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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/25/04:
Huh? How did I get *that?* o_O I don't even have a love...
 I fear love..and lost love!
You fear your other will
be lost, or die. You attach yourself to them so thoroughly, you break down when they leave, breaking everyone who's close to you down too.
What's your Worst Fear? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/23/04:
I got Sanosuke, go figure... *roll eyes*
Result Posted on 09/23/04:
Result Posted on 09/15/04:
I didn't like the results for Yahiko so I put Yahiko-kun. These are cool, except for the cat ears and tail though ">_<"
Result Posted on 09/15/04:
Goodness, I'm not giving out very good vibes with all of these quiz results, am I? I won't disagree too much with this one though.
 Gold! You have golden eyes. You tend to be quite distant, and may come off as depressed. In truth, you are, but once people get to know you, a smile or a laugh breaks through your emotion barrier every now and then!
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 09/15/04:
*ROFL* This is definitely the most innacurate quiz result I've ever gotten.
 You're A Bishounen (Attractive Young Male)!
You hunk, you. All the girls want your body! You have a cool car, and a way with words. You know exactly how to get what you want.
What Type Of Anime Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/15/04:
I have no idea who Belldandy is, but she seems kinda nice I guess. Ehh...
Result Posted on 09/14/04:
Yeah, that's sounds right.
Result Posted on 09/14/04:
Hmm... Cool! ^_^ *shrug*
Result Posted on 09/14/04:
Sounds about right I guess. In real life sparring, I'm way too overly hesitant to attack, but in Smash Bros I'm dangerous :P
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