots of people we knew showed up so we ate and talked for a little while.
Now see this whole time Megan had been trying to get one of her legal-aged friends to go get us some Bacardi (we HAD money to buy it, okay, so we weren't like mooching off of them, it's just the fact that we don't have proper identification xD;), and no one had been available to do so, but we met a girl at the Waffle House, gave her $10, and she got us a 6 pack of Silver Raz @A@

So after Scott took us back to Megan's, he left and we took it into her room and just sat around for a while, I basically nursed the same bottle for a little bit until she called up her Cousin's boyfriend, Jay.
He's 22 and he owed her a bottle of vodka anyway, so he picked us up and drove us to his house which we were in until 5:30 am.
He bought her Smirnoff Ice, and we brought the Bacardi with us in the first place, then he showed Megan a bottle of vodka for her (I don't like Vodka, so I stuck to my Silver Raz ._.;).
We were fucking hammered. Not so much that I don't remember the night of course, just bits and pieces I don't recall happening. Like the drive home or walking up her stairs in my 4 inch heels @____@;; I just vaguely remember getting in the car and then the next thing I remember is saying "oh we're at your apartments already??"
then i was in her bed half asleep.

Saturday she called up Scott again and we headed to Downtown Nashville.
Scott was being a dick, and Megan was sort of upset but I tried to keep the mood up and let him pout all by himself and took Megan with me.
We went to Hustler Hollywood to exchange a shirt she had bought, I found these amazing thigh high latex boots @____@
I want them.
Then we went to this local cafe to eat. It was cute, very small and it used to be an old house.
We went to a bunch of little shops and tried on some clothes, but no pictures were allowed in like any of the shops so I can't share D: damn.
While walking around we passed this guy with a monkey oo;;;
it was dressed up in pants and a shirt and people were paying $10 to take pictures with it lmao
there was also some strange lady, I think she may have been schizophrenic (totally misspelled that) because she was sitting on the sidewalk yelling to the world about Italians and underwear and...I dunno weird.
Then...the REALLY weird part. Okay so this lady was holding a baby yorkshire terrier, right? It was so cute so Megan and I asked if we could pet it. The lady didn't mind and she started talking to us about dogs and whatever, she didn't seem too bad.
We were about to leave, but while we were turning she goes, and i shit you not this is a direct quote---

"Just remember, Jesus loves you."
Megan and I stopped dead in our tracks, Scott was smirking but I knew he was laughing his ass off in his head (the bastard). We turned around like "what?" and she starts PREACHING to us about how much God and Jesus want our acceptance or some shit like that. Then her HUSBAND comes by and starts preaching even more, and mind you he's being VERY enthusiastic at this point. It went on for 20 minutes straight, and had I felt like being a bitch, I could have said something along the lines of "Yeah, athiest here. Thanks." and left, but I let him talk hoping he's just shut up REALLY soon but he wouldn't.
At first I didn't think they stopped us just because Megan and I were dressed as we were, you know stripes leggings black clothes colored hair, I just thought maybe they were freaky old people. But they kept mentioning "the punk phase" and "the wrong path of life" and it was severely starting to piss me off.
If I would have had some cigarettes on me I would've just lit up right then and there while he was talking, maybe that would have got them to go the fuck away.
Anyway yeah once that was over all three of us walked away in silence, I think we were all in shock, to be honest.
I was the first to speak after a few minutes with "Well that was the weirdest fucking thing that's happened to us all week"
and we couldn't stop mentioning it the whole weekend.
It was just weird.

We went home right after that and Megan's family invited me to go out to eat with them.
They picked up her 21-year-old brother (he's umm...he's a strange one. Let's leave it at that @A@'') from Megan's dad's house (her parents are separated, she lives with her mom and stepdad) and went off to a restaurant called The Blackeyed Pea.
My parents and I have been there a couple times before, but we already have two FAVORITE waiters.
One is Irish , his name is James, and he has the thickest accent but he's hilarious. The other is named Austin, he is just a smartass and he's equally fucking hilarious.
I saw both of them running around but only James saw me, he looked at me with a "do I know you?" kind of expression and I just smiled and waved to him.
Later on Austin saw me and stopped, so I yelled "remember me??" and he goes "8D YEAH!!" and he came over and started talking to me. Megan then turns to him and says something, and he points at her and goes "You've partied at my house before!"
Small world, isn't it?
Turns out one of Megan's friends is best friends with Austin, and Megan has partied as Austin's house and visa versa.
Later on she told me a bunch of stories but I don't think I should share b/c they're....just not necessary xD;
Every time he passed us he would whack us on the head with menus or something lol

I went home and slept on the couch after that, and then the next day (New Years Eve) I went BACK to Megan's house.
Her parents let us have some Smirnoff (which means I couldn't get smashed again since they were there, but that's probably a good thing). It was only enough to get me a little tipsy.
After I felt THAT taking effect I made a strange call to Kiku's cell phone and left a message XD;;
I called Lauren too ;D
And then later on at 2 am my time (which would be midnight Cali. time) I called Kiku again to wish her a happy new year, and she answered YAY 8D So I talked to her for a little while then texted Lauren and called Shou but had to leave a message because she didn't answer :O

Then later THAT night around 3:30 we were going to go out again to her friend Anthony's house.
We told her cousin that if her parents woke up to tell them we were with Scott at Waffle House, and proceeded to look for car keys, but to no avail ~___~
So we had to walk.
Oh need I remind you -- it was FREEZING outside. I was wearing a short skirt with fishnets. And Anthony lives about 4 miles from Megan's house.
Yeah, we're brilliant all right.

We stopped by her friend Rachel's place since it was on the way and met her boyfriend, who was fucked UP.
He was falling over and swaying worse than I've ever seen anyone sway, she said he was drunk and had just smoked a blunt *rolls eyes* So I had no sympathy.
He tried to convince us to let him drive us to Anthony's, but Rachel took away his keys and we had to argue with him for 10 minutes before he got out of the car finally and went back inside.
Megan and I walked the rest of the way there, getting there around 5:00, and I ended up falling asleep for an hour at Anthony's while he and Megan and some other kid I don't know watched music videos.
We didn't leave until 6 am but she managed to call Scott and he gave us a ride (though I think he was severely pissed that we woke him up, and I don't blame him @_@).

And we slept until 2:00 this afternooon :)
And that was a shorter version of my really fucked up New Years weekend.
I left out a lot of shit, if that seems possible.

now then!!!!
picture time!

From last night, haha my hair was being all poofy and stupid xD

like i said -- POOFY

Her bunny was a psycho and kept trying to charge at me ;_;

I love this skirt :DDD

XD caught her getting dressed, ooooooh.

Megan "raving" to Velvet Acid Christ in her room, I think it was. hahaha that was fun.

long. AND weird.

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