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myOtaku.com: yami seto

Wednesday, February 9, 2005

this end is mine but only part of the end of everyone

Look at my endless tears,
My weeping heart and soul.
Listen to my breaking will,
My shaking skin that feels.

Shattered is myself,
With no end to this.
My turmoil never ending,
Neither is this.

Confusion is as I deem it.
I use it far too much.
I ache with knowing�
Understanding as it is this.

This thing I urn for,
This life I feel.
Is just my death,

~ ~ ~

I will not cry anymore. I am beyond angry. I have never been this mad at anyone person in my life. I�m so mad my stomach and back hurts with every breath I take. I shook so bad I couldn�t think. I just ran down to the basement and into the bathroom. My father told me that if I ever want to keep my Duel Monsters card I better make a good grade on my physics test or he�ll burn all my cards. BURN them in a barrel out back. I bought each and every one of them. If he so much as touches them I�ll sue him for stealing because I bought them with my own hard-earned money. I couldn�t think I was just to white hot with anger. Without even thinking I opened my cabinet mirror thing and grabbed my razor from the top shelf. In a quick motion I made six quick slashes down my arm. With my blood oozing down my arm and the shooting pain up and down my body I felt so much better but my gut was still in so much pain. I went to bed and dreamed of dying. After I received the score back on my test I�ve been nothing but empty. I made a bad grade. I swear here and now if my father does burn my cards I will KILL myself because they are my only comfort in the world now. I sort and put them in order to calm myself when I feel like cutting myself, like I did last night. But how good it felt. So you�ll know that if I never update again I went through with it and my father is to blame for my death. I will NOT allow him to rule my life. I HATE him with ever ounce of my being. May he ROT in the hell he has caused for all eternity.

Good Bye!
Calla J H

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