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Member Since
Yu-Gi-Oh! Otaku (cashier at BK)
Real Name
Kibou Yumi Chan, or Nami Shannon De Cantore
I've gotten on the right track with a lot of things with the help of my friends. I dunno!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember! Seems like forever....
Favorite Anime
YU-GI-OH! Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Well, obviously!) Inu Yasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Vandread, Naruto, Street Fighter 2, World of Narue, Read or Die, Prince of Tennis, there's probably more that I'm not thinking of...
Have my own reseraunt or show on Food Network, become a storm chaser, seeing my little sister again.
Dancing, cooking, dancing, dreaming, drawing, chasing storms ^^;; um... playing DDR! Hanging out and stuff like that.
Dancing, Cooking, Multi-tasking, making people laugh, MY EARS CAN TWITCH LIKE INUYASHA'S!!!! and can annoying people about Yu-Gi-Oh! count as a talent?
| Yamis Pharaohess
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Too Much Sugar!
My friends came over and now they’ve just left. We all watched the 3rd Inuyasha movie. I thought it was really good. I won’t say anything for those who haven’t seen it. ^^ (I’m so nice) Towards the end, I got REALLY hyper!!!! Extreme sugar rush. Whoa. I’m just starting to calm down..... *breathes evenly...* ok. I’m getting better. It must be the cookies. O_o I was so hyper I was yelling almost. or maybe, talking kind of loud.... I was telling Selica (one of 2 friends over) about some subbing and dubbing on Inuyasha. Then Lisa came downstairs and gave me a weird look. Hey, it was party. I short one but a party at that. Lisa and I also were making Selica play DDR in the beginning. It was fun! So yeah. I may seem really random here, but that was the first time that Selica, Lisa, and I were under the same roof at it was mine. Plus there were cookies. ^_~ and now, to go on and on about Yu-Gi-Oh from this morning...
Yami: *runs in* NOO........! *pushes the chair back from the computer*
Eh? What’s.....going on......?
Yami: You’ll get too hyper if you talk about Yu-Gi-Oh now. Can you wait until tomorrow? When your “extreme sugar rush” subsides?
Me: I guess so. MAN that was an awesome episode! It wasn’t confusing at all and I think--
Yami: *interrupts* no... no more. Take it easy.
Me: *is suddenly calm* Weird...... *takes a long breath and just sits there*
Yami: Wow. That should be it for now. Ya going to visit sites now?
Me: *nods* uh-huh. For give me if this post was way out there. I had to get rid of all that flying energy. *bows 5288472 times* and about the story....I’m choosing characters. =D until next time. ^__^
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that time of week again.
Me: *jumping up and down* (in a singy-songy voice) Yu-Gi-Oh’s almost on....!!!!! Yu-Gi-Oh’s almost on.....!!!!
Yami: *thinks “I told her not to drown her French Toast in syrup....”*
Me: *stops jumping* ok. So Yu-Gi-Oh’s almost on and I can’t wait. I was going to post the first part of my story today, but I didn’t have enough time to really think about it because of it being the end of the term and all that final stuff. So yeah. I’ll try to work on it this week. I know 2 of my classes I won’t have homework in. at least not a lot.
Yami: that way you won’t stay up until midnight doing it. 5 hours of sleep can’t get you out of bed!
Me: stupid school. But anyway, I’m surprised that everything (4 things) that I posted yesterday. Yayness! And there’s more to come. And can you guys do me a favor? Look at the last post from yesterday. I’m still thinking about that. I mean, a lot of my e-cards are a freak-o background with a picture plastered on there and some words scribbled (ok, typed) somewhere around it.
Yami: *chuckles*
Me: what’s so funny?
Yami: the way you said, “plastered” it sounded funny.
Me: O_o ok then. Is it like when I say, “Thwak”. I think it’s funny. But we’re getting off subject. Yu-Gi-Oh is going to be on soon, and I’m going to go tape it. (WITHOUT COMMERCAILS!) heehee. I’ll probably be back later today or noon, and I’ll be REALLY hyper.
Yami: oh boy...... ^_~
Me: on the other side of things, 99.9% of the snow is melted here. -_- (just a random fact) come back snow! I don’t want to start chucking rocks at people instead of snowballs! =P
So................I’ll be back and you’e BEEN WARNED!
Yami: ......-_-;;;;;;;;;
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Friday, January 27, 2006
i'm debating weather or not i should post my earlier e-cards. they're so dorky! well, at least i think so. and i think i should delete smoe of my Vandread e-cards. i mean, if i posted ALL OF THEM, half of them would be mine! and they're not being sent. heh heh. my e-cards are so bad. I need other opinions! thanks
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Yami: Day one....
Me: .....of a three day weekend!
Yami: well, yes, but it's day one of you're "I'm-not-going-to-like-boys" strech.
Me: *sweatdrop* what.ever.... anyways, I slept over at my friend Lisa's house last night. didn't really do that much. she, her brother and i played DDR for a while since i brought it over. and i played with Lisa's hamster too. the hamster is so cute! then she peed on me!!!!! >< then she made an away message about it!
Yami: Wow. did she give the hamster a treat like last time?
Me: No. and luckliy it didn't get on my clothes. so yeah. nothing went on really...Lisa and i played DDR for a half hour or so (REALLY quietly) upstairs. and later, she came up and i was watching Vandread. she said, "So this is the infamous Vandread, huh?" she thought it was funny. but that was like a 10-minute clip. and i showed her some AMVs and stuff. and we talked to our friend Selica on-line. and that's it.... But i had a scary dream last night! ya know the whole Anastasia story? well, i guess i was her and the evil Rasputain (HATE THAT NAME!) dude was trying to kill me!!!! but it wasn't like the animated movie.
Yami: O_O Evil.....
Me: at first i thought it was cool, (eh?) but know i think it's scary!
Yami: sounds scary!
Me: anyway, about yesterday's post. no, i didn't type all that at once. i just added on as the week wnet on. it's what i WOULD have posted, but couldn't. oh! and speaking of that, since i had finals and all that, i got a C= in english, a B in foods class. ( %@$&! IT!) and i think i got a B in math, which means i don't have to take it for the reat of the year.
Yami: let's just hope you can do that. ^_^
Me: Bottomline: i passed all my classes. i'm going to try to make a bet with my dad. if i get on the A honer roll for next semester, he should take off the parental controls. i can't get to Quizzilla or anything! so i funno. Last thing: i made the rest of my cookies today. i made them with Valentine's Day M&Ms. (white, pink, magenta, and red.) ^_^ they're really good.
Yami: they're all gone in about 3 days it seems!
Me: it's crazy!!!! 'all i have to say. i'm going to post a few e-cards maybe. See Ya everyone!

Jaden's chibi.
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Hiya! It’s a really long post. Pass the popcorn would ya?
How was/is everyone’s week? I hope/is it was fine. Sorry I didn’t post for a while. Something got REALLY messed up and I couldn’t get into my Backroom. So I figured a little break, a virus scan (why? Don’t know) and some time off-line would be ok. I need a break to get more ahead of my homework. Here’s a little bit about the past week:
(I added on as the week went on. It’s what I would have posted and.....yeah. you know the drill.)
Sunday ~ Lisa came over and we played DDR for a while. When it was Lisa’s turn, she was....whoa. She was REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hyper! She was doing all these weird things with her hands and jumping around on the pad and she was going crazy. I was literally, rolling on the floor laughing. She told me about this freaky dream she had. And I yelled out, “WHAT KIND OF FANTASY WORLD DO YOU LIVE IN!?!?!?!?” then I said that I have had weird dreams too, so I shouldn’t be talking. =P She picked on a few dreams that I have told her.
Next it was my turn. OMG! She made me laugh SO hard that my sides ached for a while. She kept picking on one especially. -__o() Then the real fun began! Every step that I took, she’d say a word or something. She said stuff like, “Yo! What’s. Up. Homey. G. Slice. I. Am. Mikey. Asia!” ((Some guy came up to her once and said, “What’s up homey G slice!”)) I couldn’t really hear her, but she was saying stuff like “Yami Yugi is sexy” (our inside joke.) and I added stuff like “Lisa thinks Kouga and human Inuyasha is sexy!” then she blurted out “BLUE UNDERWEAR!” That made me lose my concentration completely. THEN she was chanting, “Cantaloupe! Cantaloupe! Cantaloupe! Cantaloupe!” Wow. She was crazy. But we had a good time. At one point, I calmly said, “Lisa, I’m sorry, but you’re not allowed to come here ever again.” =D yeah. Sunday was good.
And I got to watch “It Could Happen Tomorrow”. Yeah! I watch that show! I think it’s pretty cool. If you don’t know what it’s about, it’s just people saying stuff about bizarre weather/ acts of nature that could happen in a place that is unexpecting it and vulnerable. I’m taking Meteorology next year. I love storms and all that stuff. ^_^
~Monday~ (You can skip this day! It’s too much about Aaron. heehee) today was pretty good. First hour was fun. We made the peanut butter rice Krispy bars with the chocolate-butterscotch frosting. I got all the ingredients and placed the rice Krispies in another bowl. Aaron ate some and I said, “I saw that” he just smirked and said, “No you didn’t. I didn’t do anything.” and when I tried to take some, he’d move it away from me saying it was his. So THEN I took a chocolate chip, and the roles switched. It was funny. (yes, this hour was all about Aaron.) So THEN he went on about wooden spoons, since we had 3 of them in our kitchen. And he said the world would come to an end if we burned wooden spoons. O_o 2 more things: I asked the teacher something, I turned around and see him chugging the rest of the Kool-Aid! I feared the sugar rush. Then about 4 guys were talking about me taking cookies from class. I only took like 6. Ok, that maybe a little more, but hey, I wanted some! That’s the end. In math I we went on the computers again. I surfed the whole hour! I went to theO. Still couldn’t get through. I couldn’t get to ABS either. School had it blocked. So I went to and listen to some clips. And that’s all I really did today. I have to study, study, study for finals this week. I also have to finish my part on a project with my group in Foods class
Tuesday~ I tried again to get into my backroom, but couldn’t >< grr! I’ll get this figured out sometime. Anyway, I was up until midnight last night working. I made the box for the product that my group was working on. Confetti Chicken Salad. The box looks really funny. I wish I had a picture. But something weird was going on this morning. It was like I was nervous. I kept breathing fast and shaking. I wrung my hands from time to time. It was mainly during first hour. And it wasn’t because Aaron was sitting next to me. It’s been like that since day one. I had it when we were presenting, (sp?) though. I had to sing the song I made up! I didn’t think I’d have to sing it just because I wrote it!. I sat down and I was nervous all over again! I calmed down in 2nd hour. Ok. This may seem like the stupidest thing ever, but I think the bracelet I was wearing had something to do with it. Like it was possessed. O_o ok laugh. But this happened once before too. Jeez. I sound psycho! So I just took it off. Everything was fine. I worked on my Current Events notes and made them look all nice and such. I worked on my study guide too. In social studies, 3rd hour, we played Jeopardy all day. 4th hour English we went over the quizzes we took yesterday. I got a B. 20/25 yeah! But instead of reading the last chapter, I drew a little. And worked a little on ANOTHER story I started back in the early summer. (It needs a better beginning and all that crap. So it’s better now. It’ll make more sense and maybe I’ll post it sometime, but I still have to work on the Yu-Gi-Oh one.) I drew the only thing that I could: A girl’s face from the front. Wow. But it looks good. I’d post THAT too, BUUUUTTTT...... I have no scanner, darn! So today, I’m going to go to Lisa’s house and out friend Silica will be there. They’re going to study for a test and I’m going to be dead weight. Silica’s going to bring the 3 Inuyasha movies and season 1 over. I don’t know what we’re going to watch, if at all, but I have some episodes in mind that I want to see. Until tomorrow!
Wednesday ~ Morning, - I got some good news and some bad news. Good news: Lisa, Silica and I all had a good time at Lisa’s house. Bad news: Blueberry, her hamster for 5 days, died. I was pissed! And confused. I wanted to know how it died. And she hadn’t been dead for very long. We all felt kinda bad, but no one was crying like crazy. After about 15 seconds of silence, Lisa said, “I need a box.” Silica said, “I need a phone.” I said, “I NEED A HUG!” as a laugh. Then Selica and I gave Lisa a group hug. She yelled out, “BUBBLE!!!!” I wonder if it’ll ever sink in....
We all went to Petsmart and got a new one. She named it “Lokita” or “Little crazy” in Spanish. My dad got a little mad I went without calling. I didn’t think 20 minutes would matter to supper. More good news. About 20 minutes after I got home, Lisa called. I thought, “Oh don’t tell me Lokita died already!!” but no, Little Lokita let Lisa hold her! (Say that 5x fast!) But I thought that was cool. I’m going over later today sometime after school.....
~Later~ I have one hour of community service left to do to pass Government. It’s due tomorrow, so I’m going over to Cub to pack bags for people. Go me! We made brunch in foods class today. I tried an omelet, and it was good. It was mainly an egg, but oh well. I mainly made the muffins, which sucked! Ha! I have no idea, but I was eating everything like crazy! Kinda like Joey on Yu-Gi-Oh. I didn’t get finished with my Lord of the Flies packet. Oops. And in government today, we took the final. I hope I did ok. AND we had a final in English on Lord of the Flies. I think I did fine on that one. Tests are all over today and tomorrow. Some people have it all week! So yeah. That’s my day today. On the bus ride home I heard, “Every Time We Touch” on the radio. I love that song! 1.) it’s techno. So it’s like a DDR song and 2.) um... no comment. ^_~ it’s a good song. It’s by the Cascades.
Thursday ~ It’s a 3-day weekend! Yes! And I got to my backroom this time. ^_^ and I have to say this: SORRY THIS POST IS SO LONG! I can’t believe you read all that. If you did. Well, yesterday wasn’t the best. It mainly started at 7 or so. I felt so depressed! I don’t like being depressed, but I was. I did make cookie dough though. But what was bugging me is I kept thinking I was forgetting something. I’ve been making cookies for a really long time, so I had the recipe memorized. Then I couldn’t remember some of the portions were. It drove me crazy. I went to bed shortly after. Around 9:30. But didn’t fall asleep until 10:10. I kept thinking that no one really liked me, and I mainly thought that because I was thinking about Aaron a lot and how he probably doesn’t know my name. And I doubted myself and a bunch of other crap. Usually a good night’s rest gets me out of it. I got about 8 hours of sleep. So that was good. Today I thought, “Eh, forget the whole crush on Aaron.” and I’m going to go on my “I’m-not-going-to-like-anyone” stretch again. I didn’t talk to him at all today. Yayness!
I made cookies this morning! I made a big one for Kasey, since it was her b-day recently, and I made some average sized ones. Then Kasey took the one I was giving to Andrew. Took it right out of my hand. Yeah, I know they’re really good, but jeez! Then I didn’t have enough. >< I didn’t really like her to start with. So yeah. I got my last hour of Communtity service in. I went over and “baby sat” my cousins. The older one, Justin, was trying to take me down. I just watched him kick me. funny. I don’t know what I’m going to be doing today. I’m staying up late, I know that! But I can say this now: I’M GOING TO VISIT PEOPLE’S SITES! Cool huh? And I’m putting the finishing touches on some wallpapers I’ve been working on over the past week or so.
P.S. sorry this post is so long!!!! *bows a gazillion times* SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! Forgiveness yes?
P.S. sorry I have so many sorries! It makes this post even longer! X___x
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
I had a dream with Yami Bakura in it last night. O_O He was following me everywhere. And even though I was ignoring him and everything that he siad, it still freaked me out!!!!! Ekk!
*runs and hids*
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tis sunday
i was bored out of my mind yesterday. Yu-Gi-Oh is on at a bad time. 11:30 here. so i was in my PJ's until like 4 until i took a shower. -_-; i felt like a total bum! i want to go crawl back in bed, but i didn't want to sleep the day away. i ended up playing more DDR. i went to Tasty Pizza for dinner. they forgot your drinks, and they gave us the cheesey bread. i didn't care that i was thirsty. i was STARVING! i'm trying to eat healthier by eating a littler meal every 3 hours whenever i can. so i wasn't used to 7-8 hours. i came home and i tryed to look ofr my little chart-thing, didn't find it. then i played more DDR. i beat Lisa's score on the one standard she passed! BUWHAHAHA! she'll get another when she's over her later today. i watched Naruto yesterday and i thought it was funny. (Saukra need Anger Management) O_O heehee. FullMetal Alchemist was good too. and yes, i was going crazy to hear 2 of my favorite songs be the beg./end theme songs. heh. well, that's all i have to say for now. i'll try to get to everyone's sites today. my dad's shoving me off right now and i have A LOT OF HOMEWORK to do. -_-;;;!!!
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
It’s noon, Yu-Gi-Oh! Is now over. You can expect what’s going to happen now. You Have Been Warned!
Me: ...............................
Yami: .............?????????????
Yami: -_-;; *thinks “3........2.........1...”*
Me: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Yu-Gi-Oh! was.............confusing. A little. BUT OMG! IT WAS COOL!!!!!!!!!! It was really good!!!! Ok. Sorry. Too hyper. ^___^;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the only thing I didn’t really care for was...
Yami: ....the fact that it ended at a huge cliffhanger??
Me: it was Bakura’s expressions on his face. Whoa. Talk about weird!!!
Yami: And here I thought Yami Marik was the psycho one...... O_o
Me: Tristan is E...v...I...l...!!!!!! Scary. i don't want to add him to my "People i don't want to run into in a dark alley" list. buy as always...I just can’t wait until the next epi. This is getting exciting! I noticed that the ending of this season is like the ending of “Season 0” or in the manga.
Yami: Yeah. With the whole board game and the Game Masters. And especially Zork the Dark One. I wonder if it’ll end the same way.
Me: O____O whoa..........that’ll be kind of cool!
but I still can’t believe that there are only what? 12 episodes left? No more new ones after that. T_T darn.....!
Yami: well, that’s 3 months from now. So that would be in mid-April or so.
Me: >< I’ll live. And in other news..... I’ll be working on the Yu-Gi-Oh story as soon as I get it all organized. Maybe I’ll get something up next Saturday or so. And I thought of having it go along with the show, but I’m not sure now with today’s episode. =P ok. Quick vote
The story should
a.) go along with the Yu-Gi-Oh show with modifications
b.) be my own story with a few events from Yu-Gi-Oh
c.) just what ever I can think up.
And one more thing. Last year about in the spring, I made up a 25-queation quiz on Yu-Gi-Oh! it’s just a bunch of stuff PROVING that I know too much about this show and I have a lot of time on my hands. ^_^ so I’ll post a question once a week. Sounds fun? No? Too bad! They questions get slightly harder each time, but the first handful are easy. Well for me that is. and these are random questions. Trust me! Wow. A feel geeky right now. Heh. Ok question number one.
Yami: *drum roll....*
1.) What grade is Yugi in?
a.) Fourth
b.) Tenth
c.) Ninth
d.) Seventh
e.) He skips. Duh.
Good Luck. ^_^
~Yamis Pharaohess and Yami~
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Saturday! Finally!
Alright. Before I start ranting on how I can’t wait for Yu-Gi-Oh! to be on, I’m going to talk about what happened yesterday.
Me: My friend Lisa got a new hamster yesterday and it’s SO CUTE!!! ^^ it’s a black bear hamster and she named to Blueberry. Why? Don’t know. I nick-named her “Shadow”. It’s a lot friendlier then her last hamster I think. Because she (hamster’s a girl) let us pet her a little.
Yami: *watch the video Yamis Pharaohess shot to Lisa’s house* Her hamsrter is kinda cute. reminds me of a little black Kuriboh.
Me: Yeah....right! I kept saying “Kawaii” over and over, and Lisa and her friend Kim kept giving me looks. They don’t know what it means. Heehee. ^_~
Also, yesterday, after I took the test and after I posted, I heard the Hamster Dance song. I knew where it was so I thought, “@ can play at this game.” I went to I played the Numa Numa song, and this guy came over and had a confused look on his face. It was hilarious! Then I played “STFU” and had 5-6 kids around my computer all watching it a laughing.
Yami: I bet you loved that!
Me: duh. So I had 5 seconds of fame! Yay! Hmmmm.... what else happened yesterday?
Yami: You played DDR....and went on the computer.......
Me: oh yeah! I’m starting STANDARD on DDR! My highest grade is a B!
Yami: I have no idea how you can do it. It’s hard! I’ll have to try to beat one of your scores still. ^_~
Me: I’ve only passed like 5. and I’m really tired afterwards! But sometimes it’s like I don’t even think about it! My feet just go where they want! It’s weird! O_o and actually, I couldn’t get my right foot forward once. Then I failed. =P
Yami: it’s 11:15 just so you know.
Me: Hey! Better get it all ready to tape it. ^_~ we still have to find it!
Yami: well then we better go get it.
Me: oh and FYI. I’ll be really hyper at noon. You Have Been Warned!
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Friday, January 20, 2006
Me: ya know how my friend's hamsterdied on monday or so? well, she's going to get a new hamster in....*looks at clock* like, 20 minutes. we're going today. me, Lisa, her mom, and lisa's nighbor Kim.
Yami: what type of hamster is she getting?
Me: she said she's going to get a Panda hamster
Yami: and did you know that this is your 4TH POST TODAY?
Me: uh-huh. ^_^ which means that i talk WAY too much. so, i'll stop giving you people a headache and tell you about the super kawaii hamster tomorrow.
Yami: ad if i know as well i think i do, you'll come back and post AGAIN.
Me: nah. i have a lot of homework to do and........ OMG> i just realized today isfrieday! cool. ^____^
Yami: *Gigantic sweatfrop* ^__^;;;;;;;
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