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Saturday, March 5, 2005
Oh shoot
I'm running out of stuff to say. I liked updating everyday. Ahhh >>; |
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Friday, March 4, 2005
Being sick is no fun
I was miserable all day yesterday and most of this morning. I've been up since like 4 am. I'm feeling a little better now though. Well enough to see what's going on on myO. I'm afraid I'm beginning to make some people quite tired of me. I'm really sorry if I am. I don't mean to make people mad, I just have an annoying personality.
My stupid DVD player is being evil. >>; It's so cheesy, I've spent like 5 minutes trying to get it to play something. >_> |
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
I'm sick. The inside of my chest hurts, my back hurts, my nose has been switching between really stuffy and really runny all day, and I have chills. Enough of that though. We went out for Italian food today, that was really good at least. Other than that I'm just thinking about how to tackle the spyware on my computer. There's this one called TOPicks that I simply cannot delete and it comes with like 40 tracking cookies, so I'm sure I'm keylogged and lots of people know every last thing I type. I also found something called Chatango Message Catcher, and I really really hope that isn't somebody getting all of my IM conversations. Oh well, I need rest, I feel like crap. Good day everyone. |
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Wow this sucks...
I was just watching Napoleon Dynamite a couple of days ago and I realized, Napoleon got a girl to go to a dance with him, and I've like never had a date in my life. Which I guess would mean

that guy ^ must just be cooler than me or something. Oh my god ;_;
There's my last couple of days in a nutshell... |
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Monday, February 28, 2005
I had something to post but then I forgot what it was so I'll just post a song for today until I remember it
New Found Glory - "Dressed To Kill"
I know it's hard for you
To understand what i'm going through
But now I sit here to remind myself
You're always dressed to kill
And you feel like you owe it to the world
But you owe it to yourself
And you're, you're not here
And I can't stop pretending
That you're forever mine...
And I
I can't dream anymore since you left
I miss you singing me to sleep
I can't wake anymore in your arms
I miss you singing me to sleep
Cheer up my friends all say
You're better alone anyways
But you're always on tour
And you're never home
I'm always dressed to kill
And I feel like I owe it to the world
But I owe it to myself
And you're, you're not here
And I can't stop pretending
That you're forever mine...
And I
I can't dream anymore since you left
I miss you singing me to sleep
I can't wake anymore in your arms
I miss you singing me to sleep
Cheer up my friends all say...
And I can't stop pretending
That you're forever mine
You're better alone anyway
And you're not here, not here
I can't dream anymore since you left
I miss you singing me to sleep
I can't wake anymore in your arms
I miss you singing me to sleep
Cheer up my friends all say... |
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
Why doesn't this #XXXXXX thing work for me
I cannot get it to work, and it's really making me mad. Plus, my bg only shows up like 20% of the time. >>; My site could look a little messed up until I figure out what I'm doing.
Well, I was gonna go to the movies by myself last night but I bought two CDs yesterday and only had four cents left over, so I guess not. >>;
Anyway, I've really been working at Wind Waker lately and I finally beat it yesterday. That was such a good game. Man that was a weird ending though, yet really cool. Now I gotta try the harder playthrough. ^^' |
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Not much has been going on, as usual. I just got my high blue belt in karate last night. Cool. I think that's the last one I'll be getting since I've been wanting to quit karate for the past month or so. One of my instructors really doesn't want me to quit, but I really can't do it anymore. I just never feel up to it. I figure I'll keep doing it until (or if) we actually move, then I'll stop. That is if rich little #$@&!s don't keep driving around in their Jaguars and Hummers making bids on their second house crushing everyone elses hopes just because they have enough money to.
I'm sorry, I truly am. I hate complaining all the time. It makes me feel like an inconvenience to everybody. I tried to just make up something cheery to add onto the end of this post, but I couldn't. If you don't like hearing an extremely depressed guy vent and rant in over 80% of his posts, this is not the blog for you. So please don't yell at me. |
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Well, I knew the house sounded too good to be true. Everyone else was being quite optimistic about getting that house, and I even was at first, but then I was just waiting for something to go wrong, and that's just what happened. Right after we put our highest possible bid in on the house, someone put in a higher bid and the owner accepted it. There was another house we were looking at before, just not as great. We'll see what happens I guess... |
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Hmmm well...
Yesterday my parents went to go look at a house we were gonna look into buying, then they found one way better for only $5000 more. They put a bid on that one this morning and nobody else has really been bidding on it. For the price, it seriously seems to good to be true, everyone is excited but I'm just waiting for something to go wrong. There are two marble bathrooms, five bedrooms all medium or large sized with nice hardwood floors and skylights in a few of them, a nice sized yard, no really close neighbors, a detached garage with a big upper loft, a fireplace, and the whole house is in really nice condition except for the kitchen which is terrible. But hey that's a pretty sweet deal considering the whole thing is like $280,000 and we were just looking at one not nearly as cool for $275,000. Plus the kitchen will get fixed up soon, it's somewhat high on the priority list. My dad wants to remodel the whole thing and put in one of those brick pizza ovens. ^^' I have no idea if he'll actually do that but he wants to, he was really excited after he put the bid in so it was probably just the adrenaline. So like I said, this is too good to be true and I'm waiting for myself to wake up. I really don't want to wake up though.
I tell ya, with how rotten people have been to me (the residents and the staff themselves) ever since I moved into this apartment. I really want to go out with a bang somehow. I don't know how, but I will. These are my last days here and I'll make these people sorry. The evil music blaring woman directly below me has been playing as loud as ever, I put my ear to the floor and could clearly hear the music, it was Evanescence. I used to try as hard as I could not to drop my practice weapons or make a lot of noise when practicing karate so as not to disturb her, but eh, I don't really care anymore. She never cared about me, and she also parks in the handicap parking spot (without a handicap tag mind you) when the front row is full because she's too lazy to walk across the parking lot. I've come to the conclusion that the staff doesn't care if anyone breaks any rules unless we break them. I really am going to severely injure the next gangster(s) who attack me as well. Two years of being harrassed is long enough, I will leave my mark with them. And it will be on their foreheads, in the shape of my fist. |
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Not much going on...
Sorry I haven't really posted anything much lately. I've had a boring weekend as usual, actually the whole week was boring... again. There's not much to tell. I'm moving soon, the new house is about an 60-80 minutes away I guess. I haven't seen it yet, but I heard it's not in that great of shape. I grew up in that area, so it would be nice to be able to see my friends at church again, but I've been there a few times recently and just about everyone there has forgotten about me it seems, which feels worse than not having seen them in three years. Oh well.
I'm moving in mid April I think. New Found Glory is coming to my city on April Fools Day, so I'd really like to go see them before I go since that'll probably be my only chance in my life (for a long time at least). I wish I could write music, I wonder where I'd be if I still bothered playing guitar. I'd still play all the time if I could actually write music.
I want to kill the gangsters that have been giving me a really hard time around here. And I mean literally kill, but I probably won't. I've truly had it. In fact I probably will kill the next person who tries to steal my money again. If I do, I obviously won't be updating for awhile...
It's really about time I changed my avvie... |
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