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Orlando Florida
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Nicole aka Nikore
Well ive Managed to make some new friends on TheOtaku
Anime Fan Since
Well i think since i was 6 or 7.
Favorite Anime
InuYasha and Ruroni Kenshin
To go to Japan
Writing storys and creating wallpapers if i can ever get em on here ill sho ya :-\
| xXxNikore19xXx
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Friday, April 29, 2005
went to the beach...
yeah i woke up around 9:30am sat around for an hour then my dad comes in and says my uncle will be here at 11 and to get ready... sux even more because im at the special time of the month so w/e dads dont need to know this.... so i go to my cousins and we all go to the beach from there.... i went in the water anyway X.x i wondered if id get attacked by a shark for that reason stated above but o well i was cautious... anyway... now im home got 3 shades darker no burn though O___o'
o well sorry for all the unwanted information i just hd nothing more to talk about....
<345 Nikore


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Thursday, April 28, 2005
today was interesting.... i went to see my cousin and shit my uncle was there.... hate him but thats not the point... my aunts sister was hammered and her little son was bein a bastard kept scratching me and punching my lil cousin so i got piised and lightly scratched him back whish only left like a white trail on his "dark" arms so i was like uggh! the his mother " the hammered whore from b4" comes in and is like " why did you scratch my son you have no fucking right to touvh him" so i said" well tell your son not to scratch a hole into my neck and not to punch my little cousin" and then they dragged her outta the room because i was in no fucking mood since i didnt really want to see my uncle but was forced to anyway... who cares if he is only 4 he is a piece of shit for punching my baby cuz. ^_^' he hurts
lol so i just got home and now im just reporting my wonderful experience.... i fear the puerto rican woman... O__o' .... any ways im board.... here are a few piccy's

SO TRUE!! ^.^

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
check out my last post it was supposed to bee todays....
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Monday, April 25, 2005
sup bitches - mature language below
hey ppl im so fucking tired of this girl man! she wont fuckin leave me alone... she is a stupid slut and a poser beyond all reason.... i mean ive seen a poser or two in my life but she is so uggh!! how does a prep go goth in one day she even copyed my fucking hair cut.... uggh!!!! i wanna just punch her in the fucking face that cunt faced loser!.... I HATE YOU KRISTAL BLADY!! X_X
here are some pics...

this is Jess
Also Jess

Ahh its joe he is all emolicious <33
here is kelly

wrestling at 64 ^_^
img src="" alt="Image hosted by">
breakdancing.... o.O
lol aww well i dunno why thoses are there but hope you like em...
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Hey !
I had a fun weekend i went to by friends birthday party thing and slept over there i hung with my friends Andrew, Victoria and Mouse and soe kid daniel or somthing like that he was annoying. My friends came outta the closet the my other friends alex and she told me and victiora it was great but couldnt tell mouse because he is sorta dating er i think... so funny . i was like you afraid of the closet monster?? ohh well we played ddr and stuff it was so fun i got vash and inuyaha keychains at hottopic's.... 
kool rite! the story is coming along pretty well i guess the first 2 chapers are introducing the main characters (inu and kagome)
okies love yas
<345 Nikore
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Friday, April 22, 2005
ok guys im ending this story ive come across severe wrighters block.... i know its sad... but guess what i just got a kick ass idea for a new one but this time it will be a romance/comedy on inuyasha.... ^_^ its gonna be all modern and Inuyasha is gonna go to Hanyou High and kagome will be a rich chick from Shikon no Tama Prep School and they are gonna meet at a party and stuff i have it all planned out from start o finish but i have to wright it first ^_^ ne way im tired its like 12:05 am funny stuff and hope you all had a fun 4-20 .... later daiz
<345 Nikore
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
new chapter
this chapter is like something to throw in between till we get to more interesting stuff.
Chapter 4 Ed and Al
* at Al's new place perchased by Ed* (PG 13)
*knock knock* " Al you up? "
called Ed from outside of the
apartment. *door opens a little
and Al's face appears in the
crack* " Brother ! O.O uhh *looks
back inside* hold on" *door
close's* Ed now has his head
pressed against the door listing
to what his brother was doing.
*inside* Al: Get your clothes on
my brother is here! Woman's Voice:
Alright Alright dont get your
ball's in a bunch. Al: Here go out
though the back door and leave
though my gate. Womens Voice: Ok
call me later stud . *back to
ed* "Stud?" he said to himself as
he peered over the side of the
building to see a rather
attractive young woman run out
with a sheet wrapped around her
chest and a blue skirt on. * door
opens* " Sorry about that brother
just needed to clean up a few
things...^.^' heh" said a very
nervous Al. " Sure whatever you
say bro, So how is the new body
treating you? " resonded a rather
devious looking Ed. " fine i
guess" said Al wondering what that
look was for... " so what are we
going to do today? " said Ed
breaking his brothers silence. "
Uhh you know what we should go to
eat.... i havent ate real food in
a few years...." said Al
knowticing that the women he had
slept with the night before left
her bra on the nightstand. He then
grabbed his brother by the arm and
took him out side and locked the
door behind him. " whats gotten
into you Al?!" said an annoyed
Ed. " i just got my arm fixed" he
added flexing his metal joints.
" Here we are!" said Al pointing
to a sign that read { Romeo's
Pizza, When you want good food
here is where youll find it} " Al
are you sure you want to eat here
it seems so plain id figure you'd
want to go to a resturant" said ed
as they walked though the doorway
of the pizza place. " No brother
this is fine.... two slice's
please" he shouted to the chef. As
they sat down the waitress brought
them their food and they got to
talking about old times and what
they used to do before they had
metal body parts. " so Al who was
that chick in your apartment this
morning?" said Ed as he punched
his little brother in the arm.."
so you saw? well i met her at the
reception she is Winry's cousin
Rosalina we were talking and then
one thing led to another and yeah
you know what happens" replyed Al
with slight fear in his voice. " I
new it! " said Ed jumping from the
seat " you sly dog they cant
resist you" he added as he gave Al
a nuggie and sat back down..Al
looked at him with a chuckle and
continued to eat his pizza.
yeah pretty lame but im facing some writers block so o well it will get better
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
hello peeps
Sorry i havent gotten on latly.... anyway here is the next chapter.... of the story.
Chapter 3 : The Honeymooners!
Recap: So far Ed has turned his brother back into a human... and is married to Winry... now we join them on their honeymoon which really is more orless like any normal day.... (PG:13)
Ed still holding Winry bridal
style takes her from the limo and
brings her into their new house.
He then placed her onto the bed
and gets her some champagne and
pours it into 2 narrow glass's. He
then starts to take his tuxedo
off . " This thing is so
uncompfortable...." said Ed
removing the last part of his suit
and putting on his regular
clothes..... " Yeah i like this
dress... but its so itchy......"
said Winry as she to changed into
her usuall outfit. " Ahh thats
much better" she added as she sat
on Ed's lap and kissed him like
she had never done before. He
kissed back with the same
passion... " I love you so much
Winry " said Ed as they came out
of thier kiss for some air. Then
they resumed the passionate
kissing. It was as if there
tounges just got into a war with
* Juicy love making scene * (
trying to keep it clean)
" That was great " said Ed as he
leaned ove and kissed Winry on the
forhead. It hadnt been the first
time that they made love but it
was the first time as a married
couple...." Yeah " said Winry with
a sigh. She then rested her head
on his bear chest. His automail
arm was cold against her skin but
it didnt bother her... she had
been used to it.... she was just
glad that only his arm and leg
were automail (nikore: *wink
wink*). " well i have to get
dressed and go back to the
shop.... sorry i have to leave so
soon " said Winry as she kissed
him on the forhead and left to get
dressed. " Yeah i know... no
problem but im taking you out to
dinner tonight and i figure we
will bring Al since i didnt have
much time to spend with him
lately." Said Ed getting out of
bed and putting his pants on. " Ok
what time should i come back home
so we can leave?" Said winry from
the bathroom " I'll Come get you
around 7 ok?" He replied as he put
on his gloves. " Sure My love"
said Winry as she peeked at him
from the door" you going to get
Al?" she asked " Yeah im gonna let
him try out his new body" said Ed
as he put on his shoes and headed
tword the door of the
bathroom. "Im going to go now i
love you Winry Elrick" he said
huging her and kissing her
forhead. " Good-bye" she said as
she began to apply her lip gloss.
hope ya liked it ill have another chapter tomarrow!
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
I got my fave wallpaper deleted they said i plagerized but i dont see how.... i mean i got all the pics from google i didnt take fan art form anyone unless its fan art and i didnt know it..... wah well ill post it in memoriam... iknew this was my best one :'(

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 ~ The Wedding
( This ch is all the wedding and stuff)PG
Its 7 am and Winry is
sitting by the window in her new
wedding dress. She is in the
church where in 2
hours her and Ed were to be wed.
With i sigh she begins to hum i
little song she had learned as a
child. " You
are my sunshine ... hmm hmm hmm de
dum... you make me happy when
skys are grey... you'll never know
how much I love you. So please
dont take my sunshine away" she
said as she twirled around the
room looking
in the mirror. She looked at the
clock." 8:45 already.... i have to
get finished up" she said to
herself as she
placed her mother's vail upon her
head and applied make-up to her
skin. " Winry! your on ! " called
a familiar
voice. Seeing as Winry lost her
father she requested Al walk her
down the asile as well as be the
best man. "
Coming Al!" she then added the
final touches and grabbed her
bouquet and headed to the back of
the church.
The wedding march began to play as
she walked down the asile. She
saw every person she had invited
Even Col. Mustang showed up. She
looked ahead to see Ed dressed in
a black tuxedo with his hair
back. She was now at the pew and
was facing her soon to be
husband. " Dearly beloved, we are
gathered her
today to bind this man and this
women in the bonds of holy
matramony.If anyone objects as to
why these to young people shouldnt
be wed, speak now of forever hold
your peace. Now lets begin" "
Edward Elrick do you take this
woman to be your wife, to love and
to cherish in sickness and in
health till death do you part.?"
Said the priest " I do" responded
Ed. " And do you Winry ... uhh" "
just Winry" exclaimed Winry " Ahh
yes ... And do you Winry take this
man Edward Elrick to be your
husband, to love and to cherish,
in sickness and in health till
death do you part?" " I do"
responded Winry smiling at her new
husband. "Then by the power vested
in me I pronounce you man and
wife, you may kiss the bride "
Then Ed leaned in tword Wirny and
kissed her pationatly. He then
picked her up bridal style and
carryed her out of the church.
They had a car waiting for them
outside with the words Mr and Mrs
Edward Elrick painted on the
hood. " This has been the best day
of my life" whispered Ed into
Winry's ear...." I love you" she
responded resting her head in his
arms as she held onto the his neck.
( Next Chapter : Honey Moon... )
In the next chapter we visit Ed and Winry on their honey moon.... )
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