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Orlando Florida
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Nicole aka Nikore
Well ive Managed to make some new friends on TheOtaku
Anime Fan Since
Well i think since i was 6 or 7.
Favorite Anime
InuYasha and Ruroni Kenshin
To go to Japan
Writing storys and creating wallpapers if i can ever get em on here ill sho ya :-\
| xXxNikore19xXx
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Poem -
The Endless Hall-
Walking down an endless hall that we now ourselves' as life.
There's no turning back now...
Trying to find a place where Suffering becomes Pleasure.
And no one has to deal with the heartache's of sadness and pain.
Dreaming of a Place where there is no sadness on anyone's face.
Walking down an endless hall that suddenly has come to an abrupt end. There is no more suffering, no pleasures, no sadness, nor pain.
But now there is nothing left for me to gain. So I walk into an open door at the end of an endless hallway, to the place where feelings are no longer required , its the doorway of death.
I thought this was a cool poem.. lemme know how you all like it.I'm watching Austin Powers 1 its funny as hell. "Mama Cass.. Deseaced... ham sandwich.. " xD
ehh ohh well <3 u guys xoxo
<33 Nikore-chan
Im going to Start up a contest.. its basically for all the creative ppl out there.. I want you all to show me your best works of art that have to do with Inuyasha, FMA,FLCL, Ghost In the Shell, .Hack and Trigun there will be 4 categories.
1. Wallpapers
2. Greetings
3. Fan Art
4. Avatars/Icons
They can revolve around these theme's.
1. Love
2. Hate
3. Sadness
4. Anger
5. Jealousy
6. Humor
I hope you all enter i know alot of you have talent you can enter more than one category if you want just send me your entry VIA PM or E-mail
my email is
Just put who you are, what ur entering in the subject and youll be good to go then in the body send my the url or html for your picture. try to stay in bmp / jpg format k..
I hope you all enter <33
The dead line is July 15th. The winners will be announced July 18th. it will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place..
<333 Nikore-chan
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Im going to Start up a contest.. its basically for all the creative ppl out there.. I want you all to show me your best works of art that have to do with Inuyasha, FMA,FLCL, Ghost In the Shell, .Hack and Trigun there will be 4 categories.
1. Wallpapers
2. Greetings
3. Fan Art
4. Avatars/Icons
They can revolve around these theme's.
1. Love
2. Hate
3. Sadness
4. Anger
5. Jealousy
6. Humor
I hope you all enter i know alot of you have talent you can enter more than one category if you want just send me your entry VIA PM or E-mail
my email is
Just put who you are, what ur entering in the subject and youll be good to go then in the body send my the url or html for your picture. try to stay in bmp / jpg format k..
I hope you all enter <33
The dead line is July 15th. The winners will be announced July 18th. it will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place..
<333 Nikore-chan
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
im soo bored
well its like 3 am and im bored as fuck... ehh Im watching scooby doo since .hack is over... hmm i really dont understand this show anymore... maybe ill watch my inuyasha movie's instead they are always fun.. ehh look at my quiz restults !!

What Wolf Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
im done here love you all later homie's
<33 Nikore

this is for a friend umm i dunno if she'll get it tho...

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Saturday, June 4, 2005
Hello ^_^
I went Bowling again today it was fun exept i saw my science teacher there and get this he was in the lane right next to me! So i hid my face the whole time X_X.. i realised the man can drink he had like 6 beers while i was there! I dont think he knowticed me O_o ... lol the funny part is he wears his dress clothes like as daily clothes.. i thought he only dressed that was to look professional... X_X ha ha... ohh well i love you guys
ex oh ex oh
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Well i was just reading lordsessomaru's site and ive come to the conclusion all spammers must come to an end .... lol ....
T_T seriously though
I got a male enlargement email and im a chick do you have any idea how freaky that is and like lordsessh i get replys from ppl in like friggen aisa n shit. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE!!??!!
well anyway just adding onto his point.. ^_^ i missed this site thingy so i decided to post a lillt somethin before i had to go bowling ^_^ .... hmm ill come back with my scores later k !
<33333 Nikore
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Monday, May 30, 2005
 Which Family Guy character are you?
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Friday, May 27, 2005
well school is finally over! all my tests have been taken and im free for the summer!! woot woot i missed you all <33
hugs ill try to pop around later today *hugs *
<345 nikore
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Friday, May 20, 2005
I stayed home from school today cuz it was a half day ^_^ so yeah ... I woke up and came online... but sadly nobody is on at 11am so i just wondered the net for a while then at 12 i put on my Inuyasha Movie 3- The Sword Of World Conquest.. ive watched it a total of 3 times... its really touching so i try not to watch it alot cuz im not one to enjoy crying... but the best part it you get to see Inuyasha's daddy and stuff his mothers name is Jurokuya she is a princess and its so great she is so beautiful... and her love for Inu's daddy was great ahh im taering up again ....
such a wonerful family movie ... im not gonna go ne more into it cuz id reaveal to much ... what i just described are like flashbacks n stuff...
I want to see Samurai Champloo again so bad ... i dunt wanna wait till tomarrow dammit! It looks like such a interesting story... hmm the !st Inuyasha movie is on Adult Swim tomarrow at12 ^_^ YaY
I love that one Kagome almost killed Inuyasha T_T i was crying so muh when i first saw it cuz i thought he was really dead X_X
Ahh o well im bored once again...
it is now 2:12 pm EST this is Nikore-chan
Over and Out
<33 Nikore p.s. dont mind that lil walkie talkie lingo ^_^
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Hey everyone <33 i miss you all so uch but i have alot of work to do for my end of the year finals are next week.... X_X
all i have time for is STUDY STUDY STUDY!! its really hard plus i have a math test friday on top of it all...
so ill try to see as many ppls sites as i can....
love you all <33333
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