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Orlando Florida
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Nicole aka Nikore
Well ive Managed to make some new friends on TheOtaku
Anime Fan Since
Well i think since i was 6 or 7.
Favorite Anime
InuYasha and Ruroni Kenshin
To go to Japan
Writing storys and creating wallpapers if i can ever get em on here ill sho ya :-\
| xXxNikore19xXx
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Im not quite finished with chapter 2 of the story so ill post it after school tomarrow around 6....
Im in a grat mood reading some fanfics... there are such romantic ones they make me all happy inside ^.^ *sigh* im a sucker for a good love story.....
fave couples....or ppl i want as couples....
Inuyasha x Kagome
Miroku x Sango
Kenshin x Kaoru
Li x Sakura
Kite x Black rose
and sooo much more ^.^
*sigh* o well
ima go love ya !
<3456 Nikore
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Fma Story Chapter 1!!
Forbidden Love - PG 13
Couples - AlxWinry EdxWinry
(Ed and Winry have been together for a while but once Al regains his body the winds
of love blow Winry tword the other Elrick Brother. Will Ed find out about his lovers betrayel?)
Chapter 1- Edward Elrick and Winry Newlywed Couple Soon To Be and a Newly Found Body.
"Oh Ed tomarrow is our
wedding day!" said a cheerful
Winry as she grabed her
fiance by the shirt and kissed his
lips. She was in the store having
her dress mended. She
had torn it when she first tryed
it on. It was only a small tear
but she wantedeverything to be
perfect. " The guest list is
enormous.... even Al will be able
to enjoy the food for tonight we
will be returning him to his body"
said a joyfull Ed. " Is that so...
you have completed the
philosophers stone...?" asked
Winry as she tucked the dress away
into its box. " Yes...
so now my darling i will leave you
and tomarrow we shall be wed."
said Ed in a corny
attempt of a british man's
voice. " Ok" added Winry who had a
dissapointed look on her
face since she had wanted to
squeeze in a little love making
before their wedding.
* Back at the house*
"Brother! today is the day....Im
finnaly going to be a human once
more" exclaimed Alphonse
Elrick as he greeted his brother
at the door. " Yes, Al today i
will fufill my promise... now get
together some clothing and follow
me. C. Mustang said he would be
the witness to this transmutation"
said Ed. Ed began drawing his
transmutation circle on the
ground. " Al stand right here."
said Ed pointing to the center of
the circle. " Are you sure you are
ready Full metal?" asked Roy
Mustang as he curiously awaited
the results of the project he had
been funding for 6 years.
"More ready than ill ever be"
responded Ed as he made the final
touches on the transmutation
circle. " Ready Al? " he then
asked. " Yes brother" said Al
embrasing himself for any result.
Then all that was heart was a clap
and the transmutation began. All
anyone could see was a bright blue
glow it was almost blinding. Then
it all came to a hault the lights
stopped... and all noise came to a
hault. " Al? are you ok? Did it
work?" Asked Ed as he tryed to
clear the smoke from the
transmutation. " Brother... it...
WORKED" said Al staring at his new
body. Al was paralyzed with
exitement. Ed was in the same
state... he then hugged his little
brother as tightly as possible,
seeing as he hasnt experinced
touch in a long time. " Brother i
can feel again... " said Al as he
came to his feet and got dressed
for the first time in 6 long
years. " well well fulmetal you
actually did it." Said Roy
Mustang. " Of course I did I
promised my brother his body and i
gave it to him." Said Ed. " Umm
Brother.... can we please get
something to eat im hungry....."
said Al as his stomach grumbled
louder than Ed had ever heard
anyones grumble before. " Sure Al
^.^" responded Ed as he glared at
Cl. Mustang and took his brother
out of the room. " What do ya want
to eat?" asked Ed. " I miss Ice-
Cream....chocolate Ice-Cream."
said Al as he stared into the
window of the Ice-cream Parlor. "
Ok" added Ed.
* eating ice-cream *
"This is the best thing that i
have ever eaten " ^.^ said Al as
he devoured the last of his Ice-
Cream cone. He was only 16 but he
was so tall... 5' 9" at least. It
took Ed till his 19th year to get
that tall. Now Ed was 26 and 6'
and couldnt be happier. Tomarrow
he was to marry the love of his
life and he would have his brother
by his side the whole way.
(Preview: Winry is exited about her wedding tomarrow her and Ed are to be Man and wife. Ed has returned Al to his original form and all is going as planned. But soon after the wedding Winry begins to develop feelings for the wrong Elrick Brother. What turmoil lies next? )
Yeah thats chapter 1 tomarrow ill post ch 2!
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Fun weekend
I had some fun this weekend... on friday i stayed home and made up inuyasha adventures... it was so fun.. then saturday i went to cocoa beach... it was awesome... water was so warm we went boogie boarding too... then today i was at my little sisters friends house. my friend andrew was their we took crakers and hotdogs(frozen) from him and left lol then we went in the pool ^.^ andrew jumped in from the roof of the pool house X-D it was hilarious. he did a belly flop type thing. and his chest was all red.... hehehe the bad part was te pool was pretty shallow.... 5 feet lol and he is like 5'9" lol... ahh so fun... i hope you all had a good weekend... i have so much homework to do.... -.- like 2 math assignments and a lms essay... uggh o joy... o well i guess ill get started on it then . ^,^
<33 Nikore
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Friday, April 8, 2005
ok im making my next theme trigun but i need some music ... does anyone know a site that has trigun tunes on it??
Mp3's are preferred but midi's are ok too.... ok <33 Nikore
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Report cards!
I got my report card ^.^ not to bad actually ^.^
Algebra 1 - B
Life Management Skills(LMS) - B
I hate my lms teacher -.-
English 1 - B
Global Visions - A
3-D Art - A
Science - A
and my GPA is 3.5 ^.^
o well i have nothing else to say im watching Dragon Ball GT adios!
<3 Nikore
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
im sick
Im really dizzy i dunno why... and it feels as if i will puke ne moment *wahhh* o well at least i got to stay home from school today.
ehh i cant even type ne more....
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Monday, April 4, 2005
This Is An Inuyasha Poem... Its About Inuyasha and Kikyo And Kagome.
By Me
Torn between two lovers.
My love isnt as strong for one, as it is for another. I dream of your kisses and your touch. I want to hold you so much. But this newly found love is overwhelming. I cannot change the past, our relationship musnt last. Im indebted to my first love untill the day im up above. I wish we could be together but we cant not now not ever.
<3 nikore
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
I changed my theme to card captors i hope ya like it lol the song is a little weird though o well ne ways i hope everyone had a great weekend. and i guess ill talk to ya all later.
<3 Nikore
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Thanks 311 and D.Wings nice to know you care ^.^ feeling better today... maybe its because i drank alota coffee... im probly gonna go in the pool today...
o well im gonna go love ya guys!
<3 NIkore
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Bleh Bad Memorys Reaking Havoc
No One Knows
by : Moi
Opened up my heart and you tore me apart. Keep my thoughts within even they i couldnt win. I tryed so hard to do everything right. That only lead to my tears at night. Now all I can do is fight. Nothing is ever wrong nothing is ever right. I care not what anyone thinks of me. They only see what they want to see. Only i know the real me and that is how it will always be.
Ahh poetry is fun. Especially when you in the mood im in. o well no sence in rambling on and on about it. Ill live...
<3 Nikore
(I Hate) Everything About You
Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yet
Every roommate kept awake
By every sigh and scream we make
All the feelings that I get
But I still don’t miss you yet
Only when I stop to think about it
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yet
Only when I stop to think about it
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
Only when I stop to think
About you, I know
Only when you stop to think
About me, do you know
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
You hate everything about me
Why do you love me
I hate
You hate
I hate
You love me
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you

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