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myOtaku.com: Yami Neko

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Sailor Otaku (09/23/04)

Hi! I've been looking at your fanart. Never came by though... sorry for not stopping by sooner. Your lastest art is really neat.

You seem really cool. Adding you as a friend.

Yugi talking in your intro is really awesome. How did you do it?

See ya around!

Tadashi (09/19/04)

Woot!!! What an awsome little yugi thingymabobber. Well see you later :3

lizzie2009 (09/16/04)

Nice site, nice art, thats all i got to say....

rachiexXx (09/07/04)

OMG! I adore you avatar - Jou-chan is soo the best! I love the background here, and I was so amazed at your Yuugi intro! How did you do that?! (Or is it a trick of the trade?!) I'm gonna add you as a friend if that is okies with you?
See you around!
Ja ne!

Blue Hawk (08/30/04)

Greetings Yami Neko!

I love your site!!! It's simple and unique!!!
I especially love your gif!!! It's awesome!!!

Enjoy your stay here in myO and take care!
I'll visit as often as I could

~Blue Hawk

mega-matt (08/29/04)

Thanks For signing my GB I'll add you as a friend too. cool site by the way.ttyl

Kisara (08/27/04)

Hey,I love your site. So pretty and calming oO;; Cute intro too ^^ Hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend!

AmberEyes (08/11/04)

My, my, my! A lot of peoples have signed your guestbook, Neko... Let's see... "I like your pics"... "Great greetings"... "Make more Malik ones".... *reads list*
Interesting... Take their advice! Post your "What Yami Bakura and Malik Think of Yaoi" manga! Or draw more Malik-kun! Or both! You must listen to the peoples' demands! They want Malik? Give 'em Malik!
Sock it to 'em! As Joey-puppy would say. I'm making more Malik pics, do the same, Neko! I'll sic Mokie on you if you don't post the manga. You know, "F.... F.... F...."? *laughs*
Seriously. I really luv your opening pic. Kura's got a ponytail! I'll shut up. Later!!

fluffyfan (08/11/04)

cool site. i love your enter sign.

animegirl4ever (08/03/04)

Like your site!^__^ I added you as a friend^__^

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