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• YamiSeto7
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• 1988-08-14
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Member Since
• 2004-07-04
• student
Real Name
• Calla-san
• Already done with one year of college
Anime Fan Since
• ugh, I'm not sure really... so long ago it was...
Favorite Anime
• Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Bleach....
• to (finish and) publish my books aka stories, etc. and I now have a publisher ^-^ now I just and to finish my book!
• Drawing, writing, reading, Dueling, collecting, ect...
• Dueling, singing, Writing, helping my friends.
Monday, September 20, 2004
mmmm thought I might try my luck at the contest thing ^-^
We live in a world that is completely organized yet is so much controlled by other things that it doesn�t matter what we think anymore. All human emotions are based upon the things we see and feel. If we grew up apart from everyone else would we even know what any of it meant?
If one can be as one has always wanted than how would the world go on? To get everything one can ever want would change everything we�ve ever been taught. In the processes of life humans have become almost robot like. We follow the rules of everyday life. Sleeping, eating, being� it has all become like a ritual we do. From the moment we enter this world we are told to follow the rules. Our minds have become adjusted to this system. Therefore, knowing nothing else, we are powerless to do anything else.
It is the human�s unjust way to ask why. The patterns of life we all must go through means nothing. If I didn�t know any better I would say we are all robots. Each and every one of us is brought up in a different way. In the way we are taught depends on the way we act. Kinda like a preprogramming for life. I even feel myself falling into the pattern of daily life. Playing the parts I was taught. Being who they expect me to be. Oh it sickens me so.
Going to school everyday forces me to interact with other people. By this time in life they rate you on how you�ve behaved in the past and expect you not to change. I remember talking with an old friend and laughing about something we did so long ago. I felt so detached from myself. It was like my very soul was just watching this person play out my life. I had control to change it but I couldn�t bring myself to. They expect me to be happy and so, I am happy.
I find it humorous when different people from different clicks are forced to interact in the classroom. Preps, hicks, Goths, jocks, outcasts, geeks, etc. They were brought up that way and thusly act so. Playing out to the many fights that rise up between them. It is but a play and one I rather dislike.
Writers and people of their status have found a way around the system. You can be as open as you want in what you write, well almost. But it does get you away from the norm. Without the distractions and plays going around you can finally be yourself.
When those that lose the capability to imagine up a simple story forget what it is to be a child, to be innocent. Though we may never truly be able to return to that state we can at least remember it. Depression is a strong enemy among people. They become like that because they forget, or try to hard to be, innocent. I�m not saying its healthy to forget reality but a return trip every now and then is better to your mind than facing the cold world everyday with no where else to go.
Life, we need to remember what it stands for. Stop acting and be real. If everyone acts what, truly, is the meaning to life? If it is all fake anyway what�s so wrong with being an imaginative again? Rules are meant to be broken and answers meant to be found. So why are we going no where? Reality is what we make of it. Or is it?
~Kara~ |
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