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student & older brother
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to many to count
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writer/game maker
video games,reading,writing
writing, all forms of stratigy, video games (ya cant beat me!),annoying my younger sister, history
HI!im xXwisemanXx!! im CCLUVGOKU's older brother.Were not as much alike as you would think.
I'm more of a writer then an artist so I'm going to post stories and such online. While your here please leave a comment or GB sighning.I would appriceate it.Thank U!
PS: if you get a good Idea for a drawing from my posts tell me
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
tired of this
I never get any mail or comments I'd even settle for hate mail at this point until I actually get some feedback I don't see the point in posting.
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Awsome game
Time to report in, I haven't been in for a while I've been playing Warhammer 40000 it's awsome. The Imperum of Man isn't the only but I've been kicking, although they are pretty determand to destroy me. I've also killed a few Eldar (ancient alien race that live on big artifical planets they call craft worlds) Orks (Big, mean, green, and have the IQ of a mayo jar, their leaders are pretty crafty in an animalish way, and there are a LOT of them) I think I'm facing down what the orks call a WAAGH a big invasion/migration thing. the nastiest of the lot is Caos the more I see of them the more I wanna whipe the floor with them. Not only do they seem to worship some blood god but they make goth kids look sweet and cheery. But they also bring the very Deamons (game uses a diffrent term) they worship into battle. It doesn't matter though they die just like anything else. I'm thinking of attacking the Eye of Terror to elminate them, it's a cluster of warped worlds where they live full of F***ed up things I'm going in all guns blazing on this one.
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Monday, May 1, 2006
Awsome Game and Book
I recently found somthing called warhammer 40,000 it is an awsome series. The Game is called Dawn Of War it takes place in the year 40,000 (hense the name)all mankind is under the rule of the Imperum of Man and it's godlike emperior (he's hyper evolved or somthing). It is the most opressive regime in history but it is only the emperior's armies that protect mankind from destruction at the hands of the many aliens trying to destroy them. My first act upon starting the game was to revlot against the Imperum bring the 8th Canidn division of the imperal guard with me. The Imperum is used to dealing with "Heritics" but I didn't join the forces of Caos, because they preform human sacrifice, worships daemons, and a whole load of horrible things. So I started my own nation the R.O.H. Republic of Humanity I'm a lot nicer then the other groups in the game so wish me luck guys. "For Humanity!" (this is Gonna be fun)
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Featured Quiz Result:
figured either this or greed I am do enjoy commanding troops in video games but maybe I'm not that arrogent, and I'm not that evil either.