AIM SinistrSlytherin E-mail Click Here Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger Monkeybaby666
Birthday 1990-12-19 Gender
Female Location Orlando Florida Member Since 2005-02-18 Occupation Student.. Real Name Nicole aka Nikore
Achievements Well ive Managed to make some new friends on TheOtaku Anime Fan Since Well i think since i was 6 or 7. Favorite Anime InuYasha and Ruroni Kenshin Goals To go to Japan Hobbies Drawing Talents Writing storys and creating wallpapers if i can ever get em on here ill sho ya :-\ xXxNikore19xXx
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
finished story!
We left off with inuyasha bein his jealous self and kagome being pissed n stuff.
Kagome: Ohh he is such a jerk... its good kikyo left his sorry ass.
Shippo: Uhh Kagome... i have to tel you somthing but u cant be mad ok?
Kagome: What is it....
Shippo: I gave Inuyasha your note...
Kagome: WHAT! omg he is gonna totally laugh at me now * blushing *
Inuyasha : Why would i laugh at you.... * hanging from a tree by his feet *
Shippo: Sorry kagome but im gonna go bye! * runs away *
Kagome : No dont leave me with him!
Inuyasha: Im sorry Kagome.... i didnt want to hurt you but i had no choice like i said kikyo died for me the only way i could truly repay her was with my life.
Kagome: O well you can hvae her u read the note so you know whats will happen tomarrow! >.< ( jeeze i really dont like koga i hope inu will defend me )
Inuyasha: About that... i dont want you to marry him Kagome! he he is such a .... a loser!
Kagome: And what are you prince charming?? You left us all not even to tell me where you were going! I mean i got the fact u wanted to be with kikyo i could handle it but then u ditched me!
Inuyasha: But i said sorry.... i cant change what i did but please dont marry him... tell him no.... please Kagome....
Kagome: Why should I!
Inuyasha: Because..... I... Love You Kagome i havent stoped thinking of you since i left i kept this photo of you in my hand since you gave me it.....
Kagome: * tears begining to flow *
Im sorry Inuaysha * Runs and hugs him*
Inuyasha: O.O * hugs her back
Kagome: * throws him on the floor * look out!!
Inuyasha: WTH!
Kikyo: Inuyasha what are you doing!?!?
Inuyasha: Kikyo im sorry but i love her.
Kikyo: No sorrys dog boy! * shoot an arrow at him *
Kagome: Blocks it and takes it in the back . * fire in her eyes *
You stupid son of a bitch ive waited a long time for this one sweetie....* shoots arrow right through kikyos heart*
Inuyasha: Kikyo... (kagome just woah.... for me.... kikyo...)
Kagome: Are you ok...? Im sorry about Kikyo the bitch pissed me off. You arent the only jealous person in this world * weird smile*
Inuyasha: Come on we gotta get shippo...and the others then i kick kogas ass.
Kagome: K!
Ok maybe i wont finish today lol but heh Kikyo is dead.... i never liked her though lol... ne way sorry i didnt finish but i gotta go to the movies now lol... so tomarrow ill try and end it
<3 Nikore
Hello ^.^ wel something odd has just occoured... is that how u spell it i dunno but ne way! Someone who had me blacked due to various reasons on my main sn just appeared once again right but what i dont get is how the persons sn isnt showing on a sn that i didnt tell to ne one exept for theotaku members seeing is all myO friends sns are on it n all ..... im confuzzled >.< o well.
Kagome confesses !
* Shippo returned, he and kagome venture to find Inuyasha*
Kagome: Thank you for coming Shippo. i really appreciate it.
Shippo: no problem ^.^
Kagome: I dont know if i can see him again Shippo we havent seen eachother for a week and after i saw him with Kikyo... i cant do it..... * anime tear*
Shippo: well if you cant talk to him at least tell him to sit a lil bit... its funny *giggle*
Kagome: thats it! ill apo;ogize for all the sits and remove his necklace then ill slip a note into the shith of his sword... ohh thanks Shippo!
Shippo: Ok... ( What did i do?!?)
Kagome: Look souls... with means Kikyo is near which means he must be close. * trips * woah i didnt mean that close. * rubs head *
Inuyasha: what the hell can i guy sleep around here * not fully awake dosnt realize who it is that woke him *
Kagome: Since when do you sleep on the floor... ( my ass is killing me)
Shippo: how ya been buthole!
Kagome: Shippo Be Nice! Hi...Inuyasha *:-\*
Inuyasha: (o shit i still have her picture in my hand....) What are you doing here i thought i said i dont want to see you anymore.
Kagome: well im coming to relive you af a small problem. * goes to take off the necklace binding him to the sit command*
Inuyasha: What are you doing leave it alone!
Kagome: But why would you want it any time i say "the word" youll come crrashing to the floor.
Inuyasha: I know but... its all i have left as memory of you.
Kagome: Dont be stupid! you dont need it now take it off! * pulls at the necklace*
Inuyasha: NO! *jumps into a tree* Now tell me why your really here i know you dont need my necklace.
Kagome: you are such a jeck ya noe what u want it so bad SIT BOY!
Inuyasha: Ahh * face is nowin the foor* dammit why didnt i just give you the dam thing.
Kagome: Shippo come on * walks away *
Shippo : *Still by inuyasha* Ill Catch up in a few Kagome...... Inuyasha you really are as dum as i thought you were are you that blind to another persos feelings. Why would she want to get rid of all attachment to you. She is Obviously hurting but what would you know. 2 timer.
Inuyasha: Shut up you know nothing about me kid. Do you see Kikyo anywhere?? She left with Onigumo's sprit... she tryed to kill me again.... she wanst even possesed it was of her own free will..... * tear*
Shippo: Dont expect me to pitty you... you left us all behind to be with a dead woman!. You want to know why she came she was going to finnaly tell you how she felt but was to afriad to hear the results so she made up some sob story so i can slip this note into your shith.
*hand Inu the note and leaves*
Inuyasha: Opens the peice of paper.
Dear Inuyasha,
I know you dont love me but i cant help but love you with each passing day i couldnt help but love you more which made the pain even worse than before. I dream of you every night and the images of you and kikyo still stay fresh in my head... if i knew it would hurt so bad i wish i would never have removed the arrow from your heart... Im sorry for everything ive done... for all the injurys i caused you during our jouneys together... im glad to see you kept my picture... i can hold on to that thought for a while... i put a chip of a jew shard on the back of it... which is what i used to find you ..... koga came by the other day im taking him up on his offer to be his bride im answering him tomarrow at dawn.... i hope you'll visit me one day...
KOGA! she is going to marry koga what the hell ! but she didnt like him...... I have to tell her i stil care she cant marry him!
Ill finish it tomarrow!
<3 Nikore
Ahh cute story!! ps WHO DELETED ONE OF MY GB ENTRYS! What FF7: Advent Children Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
he he sephiroth is hot... didnt know i was evil though... i mean sure i am quite mean most of the time and can be a bully to alot of ppl but im not all evil..... what the hell guess i am he he he what shall i do.... *kills sister* oops caught up in the moment .... Ha ha
ooooh i thought of a cute story line look
Kagome <3 Inuyasha <3 Kikyo
Kagome: (Inuyasha... i acept the fact u love Kikyo and all but i cant help wanting to stay with you....)I cant belive i told him that.. i wish he didnt love her so much or id kill her the stupid B****.
Shippo: Whats that Kagome were you saying something?
Kagome: O.O no no i was talking to myself is all. *phew*
Inuyasha: * looking at a picture of Kagome which she had given him a while ago * Im sorry Kagome.....
Sango: I cant belive he left us... that stupid man...
Miroku: Kikyo made him its not his fault... well it sort of is ... considering she is dead and he left us to fend for ourselves.....
Miroku, Sango & Shippo: O.O ...Ok
* kagome walks off *
Sango: I cant belive he left her like this.... after all he said to her he left her for a dead girl.
Miroku: That must really make it even harder knowing he picked a dead chick over her.....
Shippo: Im gonna go follow her!
*shippo catches up with kagome *
Kagome: Hey! * wiping a tear from her eyes*
Shippo: Kagome im sorry for what that jerk did to you... if you ask me u should tell him how you feel im sure he'd appreciate it...
Kagome: ( maybe..i should...)
Your right ill be back in a few days ok!
Shippo: wait im comming ill tell the others and il be back stay here!
Kagome: Ok...
And ill contiue tomarrow! Its gonna be a juicy battle!... ^.^
cut my hair...
i cut my hair today its short.... im dying it black later so im goin from a brown and green haired girl to a black haired girl ^.^ woot
o well im watching the incredibles now funny movie ^.^ o wells back to la television >.<
<3 nikore Comments (3) |
Friday, March 18, 2005
Naratu - 1 vote
Yuki Sohma - 3 votes
Satoshi Hitwari - 1 vote
Krad - 1 vote
Kyo - 1 vote
Sephiroth - 1 vote
Joey Wheeler - 1 vote
Sasuke - 1 vote
Alphonse Elrick - 1 vote
Inuyasha - 1 vote
Scar - 1 vote
Purple Hair Guy - PeaceMaker - 1 vote
Arima - 1 vote
Aion - 1 vote
Edward Elrick - 1 vote
Riku - 1 vote
Sango - 1 vote
Mai - 1 vote
Ok now as you can see Yuki and Inuyasha are in the lead for the guys and Mai and Sango are in the lead for the girls seeing is they are the only ones there... so basically we need more girls in the competition. So now im making it the most powerful girls or sexy girls for u all cause it wouldnt be a fair compition if it were a win by default and now you should begin to make votes on the male contestants! so i can narrow it to the top 5.... i hope i can have the top 5 in each catagory by the end of spring break... which is the 28 for me... id like to have the poll made by the 31... Thanks
Lots of love to ya all.
<33 Nikore
if you go here u can find out the truth about inuyasha's father and the name confusion. Comments (2) |
Thursday, March 17, 2005
happy st.patricks day!
I hope everyone had a beer filled day lol jk i wish though... alcohol seems to wash the lonlyness away.... JK! ahh im delerious too tired... but yeah beer is good and not joking ... but not in the mood today so i didnt go to my friends house like planned... rather sad i dont know why... i drew a awesome picture of a heart like you see on the cover of one of "The Used" cd's ... it was awesome then i taped it to a picture of inuyasha and kagome and it looks so perfect... i wish i were kagome... having inuyasha to be there for me forever. lol futurama is on! lol so funny >^.^<
hello all
getting a lil off the subject of my poll ( yes its still going on so vote/ submit!)
today was interesting.. im just sitting home playing with my kitty's ^.^ they are cute. thats blue thats tigger they are so photogenic lol plus i have a fishy ! its a blue beta which i call Sesshomaru since betas tend to kill their oponents (hence japanese fighting fish) and sesshomaru means perfect killer get it yea ok! he looks like this... i love him!
my lil site has one in red she called inuyasha since he has his sexy red outfit ^.^ o well how is everyone?? im a lil hyper ahh so tired i only want to sleep these days.
ehh im "writing" a fan fic on inuyasha... its like kagome is gone for a while comes back to the feudal era to saty but have to find miroku and turns out him and sango have 6 kids all named after a main character. and thats all i have so far really 3 chapters 5 pages of loose leaf front and back.... i get board in class lol hey im a A and B student im alowed to slack off.
o well im gonna go i added another contestant to the last post so check it out.
<3 nikore Comments (1) |
Just updating the poll info
I have nothing to talk abou t today so ill just wallow in misery as i put th results SO FAR for my poll
Yuki - Fruits Basket - 3 votes
Kyo Sohma - Fruits Basket - 1 vote
Inuyasha - Inuyasha - 2 votes
Sesshomaru - Inuyasha - 1 vote
Aion - Chrono Crusade - 1 vote
Scar - Full Metal Alchemist -1 vote
Al - Full Metal Alchemist - 1 vote
Satoshi Hiwatari - DNA - 1 vote
Krad - DNA - 1 vote
Sasuke - Naruto - 1 vote
Arima - Kare Kano - 1 vote
Sepherioth - FF7 - 1 vote
Joey Wheeler - Yu-Gi-Oh - 1 vote
Mai - Yu-gi-oh- 1 vote Comments (4) |
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
WE have quite a few entrys fo far!
Yuki - Fruits Basket - 3 votes
Kyo Sohma - Fruits Basket - 1 vote
Inuyasha - Inuyasha - 2 votes
Sesshomaru - Inuyasha - 1 vote
Aion - Chrono Crusade - 1 vote
Scar - Full Metal Alchemist -1 vote
Al - Full Metal Alchemist - 1 vote
Satoshi Hiwatari - DNA - 1 vote
Krad - DNA - 1 vote
Sasuke - Naruto - 1 vote
Arima - Kare Kano - 1 vote
Sepherioth - FF7 - 1 vote
Joey Wheeler - Yu-Gi-Oh - 1 vote
Sango - Inuyasha - 1 vote
Comon people we need some more girl votes!
o well i guess ill ttul keep submitting or if ud like vote for someone whos already here! Comments (1) |
Monday, March 14, 2005
La La La
Im so bored i could die i think im going to start a poll.
I will allow people till the 31 to come up with 10 finalists i want 5 girl characters and 5 guy characters. I hope you all participae and if u dont mind make this poll known on your site's please!
o well any ways if u want to enter someone into the poll please send me a PM. I look foward to your responces. i should have the top 5's in each category by the time stated above then the real action begins !