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myOtaku.com: xXxNikore19xXx

Thursday, March 31, 2005

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* drum roll *

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and the girls winner is....
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Yay lets here it for all our winners!!! woo hoo!
lol thank you all for voting
Inuyasha 6 votes
Yuki 4 votes
Sesshy and Kyo 3 votes

Sango 3 votes

Inuyahsa: I won really??
Nikore: Of course why would i have made a first place prize for you??
Inuyasha: -.-
Sesshomaru: Once again you come out on top little brother * grabs sword*
Nikore: Stop it guys!!
Kagome: I didnt even get entered... '.' *wah*
Sango: I won first prize YAY!! ^.^ ohh sorry Kagome * runs off to Miroku* I won woot woot
Miroku: *rubs her butt* of course you did ^.^
Sango: Slap
Yuki: Second Place O.O but i ALWAYS get first!! >.< im so ugly wahhhh
Kyo: 3rd isnt to bad ....
Nikore: finally someone who dosent care what prize they got ^_^
Say Inuyasha wouold you like me to gwt you some Ice-Cream??
Inuyasha: Sure! * follows me *
Nikore* slams him into the wall* your soooo hott! * kissing*
Inuyasha: O really? * kisses back *
Kagome: Sit Boy!
Nikore: WTH i finnaly got somewhere with him and you make him fall!
Kagome: He is mine u hussy!
Nikore: Now youve done it! Mega Ultra Ball of Destruction!! * a huge cloud forms and kills kagome instantly.
Inuyasha: Now where were we....

camera phases out and then zoms in on a mind controll device i put on Inuyasha's neck
Nikore: Muah ha ha
Everyone else: what was that boom? OMG kagome!
Nikore: poor thing died so fast...
Everyone: Gets ready to fight
Nikore: Shoots em all in the head exept for Sesshy since he dosent care.
Sesshomaru: Good job * grabs my hand.
Nikore: come on boys!
Inuyasha and Sesshy: * grabs a arm *
* we stroll off to the park *
The End

ahh i love fantasys!!

Nikore <34567

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