AIM SinistrSlytherin E-mail Click Here Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger Monkeybaby666
Birthday 1990-12-19 Gender
Female Location Orlando Florida Member Since 2005-02-18 Occupation Student.. Real Name Nicole aka Nikore
Achievements Well ive Managed to make some new friends on TheOtaku Anime Fan Since Well i think since i was 6 or 7. Favorite Anime InuYasha and Ruroni Kenshin Goals To go to Japan Hobbies Drawing Talents Writing storys and creating wallpapers if i can ever get em on here ill sho ya :-\ xXxNikore19xXx
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Yay lets here it for all our winners!!! woo hoo!
lol thank you all for voting
Inuyasha 6 votes
Yuki 4 votes
Sesshy and Kyo 3 votes
Sango 3 votes
Inuyahsa: I won really??
Nikore: Of course why would i have made a first place prize for you??
Inuyasha: -.-
Sesshomaru: Once again you come out on top little brother * grabs sword*
Nikore: Stop it guys!!
Kagome: I didnt even get entered... '.' *wah*
Sango: I won first prize YAY!! ^.^ ohh sorry Kagome * runs off to Miroku* I won woot woot
Miroku: *rubs her butt* of course you did ^.^
Sango: Slap
Yuki: Second Place O.O but i ALWAYS get first!! >.< im so ugly wahhhh
Kyo: 3rd isnt to bad ....
Nikore: finally someone who dosent care what prize they got ^_^
Say Inuyasha wouold you like me to gwt you some Ice-Cream??
Inuyasha: Sure! * follows me *
Nikore* slams him into the wall* your soooo hott! * kissing*
Inuyasha: O really? * kisses back *
Kagome: Sit Boy!
Nikore: WTH i finnaly got somewhere with him and you make him fall!
Kagome: He is mine u hussy!
Nikore: Now youve done it! Mega Ultra Ball of Destruction!! * a huge cloud forms and kills kagome instantly.
Inuyasha: Now where were we....
camera phases out and then zoms in on a mind controll device i put on Inuyasha's neck
Nikore: Muah ha ha
Everyone else: what was that boom? OMG kagome!
Nikore: poor thing died so fast...
Everyone: Gets ready to fight
Nikore: Shoots em all in the head exept for Sesshy since he dosent care.
Sesshomaru: Good job * grabs my hand.
Nikore: come on boys!
Inuyasha and Sesshy: * grabs a arm *
* we stroll off to the park *
The End
Hey everyone! I want to say Happy Birthday To TheFizz!
Eat cake!
O well i guess i hae nothing to say about my day yet seeing its 12:25 am... ill add more to this later love yas check back around 5 for more!
<3 Nikore
he he Comments (4) |
Sango- 2 votes
Mai - 1 vote and ill add in Chii cause i find she is really pretty.
Chii- 1 vote
well im so friggen thirsty.. nothing to drink tho... ahh o well
im gonna bolt love yas!
<3 Nikore Comments (3) |
Monday, March 28, 2005
hello kids!
Thanks Fizz for your help i appreciate it *hugs* i think i might acutaly be able to understand some of this site fixing crap ^_^
well ie narrowed the poll entrys to the top few.
for the guys its
Inuyasha- 4 votes
Yuki- 4 Votes
Kyo-3 votes
Sasuke- 2 votes
Scar- 2 votes
Sesshomaru- 2 votes
and for the girls
Sango- 2 votes and Mai 1 vote
so ill do the top 3 for guys and the top 1 for girls. so please vote for who you like by pming me or leaving a comment spread the word of this poll to your friends please!
<3 Nikore You are a Twisted Angel. You are a strange one. Your path is unclear, and you often do strange things for the fun of it. No one can really discribe you, you are just too odd.
You have a twisted soul. You change your directions and mind easily. Your beauty is you over powering feature. But many enemies are surprised by your beauty and your great power to control wind
Gem Stone: Amethist, Eye Color:Grey Blue,Hair Color:Grey that goes to your shoulder Blades
Quote:And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear.
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla The guy you want is probaly the popular guy in your school. Which is great to me:) He's so dreamy that you'll want him to notice you so badly your do anything. Like in the cafateria you'ld trip on something infront of him to make your food spill all over you!!! Even if it's a brand new shirt or your favourite skirt!!! Oh well at least he'll notice you:)
Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla You belong in another of my worlds. The world of self-destructive tendencies, either through actual physical destructiveness or emotional breakdowns that you keep bottled up inside, thus hurting yourself. You feel that life is nothing but pain, and you see red in everything with the memories of the blood you have bled(literally or figuratively) for your hurting. You live in a hidden land that few will ever understand or see in you, because you keep it to yourself and only let a few rare people into the truth of your reality. Er...I don't condone my own actions, so I really don't know what else to say. Of course, you could also just REALLY like blood....or you might be homicidal, not suicidal. ^_^;
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
Ohh dark ^.^ You are...DARK. Yes you know, gothic-punk kinda style. Go you! =P ( I hope at least you're not a wannabe)
please help me
Ok i am calling out to everyone here i need help making a new theme.
I need to know where to find a few things!
First: Good Free Music Sites
Second: How do you get those mini windows on your sites??
Third: Where can i find a mini media player
Fourth:How do ya get stuff under your posts?? and like how do you get a post inside a mini window??
hey peepel lol yumm chocolate bunny
i have a tummy ache from all the candy i got ^_^ woo hoo
( o.o )
( " )
o well ima go love yas hope ya easter is fun! Adios
<3 nikore Comments (1) |
Friday, March 25, 2005
wats up ?!
boy do i have alot of inu icons lol!! i love inuyasha sooo much! If he were real id so totally stalk him... ^__^ *melt*
You know what manga is awesome!
Kare Kano ' His and Her Circumstances' i love it its become an addiction i think i might just make my next theme that... not sure though... Sochiro Arima is a hunk! so are all the other guys in the manga lol exept a few are gay but hell not everyone is perfect lol.
Here are a few charecters... this is Asaba he is a hunk lol he is gay i think... he is bi sexual really.... -.- all too confusing. Then comes!
Not a great pic but i have some fan art pics! this is of...
from left to right, Asaba ,Arima, Kazuma and i think not to sure about this image here cause they look alike but its either Tsubasa or....Takashi either way all guys in this mang are hot. If only they were real... *sigh*
then there is Yukino Arima's GF
and lastly a group photo!
And thats it lol ahh im addicted i tell you !! im gonna start working on my new layout yay okies im gonna go love you guys!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
La La LA
Hello everybody!
like my new theme... its Demon Inuyasha... i feel Disturbed- Down with the sickness totally discribed inuyasha and his demon form... he has no control over himself.... yeah ^__^ ahh i got the 3 inu movies over the weekend... they are awesome... i like the 1st and second more than the third one since i like romance alot but number three has sentamental value... inuyasha and sesshy's daddy is a hottie too! :-p
o well thats all ill say i dont want to give everything away even though that wasnt nething really ... he he well if ne one wants to talk about the inu movies pm me or im me k!
Personally i enjoyed the second movie most. Kagome gets shot in the back for inuyasha because he always helped her and stuff i was all teary eyed... sigh... YaY next monday on adult swim is the funny inu episode that ive heard so much about and have never seen!.... i cant wait! ohh look at this...
Fun Pics!!
o well ima go i love yas!
<33 Nikore Comments (1) |
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Story Continues.....
we left off inu confessing to kagome ... kagome killing kikyo once again..... and now they are heading back to the others....
Inuyasha: Are you ok Kagome? Your always so dam reckless.
Kagome: Ehh arent you always the same way for me ^.^ ahh my shoulder is killing me.....
INuyasha: Let me see it... *rips sleeve off* ahh its a meer flesh wound.... scared arrows dont work on those who are pure ya noe...
Kagome: Heh thanks but now my shirt is ripped....
Inuyasha: Here take mine. * give kagome his coat*
Kagome: Thanks i always loved this thing *smells the lining*(..... it could use a nice wash though....)
Inuyasha: Heh no problem... *blushing* What do we do when we get back there i mean wont they want to know what happened....
Kagome: Me knowing them of course dosnt mean i have to tell em * lol*
Inuyasha: Yea... ya know kagome what will happen after all the shards are restored... are you going to... leave me....
Kagome: I done know... we only have 2 left and thoses are the ones koga has in his legs....
Inuyasha: oh...
Kagome: I have an idea u might not like it but it could work... i can go with koga and try to take them from him.... of course u would be close enough to save me if i happen to screw up.... or i can give him some of the saki i have with me.... get him drunk then take em...
Inuyasha: No! ill just cut his legs off... why do you have saki?? arent you a little young for it...
Kagome: But i dont want you to hurt him he really is quite a nice guy at times...
Inuyasha : ( grr she still protects him )
Kagome: I know what ur hinking why do i still protect him right... well ill tell you while you were gone he saved me from an evil wentch that wanted the sacred jewel fragments...
Inuyasha: * mumbles * grrrrr i hate him.
Koga: Hey gorgous miss me * super hot smile *
Kagome: Hey Koga! we were just talking abiout you...
Koga: What happened to you back my love....
kagome: Ohh just an arrow no big deal *ouch*
Koga: You let her get hurt mutface!
Inuyasha: Ohh i should just kill you now!
Kagome: Sit boy! Now Koga im sorry for his rudeness i did it to myself i was fighting Kikyo and blocked Inuyasha with my back dont worry im fine its not his fault so if you dont mind just shut up for 2 seconds.
* bends down to talk to Inuyahsa*
You ok??Look im gonna go with him hope my plan works love u! * kisses his nose*
Inuyasha: Ill be there soon kagome...
Koga: You ready to go sweetie?!
Kagome: Yeah babe lets get outta here... i brought us some saki to celebrate with !
Koga: great i love saki!
* they speed off *
Kagome: here drink this to us * she put 3 sleeping pills in his wine* and has a hole in her cup ust so she can pretend to drink some.*
Koga: Thanks! To US!
Kagome: to us... ^.^
Koga: Ya know what im gonna lay down a bit make yourself at home...
* passes out cold*
Kagome: *rips a shard from one of his legs with the tip of her arrow... just to see if it disturbs him...Now the second one*
Got em!
Koga: *Wrapps his arm around kagome pulling her next to him.* Come on babe rest you had a rough day.
Kagome: ( Inuyasha help! ) Ok hunn
Inuyasha: Pst Pst you get the shards yet?
Kagome: Thank the gods your here... yea i have em... now help me outta here.. he is pretty much knocked out so all ya gotta do is move his arm..
Inuyasha: Ok...* lifts arm and puts Ginta in kagomes place*
Hah that will be a shocker
Kagome: im sorry koga...
lets go inuyasha
Inuyasha: ok
* later when inu and kagome reach the others they finnaly finish placeing the last pieces of the scred jewel together*
Kagome: Here ya go now make your wish.
Inuaysha: No... you make one after all u found all the shards for me besides u like me how i am no need to become a full youkai right.
Kagome: * smile* ok ill be back so dont follow me k ( i wish i were half dog deamon as well like inuyasha ) * glowing light surrounds kagome* Did it work? * takes out mirror* I have ears like him now and a hell of a good pair of fangs...
Inuyasha: What could she be wishing for....?
Kagome: Shippo!! come here make sure no one else comes!
Shippo: Ill be right back >.<
*hopps to kagome* Woah... your part dog now too...
Kagome: How do i look ^.^
Shippo: (HOT!) you look great Kagome!
Kagome: You thing Inuyasha will like it??
Shippo : He would be stupid if he didnt...Are you sure you wanted this though..
Kagome: I love him and he said he loved me so why not right.. besides these ears are sooo cute!
* plays with her newly found dog ears...* O and i have my huiman night to ya noe... same as Inuyasha the night of the new moon.
Inuyasha: KAGOME! when are you coming back!
Kagome: wow i could hear him all the way from there... i can smell his scent now too... INUYASHA! come here please.
Inuayasha: On My Way! * hop hop hop* Shippo where is she ??
Shippo: uggh how do i say this.
KAgome: Hi you like?
Inuyasha: ( she is even sexyer than before)* stiffy is growin down under* Uhh Uhh Kagome your a Hanyou... but what about your family... and school...
Kagome: im going to gather my stuff from home and come live here with you ok.
Inuaysha: Really youll stay with me...
Shippo: Isnt it obvious she cant stay home looking like you now can she!
Kagome: Yea ... well be right back
Kagome's Mom: Kagome what are you doing back...
Kagome: Mom im going to go live in the feudal era... Ive become a hanyou for inuyasha and now i vowed to go live there ok... So im gathering my things and returning one last time.
Kagome's Mom: Honey... But school and us and what about Souta
Kagome: He is a strong kid and besides i cant live here looking like this ne way... I love him mom and i dont want to be away from him ever again...
Souta: Hey what happened... why are you packing everything....
Kagome: Im moving to the feudal era and never returning im trusting you will take care of my bouyou for me! I know your strong be a man for me ok.
Souta: ok sis but here take my picture .
Kagome:ok here take these arrows... they should go through the well.... send me a letter each month with new pictures of you and ill do the same exept for the whole picture thing... dont have that back there....
Souta: Ok
Kagome: I love you all tell grandpa i love him when he returns from his trip... * kiss kiss*
Kagome's Mom and souta: Good-Bye tell inuyasha we said bye!
Kagome: Ok I love you all tell Hojo i moved and i really did appreaciate his gifts... and make sure he knows how great he really is ok!
Souta: Ok
Feudal Japan
Kagome:Well everyone im here for good!
Shippo: YAY
Inuyasha: * hugs and kisses her *
Miroku and Sango: O.O did we miss something....
Kagome: Well sorta but its all good now...
Inuyasha: With what jewel shards...
KAgome: Im sorry Koga i love him your a great guy but you arent my type... i prefer HAnyou... * giggle * Besides i hear ayame is in town looking for you!
Koga: O.o Not the crazy chick... o well i gotta go she cant find me !
* Koga leaves*
Group: * Laughing*
and they live happily ever after the end.