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Member Since
Yu-Gi-Oh! Otaku (cashier at BK)
Real Name
Kibou Yumi Chan, or Nami Shannon De Cantore
I've gotten on the right track with a lot of things with the help of my friends. I dunno!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember! Seems like forever....
Favorite Anime
YU-GI-OH! Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Well, obviously!) Inu Yasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Vandread, Naruto, Street Fighter 2, World of Narue, Read or Die, Prince of Tennis, there's probably more that I'm not thinking of...
Have my own reseraunt or show on Food Network, become a storm chaser, seeing my little sister again.
Dancing, cooking, dancing, dreaming, drawing, chasing storms ^^;; um... playing DDR! Hanging out and stuff like that.
Dancing, Cooking, Multi-tasking, making people laugh, MY EARS CAN TWITCH LIKE INUYASHA'S!!!! and can annoying people about Yu-Gi-Oh! count as a talent?
| Yamis Pharaohess
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
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Thanks inkenyo 2.0!

From BNCF Shadow Star
Thanks guys! *hugs*
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better then what i thought.
well all the e-cards i put up are doing better then i expected. they all range from 0-13 times sent. and have an average of 4 times (no, i don't like math!)go me. i'm working on a cool Yu-Gi-Oh! wallapaper. it sucks. don't care! ^_^
positive thinking and over-confidence mixed with under-confidence = CONFUSION! but an equal balance for me
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
Today is v-day! Yay! And even though my day was off to a really crappy start, it turned out ok. I got up later then planned, forgot my Valentine cards, and dropped my shirt I was going to wear over my other shirt in the muddy street on my way to almost missing the bus. >< on the bus, I gave Lisa and Selica 3 cookies each. Lisa gave me a coupon for a free doughnut at Krispy Kreme. Then she gave me a picture. It was a drawing of Seto Kaiba (fan art from a site) with a pair of blue underwear on. OMG! I couldn’t stop laughing!!!!!!!! She printed it out from the internet, and cut out the underwear in blue construction paper. I was laughing at weird times of the day. O_o
in gym I didn’t run as fast as I usually do. We run a lap around, but I didn’t do all that great. We played Elimination, and I got better the more we played. I got to the last 6 people. But I knew I could do better. I forgot 2 notebooks at home, and one of them was my Math notebook. So I couldn’t really do anything. I got a little pissed but maintained control of that other personality…. I laughed some. The Kaiba picture helped. I gave some people cookies. I gave 2 people cookies in third hour. My pictures weren’t developing that great today. I did one picture over like 5 times. That’s a waste of 30 minutes. …. Ugh….. I got a valentine from this one girl and the other girl I gave a cookie to gave me a chocolate square. Yay! So in fourth hour we we’re doing stuff dealing with speed. We had to run in the basement, and I wanted to run all over the place. Running is fun! ^_^ in lunch I saw a girl from my elementary school. I haven’t seen her since the 4th grade, so that was nice. We weren’t best friends, but we did talk sometimes. So yeah, it was nice. Selica on the bus tossed the idea around of coming over here to just hang out and stuff. We’re bored, we don’t have much homework. It can work. I said if they came over, they could have freshly baked cookies. ^__^
My cookies rock!!!!!!! *bragging over*
+out of the people that voted on my poll, half of you wanted the girl to be thrated. (o0o0o0o....) i'll work on that.+
++ Don't forget to watch Inuyasha tonight! The Woman That Loved Sesshomaru, Part One!!!! ++
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
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Monday, February 13, 2006
I showed my dad a picture of a landscape I did in pencil sometime last week. People at school thought it was cool, and so did my dad. But he said he liked my other ones better. I thought, "What other ones? The ones I did in the 8th grade?" But he ment my faces. Meaning: HE LIKES MY ANIME DRAWINGS!!!!!!! Yay!!!! Ha!
And here I thought he didn't care. ^_^ it ment somewhat a lot to me.
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Monday........ ZzZzZzZzZzZ.........
I woke up this morning and the first thing I do is make cookie dough. Yeah. Cookie dough. At 6 in the morning. ^_^ crazy, I know. I had a dream with Chris Harvey in it. in the dream I was practically crying in front of him saying, “I can’t believe I liked you!” I was going to say love, but not in front of him. It was a weird soap-opera like dream. Lisa gave me a CD on the bus. It was one of those demo CDs of Music To Duel By. (Yu-Gi-Oh! TV Soundtrack) I got really...... Weird. And hyper. In gym we played big base. I got a point. (Go me) second hour we took a test. I had no idea how to do it, but the TA helped me. Photo class, I thought “Kiwi” was going to sit next to me. O_o go away! I developed some more pictures. I have about 10 now. In Science we took another test. I got 20/20. ^_^ yay! It was me and someone else who got a perfect score. Lisa came over later around 4 and we watched last week’s episode of Inuyasha. She didn’t cry. Like I did when I first saw it, but she thought it was sweet. I’ll tape tomorrow’s epi, too. But we played DDR and beat a few scores and got a tiny bit further in the Dance Master Mode. Then she drew a weird picture after I told her about the whole Kiwi almost sitting next to me deal. She drew him with long hair and put talking bubbles around him saying stuff like, *pulls paper out of back pocket* “Kibou, why don’t we ever talk?” and, “I *heart* Kibou!!” “Kibou, will you be my GF?” “Let’s work in the dark room together.” Wow. She had fun.... O_o I took it away from her before she left. I told her tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day, so be Pretty in Pink. or black. Whichever she wanted. She’ll be surprised tomorrow on the bus....... *evil smirk*
But anyway, I better make the V-day cards a bought and bake the cookies. ‘Til then!
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You've Got E-Cards
Muwhahaha! well, i did it. i bombared you with 10 really bad Yu-Gi-Oh! e-cards!
Yami: *sarcasticaly* oh, yeah. fear her wrath.
well, they all suck but i don't care. sorry. too hyper. ^_^
Be back later.
(if i survive this sugar rush)
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
I know this is like the 1,000,000th time I've posted today but....
I can't comment on anyones sites! I click on the link, and it just leads me to the top. I'm sorry everyone! I'll try to get to everyone's sites tomorrow if i'm not bring home 10 pounds of homework.
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Prepare yourself.....
Me: *takes a handful of popcorn and eats it slowly* i don't know if anyone will read this, seeing how it's a little later, but prepare to be bombarded with my first Yu-Gi-Oh! e-cards.
Yami: *takes the left-over popcorn form the movie....*
Me: i warn you becuase for the next 48 hours or so, there'll be a lot of cards from me and they all suck. ^_^ i just want it out of my subconsence. (sp?)
Yami: *stuffs handfuls of popcorn in his mouth*
Me: .........
Yami: What?
Me: oh nothing -_-;;;;
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i went to go see "When a Stranger Calls" with my friends today. holy crap was it good! yeah, i did scream. but what'd ya expect? it's a horror flick. i won't say anything to those who haven't seen it. but i thought it was really good. after the movie, i grabbed Selica's popcorn and started stuffing it in my mouth while pacing back and forth. i don't know if i was nervous, scared, or hyper. i think all three. ^_^ 'Twas awesome i want to see it again.
"Have you checked the children....?"
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