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myOtaku.com: yami seto

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

um... yeah here is today as is tomorrow? -_- oh just shut up franklin!

Ha ha -_-;; no this is not something interesting, do not read furthur, I repeat do not read furthur!!

(I�m drinking chocolate milk if your interested)

Ok fine don�t listen to me -_-; I�ll just tell you about the christmas party for the place I work at was.

Oh now you become uninterested well fine! I didn�t want to tell you anyway!

Well actually I did so I�m going to. So shut up and sit down!

We went and I kinda felt left out since I was the noobie and everything. But once we got into it it was so much fun! We put numbers on the gifts everyone brought. Then drew for them. As we opened the gift that had our the number we drew on it we could either open it or trade it to someone. Heh I got a puzzle pack after many losses of other stuff -_- But puzzles are cool. I can�t wait to put them together ^^

The we got into tables and played bango (is that right? I think that�s right) and I got 3 but didn�t win anything -_- was still fun though got 3rd ^-^

Then we went home. But they gave us cool shirts and goodie bags. It was so much fun. I can�t wait until next year ^^ lol theres a new years eve party too. I want to go to that but I don�t know if I�m going to be able to.

Well that was my day erm yesterday. I�ll work on a little something for later today. ~_~ I promise to get to all your sites. I�ve just been so lacky latly

Much love and hugs and all else I can give you


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