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Saturday, March 18, 2006

   Ok, well it��s Saturday. ........
I��m at my Grandma��s house right now so that��s why I didn��t get to sites. We didn��tmaek lasagna or cake, but I did make apple crisp. It was really good. The plan for today it to do whatever until I go home. I may go to a party afterwards for my friend christins��d b-day. It��s going to the movie, but I have a feeling it��d rated R. I��m not going to watch THAT thriller! O_O ��sides, my dad probably wouldn��t let me. But anyway�K on to the story! And trust me, it does get better! (and thanks to those you voted on my last poll. 2/3 were positive. Yay! You you��re lost, I could help�K�KOr give me tops on making my story better�K�K..)


A couple days passed since Bakura��s attack. Atem sat in his room looking out the
window. He was resting and thinking again about everything. He fell back on his
bed and closed his eyes. A few minutes later he thought he heard something. Atem
ignored it until he heard it again. Like something near moving around. Atem
opened his eyes just a little. Suddenly Mana popped her head into view. Atem
jumped a little. ��Mana! You scared me!�� Atem stated. Mana gave a little giggle
and said,
��Sorry. I��m just checking on ya!�� After a bit of talking, Mana brought
up the subject of what happen a few days ago. ��Hey.�� She said. ��Did you know
about a girl found in the rubble? There were no even rocks around her. It was
weird. It��s what Mahad told me and Shada and Seto told him.�� Atem was a little
��A girl? Where is she now?��
��She��s in a resting room. She was just starting to wake up when I passed
by... You haven��t been up too much. It��s probably why you don��t know.�� Mana
answered. Atem stood and started walking towards the door.
��I��ll go see her. I have some things I want to ask about what happened.��
Mana called out in a singy-songy voice,
��Shada��s idea!��

Atem, lead by Mana, walked down the halls to a resting area to the girl��s room.
The girl was sitting on the bed staring off into space. ��Hey there,�� Mana said
nicely. The girl turned and smiled at the words, but none for herself to say.
Mana continued, ��Can I come in?�� The girl nodded,
��Yes, you may.�� she spoke quietly. Atem and Mana both entered the room.
The girl asked, ��Can you tell me where I am?�� Atem answered,
��You��re at the palace.�� The girl stuttered
��T-The palace? Wow.... �� Mana nodded. After a few minutes of the girl
being awed of where she was, Mana spoke again.
��My name is Mana, and this is Atem.�� Atem smiled,
��Hello.�� The girl smiled back.
��Hello........ My name is......Anika.�� She said softly. ��The Prince is
here? Wow again! He seems really nice, as I thought he��d be. And I get to meet
him!�� Anika thought, and still remained calm.
��Oh....I like that name.�� Mana started, ��So did you ever--��
��Mana?�� She was cut off and she sighed.
��Hey Mahad!�� She said like she wasn��t skipping her lessons. ��What��s up?��
Mahad shook his head.
��You can��t be late.�� he said. Mana sighed.
��Nice meeting you Anika. I��ll be back after my magic lesson if you
want.�� Anika smiled.
��Sure.�� Atem nodded to Mana as she left. He sat by the bed.
��Hey.�� he said. Anika was a little nervous.
��Hey�� She echoed. Atem kinda just started.
��Are you doing ok?�� Anika answered,
��Yes, I��m fine.... I know where I am, now. But how did I get here?�� Atem
��Mana told me that Priest Seto brought you here after.......�� he trailed
off. Anika was a little hesitant.
��After......what?�� she asked. Atem sighed heavily.
��.....After......Bakura.....destroyed your village......�� Anika gave a
small gasp as she went into a flashback.

whadda think? Ok. Trivia. While I think about that I��d like to congratulate YamiLover03 for getting it right! Yami Yugi sacrificed King��s Knight, Queen��s Knight, and Jack��s Knight to summon Slifer. *confetti goes everywhere* that was a cool epi. So any�K.new trivia. Um�K ok. I got one!

In the first episode of the DOOM saga, what card did Yami use when he wanted to get the seal of Orichalcos (sp) off the field? (Ya know�K the dude with the cloak and eye piece�K.. thing) ^_^;;

And I feel like asking another question�K. Hmmm�K..
What character from, let��s go with YGO again, is the MOST ANNOYING? And if it��s Tea, who��s the second?

(muwhahahaha1 I��m confusing them and making them think more yea!) O_o anyway, I��d better be going. This post is long enough! ^_~

~*~Yamis Pharaohess~*~

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Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick��s Day!
Who didn��t wear green today? *smirk* I did. I wore the shirt I thought I couldn��t. =P anyway, nothing really happened to me. I got pinched by Stephi for no reason. So I pinched her back, and she had no green on. I asked people ��Where��s your green today?�� and they would answer, ��I��m not Irish.��
Yami: So..... People think on St. Patrick��s day, If you wear green you��re Irish?
Me: Dunno. But that��s beside the point. Nothing happened today except for 3 things. And I��ll make it short. I beat my record for going around the basement in gym1 It��s now 54.56 seconds.
Yami: Whoo!
Me: ^^ And I got a pass to the guidance office today in gym too. I had no idea what it was for I thought I was in trouble. ��I DIDN��T DO IT!�� It was actually nothing. They just told me that I couldn��t take Driver��s Ed. this year. I t was full. No biggie......And last thing to talk about: today at lunch, Andrew saw me and ran up to me waving his arms saying, ��WABBA WABBA WABBA!�� o_O I told him he was crazy, but he was trying to do my imitation on Pac-Man from our conversation yesterday.
Yami: Kind of a weird way to greet someone...... At lunch....
Me: *imitates Pac-man* Sorry, I��m having fun. AND speaking of fun, I��m going over to my grandma��s house today and we��re going to make lasagna and cake. I also have the recipes for Apple crisp, pizza, and stir-fry.
Yami: Yum....................... We could make pizza tomorrow, maybe. And a movie. And popcorn. And............. I don��t know. DDR!
Me: *shrugs* uh, ok! I��m sleeping over at my gramma��s, but don��t think that means I won��t post my story. I��m e-mailing it to myself, HA! And if you think it��s getting boring, just wait, it does get better! ^___^ and the poll above closes a little later. Vote now or else! I��ll......pinch you! (must stay with today! heehee) Well, I better get ready. I��m getting picked up soon. And one last thing: Things don��t work out with me. The sleep over with Lisa and Sel is once again canceled. Lisa is busy this weekend. Next weekend...? maybe.
Yami: It��ll work out sooner or later.
Me: Let��s hope!

~*Yami and KIBOU!*~

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OMG! YU-GI-OH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

   Weird events with a few weird side effects
HEY EVERYBODY! Well, I��m up and hyper as usual. It��s what I call ��normal��. And thanks for the comments yesterday guys! *contains herself from spinning in the chair* I��m eating thin mints so...I��m a little on the hyper side. ^^��
Yami: a little?
Me: Yeah........ Ok, maybe a lot. Heh heh. Yesterday was fine. I little tired, but mainly fine. After gym, nothing too special happened. I got some pictures done in Photo class, and I learned that I got a B on my test! Yay! Plus a bunch of stuff about calories. *nod nod* Note the subject. *points to it* This is what happened today. Gym class. Good news: I beat my record for running around the basement by 5.5 seconds. Bad news: The stich I had yesterday returned. Ah, whatever. Didn��t bother me that much. I didn��t think it could get worse.
Yami: Stubborn and thick-headed as usual.
Me: Well..... I..... anyway....... ^_~ We played touch football again So I was running a lot again.Got very tired. Man, I wanted to pass out! But I kept playing. It hurt, because of the stich. But I did get a few touchdowns. The team I was on wasn��t very good. A lot of people walking around. I kept thinking, ��I should rest. I have to rest.�� Then ��No! I can��t rest! I have a game to play!�� So afterwards, I was really tired & a little delusional. I went into math class and this girl Kendra went on top of a desk and said, ��I officially declare tomorrow St. Patrick��s Day!�� I said, ��Wait. I bought a cool shirt to wear to school on St. Pat��s day, I bought it for school, and I won��t be able to wear it to school because it��ll be Saturday! What a waste of 5 dollars!!�� Everyone (about 6 people) were looking at me and Stephi said, ��Today is Thursday.�� I fell backwards across 2 desks and called out, ��I knew that! I completely knew that!��
Yami: *trying really hard not to laugh really hard*
Me: Hey, anyone can laugh. I thought it was hilarious. And afterwards I almost fell asleep in class. There��s something I haven��t done before!
Yami: Very close to sleeping. Right on the edge.
Me: it was weird because I could feel myself drifting in and out of sleep. Weird! And something else was weird today. The last � hour od Science. The girl who sits behind me was talking about me and the guy sitting next to her getting together. O_o Ok.............. this post is getting real long to I��ll make this short. She kept saying stuff like, ��Zack (the guy) loves you. He thinks your pig tails are cute. He wants to run with you in a field of flowers ........��
Yami: A real awkward conversation. A weird one-sided one. *sees her turn on some music and starts singing to fast-paced j-pop* no more thin mints for you..... ^_~
Me: *in her own world*
Yami........ your e-card is up. Your St. Patrick��s day one..... the latest one........
Me: *gasps* YAY! I heard that! So you saw it?
Yami: *nods.*
Me: It��s hilarious and you know it. So......... TA-DA! Heehee

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Yeah. I think that��s enough for this post. I��ve annoyed everyone. *laughs evilly*

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hey everyone! Yami here. Kbou��s getting some rest. She told me to post, so here I am! She told me to mainly post about gym class (it��s all that she talked about! heh). What she told me is that they played touch football. She thought she wasn��t really going to like it, since she��s not that good at it. BUT she participated 257.472 %. (No, I don��t get the random decimal number either.) She made a lot of touchdowns, maybe around 4/5 of them. And she was almost in every play. (which is really awesome!) Then she went on about her 15 minutes of fame. She was recognized by a guy on the team. ^_^ Plus two high fives.

And now at this point, she wanted to stop because she thought she was bragging. I told her to keep going. She seemed really happy about the whole thing. Then she told me that she had a stitch. Ok. Not the best thing, but she kept playing her hardest. And after gym, she was really tired, and she almost fell asleep on homeroom. She was surprised she was still tired. Heh. too much learning, I guess.

I don��t know if this is the only post today. There��s homework to do.... But we��ll try to get back!
Kibou also told me to say that there��s a new e-card up. I saw it. FINALLY So that��s what she was working on before....... ^_~

See ya everybody!

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

   Bareable Day?
Today wasn't the greatest. I was really crbby and pissed off today. I'm not usually like that, ecspecially that early in the morning. Afterwards I felt kinda depressed. After 2nd hour I felt better. I got a few more pictures done, even though the last two were kinda off-centerd. I'll fix it tomorrow. And in Science we had a sub. This girl who sits behind me keeps calling this dude my boyfriend. *shudders* We just so happened to be a boy and a girl, who were partners a few times. 'Sides, I don't need one, I don't want one. EVER! O_O But we did a lab, I couldn't do it becuse there weren't enough supplies, and everyone else had a partner, and I just like being alone. *shrugs* I'll make it up somehow. Lisa wasn't on the bus after school today. I remembered her telling me she wasn't going to be for a few weeks. She's kinda on the tech. crew for the play. I'd do it, but I like going home after school.
Wow. This is the shortest post I've ever done, and I'm reasonably calm. Huh. Weird. Anyway, I have to new e-cards up. (Shippou!) And i have a new AMV below. *points to the post she did earlier today* Check it out! ^^
I'll get to sites a little later in the day.

~***~Yamis Pharaohess~***~

P.S. I think I figured out how to get clips from animes and stuff.... I'm just messing around. Heehee

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   PI DAY!
Today is 3.14 heehee. pi! ^_^ I'm hyper, and it's like 6 in the morning. I just want to say HIYA! MY NEW AMV IS UP! I did it all last night. O_o I looked at the clock, and it said somewhere around 9pm, then i look again and it said 11. O__O WHOA! where's those two hours go?! I pridict we're going to play the same game in gym we did yesterday, get a mountain of homework in math, i'll get a little further in Photo class, and get a bunch of homework in Science. *nod nod* everything moved to tuesday. So Yeah... HERE'S MY AMV! ^^

Hello- Evanescence
InuYasha and Kagome


First 100 digits of PI!!!!!!

3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679

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Monday, March 13, 2006

-After Dinner-
*Kibou in the chair upstaris slowly spinning in the chair*

*Yami comes in* You ok?

Kibou: I don't know... I was thinking. I think my posts seem really dumb to other people. Just like. I don't know.

Yami: Your posts are fine. It's just about the day and all.

Kibou: Still seems that way.... And right now I want to be up at the trailer watching the sun set over the lake.... Just to get rid of some tension .

Yami: Can you wait a few more months? We have plenty of sun sets before then.

Kibou: Yeah, i guess you're right. ^_^ I guess one's words can move the masses, huh?

Yami: yep. ^_^

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It snowed A LOT last night. A good half foot. And..... just what!?!?! ^__^ *gets all happy*.................................................................... *gets all depressed* school was not canceled. Not even delayed.... Stupid government. But somehow I muddled though school...and the snow....and the two tests today...
Yami: ...and shoveling the driveway...
Me: yeah, that too. At least I had a little help. But anyway, School today. Umm.... I forgot my gym uniform, whatever. We played Wacky ball. We used GIANT EAR CLEANERS!!! OMG it was funny. I went up to Christina and said, �Fear the wrath of my giant Q-tip of DOOM! I will clean your ears!� Yeah, a little crazy. We took a test in Math. I figured it out pretty much. I�ll have to work a lot harder. And I�m working hard as it is! In photo class, I only got one picture done. *sweat drop* and �Twiggy� was trying to provoke me to not do anything today, since she forgot her negatives at home. She was bugging me like crazy! I kept on saying �No�. She finally quit. *sigh*
Yami: So you�re stubborn and have good will power. Heh heh.
Me: Eh. I guess. At lunch I asked heather for the HIM cd. I want to make another AMV, and I need a song off of one of there CDs to do it. ^^ She�ll burn the whole CD for me, which is really nice. And in science we took a big 70-question test. I think I did well. And I didn�t even study!
Yami: You luck out WAY too much. And you�re barely letting me get a word in!
Me: heh. Sorry... I�m just really hyper.......
Yami: No more thin mints, hot chocolate, and people coming over all at once. Not a good idea. And....oh great....
Me: what?
Yami: Be right back... *leaves the room*
Me: *confused*
Yami: *comes back with a few thin mints.* I was craving them ever since I said �thin mints� *sees her staring at the cookies* Uh-Oh........O_O *backs away slowly*
Me: *chases him around* MINE!
Yami: no way! *eats the last one*
Me: You. Are. Evil!!!
Yami: We�re going to be eating dinner soon anyway.....it could be for dessert.
Me: That�s it for this post anyway. I think. It�s getting too long.
Yami: you forgot about a thank you......
Me: Huh? OH! YEAH! Thanks for the 9 comments yesterday!! It�s a new record! ^_^

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

   Kibou�s word of the day: BONSAI!

Yeah, I keep saying �Bonsai!� Don�t know why. O.o
Well, Yestrday was boring, except for anime night. ^^ but I didn�t know what to do yesterday. So I did DDR for x number of hours and did laundry. And duh went on the computer. I finally decided, I WAS GOING TO CALL MY GRANDMA! Maybe we could go shopping or something. *shrugs* I called around 7:30 and left a message with my grandpa, and my gramma called back around 10:15 or so. We talked for about 45 minutes. But here�s something: I was singing the most RANDOMEST songs at the RANDOMEST TIMES.
Yami: Oh yeah. Too random
Me: I was singing �Come� when I was drying my hair, and someother song when I was in the shower...
Yami: AND the song about central America that you learned last year in Socail Studies when you were sorting your laundry!
Me: that was funny! *starts singing* Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama! Guatemala....
Yami: *covers ears* make it stop!
Me: ok. sorry. Had to do it. heehee. Hmmm.... today�s unplanned again. My dad�s not home again. He�s been out since noon yesterday. He went to a wedding of his girlfriend�s relatives or something. And speaking of Shelly, I get the feeling she doesn�t really like me. when my dad and I were shopping for a shirt for him to wear to the wedding, and after we were leaving the mall, he called her and said, �You�re not here� to me. Um.... ok..... didn�t think too much about it. I know that you probably don�t want to know me when I�m Dancing for 7 minutes to �Days go by� playing in the store, but so what if I�m with my dad shopping? It�s not a crime. It�s weird! So I�m utterly confused.
Yami: We�ll figure it out.
Me: ok, ok, enough feeling sorry for me. Today I have no idea what I�m doing. It�s a little cooler outside but not too much. I�ll probably do something productive today. My dad�ll probably come home again and sleep until 6. O_o It�s almost 9am now. But yeah. I rant on and on about what my not plans are, I�m sure you�re all loving it.

Ok, seriously.

FMA was...was.... OMG. I didn�t breathe for about 30 seconds. @___@ it was just.....wow.......
Yami: You worried me there for a minute!
Me: sorry. ^_^;; But then I had a weird dream where I got a bunch of power and I turned evil. Man, that was creepy. There�s a lot more to the story, but it�s WAY too long.. So for now, I�ll shut up. Heehee. I�m getting hungry..........
Yami: well now that you mention it........ me too.
Me: ok. Count of three we run downstairs to get something to eat.
Yami: ok. *gets ready*
Me: Ichi...... ni.....SAN!!!

*both bolt downstairs like there�s no tomorrow*

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

   Another Saturday

YO! IT�S SATURDAY! Well duh. I don�t really have much to say....

Yami: I think you did all your ranting during the week. Heehee.

Me: well, I got this to say: Do you ever have a dream where you�re always changing from person to person? I did last night & that happens to me a lot. It�s weird! =P
And since, well, I don�t have much to say, I�ll just to my story.

Part 6

Mahad was on the west side of the village, and people were mainly gone. He suddenly felt something inside of him. He looked around, got on his horse, and rode as quickly as he could to where Atem was. �Are you alright Pharaoh?� he asked himself.

Shada and Seto were walking through the streets, looking for people in need of help. Shada stopped at one house. �Seto, come here.� Shada said.
�Do you sense something?� Seto looked around and nodded.
�Yes, I do.� They both entered the home. They both started looking around. Seto suddenly went to a far dark corner. �Shada, look.� Seto spoke.
�It�s a young girl.� Shada came over and saw the black-haired girl lying on the ground. �She�s still breathing. She�s the one we must have sensed.� Shada said. He took out his Millennium Key and held it by the girl. Shada was shocked. After a moment he spoke, �She has a great power within her.�
Seto replied, �We should take her to the palace, maybe we could use her.� Shada argued back.
�We could at least get some kind of information about what exactly when on here. But what I don�t get is that this girl is in the middle of an open area, and the fallen stone walls are around her. What could have done this? Maybe her power?� He turned his head to the sound of a galloping horse. He saw Mahad go by. Seto came out carrying the girl.
�Isn�t Mahad headed where the Pharaoh is?� They both knew something was up. They mounted the girl on the horse and Seto walked them both to the palace. Shada rode ahead to Mahad.

Mahad looked for Atem. �Where are you Pharaoh?� Shada came up behind him.
�What�s wrong Mahad?�
�I feel that something has happened to the Pharaoh, I can�t find him.� He replied. They both started searching. After a few minutes, they saw Atem somewhat stumbling out of some ruins holding his arm.
�Pharaoh!� they both said as they ran to him. Atem was a little roughed up, but alright. �Are you alright, Pharaoh?� Shada asked. Atem answered,
�I�ve been better. Where�s Bakura?� They both shook their heads. Atem understood with a sigh. After a rest, the three of them head back to the palace. The sun almost set, and Atem was determined to stop Bakura before he attacked again.


Ok. I said last week that I would have a challenging Trivia question for ya this week, and it�d be from the top of my head mainly. Sooooo *starts thinking....*

Yami: *gets in idea* I know one!

Me: like that?

Yami: *whispers it in her ear so no one can hear* ^_~

Me: *can�t stop laughing* No........ no....... *tries to stop*....We can�t.......*finally calms down* Ok. I think I got one. Ok...

How does Yami Yugi summon Slifer in the Battle City finals against Kaiba? (name monsters)

And since I feel like doing something else... just a simple question: What is the funniest thing said/ funniest scene on Yu-Gi-Oh!

Me: Well, that�s it. No more for this post!

Yami: Bye!

~*~Yami and Yamis Pharaohess~*~

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