You are a Inu Youkai/Hanyou! now go chase a Neko
Youkai/Hanyou! ^_^ Youkai-Inu Youkai are
loners, queit, and serious. They can be nice
when they want to however. Their element is
fire and no one really knows what they eat. O_o
Why so sad? Cheer up! ^_^ Example-Sesshoumaru
(Inu-Yasha) Hanyou-Inu Hanyou are cheerful,
loving, and hyper. Their element is water, and
they eat steak, ramen and patato chips. Go
fecth! ^_^ Example-Inu-Yasha (Inu-Yasha)
What Breed of Youkai/Hanyou are you? Part 1 brought to you by Quizilla