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In Egypt!
Member Since
Yu-Gi-Oh! Otaku (cashier at BK)
Real Name
Kibou Yumi Chan, or Nami Shannon De Cantore
I've gotten on the right track with a lot of things with the help of my friends. I dunno!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember! Seems like forever....
Favorite Anime
YU-GI-OH! Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Well, obviously!) Inu Yasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Vandread, Naruto, Street Fighter 2, World of Narue, Read or Die, Prince of Tennis, there's probably more that I'm not thinking of...
Have my own reseraunt or show on Food Network, become a storm chaser, seeing my little sister again.
Dancing, cooking, dancing, dreaming, drawing, chasing storms ^^;; um... playing DDR! Hanging out and stuff like that.
Dancing, Cooking, Multi-tasking, making people laugh, MY EARS CAN TWITCH LIKE INUYASHA'S!!!! and can annoying people about Yu-Gi-Oh! count as a talent?
| Yamis Pharaohess
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Friday, January 20, 2006
Ha ha!
I’m at school! And I’m posting! Shhh! No one knows about me at school. Ith the whole Otaku stuff…. Shhhh!!!!! Ok. Sorry. Got a little hyper there. Um. I’m going to lunch soon. And I do have limited time on here. I don’t know what to say. In English I’m having a vocab test on the Lord of the flies, I didn’t even study1 I barely know what the words are! Ugh! **gigantic sweatdrop** oh well. I’ll pass it. ^_^ no over or under confinence here. But yeah. My first post at school and I’m feeling special because we don’t come t the Comp. Lab everyday AND get to surf. Oh! Why I’m here…. I took a MAP test. I got 243!!!! It took me almost 50 minutes. So, almost 1 minute per problem. Some were easy. Some are still confusing me. And right now I have he sudden urge to watch Yu-gi-Oh! Oh yeah. I’ve lost it. O_o
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alright. i'm thinking more about the story...... I CAN'T DO IT!
Yami: Yes, you can
Me: Nu-uh!
Yami: yeah-huh.
Me: nope.
Yami: yeah.
Me: negitory
Yami: positivly
Me: no way!
Yami: yes way!
Me: nain!
Yami: hi!
Me: this post is too long!
Yami: yes!
Me: ok. i think i'm done.
Yami: ci!
Me: ENOUGH WITH THE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES! O.o *ahem* anyway. fine i'll work on the story. but can i get a little help here? Like, Egyptian names and stuff. i have a bunch of freak-o names here, but they sound Japanese.
Yami: yep like "Sam Nikushima". doesn't should like Egyptain to me.
Me: funny because she's not even Japanese either... but that a different story. Litterally! so when i get a few ideas from people who want to read it or whatever. i'll work on it when i have the time. ^_^
Yami: yay!
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so tired. was on-line...until 11....commenting on....posts. *yawns* i actually heard mt dad come home and i colsed everything, and went into bed. SnEkY........ but still am tired...... *yawns again...* i olny got to half of the sites. Ooops sorry!
TGFHSIATFTICTF! (Thankd God For High-Speed Internet And The Fact That I Can Type Fast!)
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
then lost than not to love at all.
But some people say it's not
better to be loved then hurt
than to not love at all."
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start a story.......?
i'm thinking about starting to write a story. but i don't know. i'm bad at it. =P Yes, it'll be a story about Yu-Gi-Oh! and Yami's the Pharaoh and we're all in Ancient Egypt. and i thought i would follow the original story of the Memory World "seris". i funno. now i'm having second thoughts about the storyline. What do you guyzz think?
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
up and down and up again
today was weird! well, the way i felt today was. i woke and was really tired. then i was fine. followed by a mix of being hyper, calm, mad, and "nuteral" (sp?) O_o it was crazy! when i got to school, i felt fine, then bored, then fine again, followed by a wave of depression. -_- in homeroom i was hyper again, 2nd hour i was depressed again. i started thinking that no one really liked me and everyone was embarressed to be with me and everyone knew me as "that one girl." and stuff like that. but i got out of that towards the end. i was really happy! ^_^ i started thinking, "You idiot! your friends love you!" and all that friendshipy stuff. =P then i did go back into depression, but only for a little bit in 3rd hour. *looks at what she typed* WOW! i type a lot, and i'm sure i'm confusing people! well, it get more confusing! bottomline: the many sides of my personality (if you can believe that....) all went hay-wire for the day. i'm calm right now. and i'm alright.
obviously, i couldn't get to anyone's site yesterday. doesn't surprise me. one: i was busy doing homework, shoveling the snow, and playing a little DDR. what?! it's like a workout!!! it IS a workout! ^_~ but i couldn't comment because i couldn't get to them. grr... i think that this will happen every so often, and if i leave it alone for a little bit, it'll go away. yay!
today i'm hoping to get to everyone's sites. i'll have to plan ahead so i can get everything together... see ya then!
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i saw this and thought it was funny!My friend Andrew is always signing this at lunch! =P

sorry if it's a little burry.....
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
New theme!
this will be my "EgYpTiAn ThEmE" for now.
Yami: Walk Like An Egpytain.....! *walks like an Egyptain*
Me: O__o AKWARD! heehee.
i'm going to be changing it again sometime....umm... i'll just say sometime in the future. And i'll try to get to everyone's sites today. i can't promise anything, i have a lot of homework to do. -_- *dumb homework.......*
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My best friend Lisa called me just 10 minutes ago. (2:30 or so) And she just told me that her hamster had died! O_O she called me and I answered and the first thing that she said was, “Honey's dead!” I feel so bad for her! Her hamster was the cutest thing! I know she took very good care of her. I....I don’t know! I know how hard it is when something, and someone, dies. I’ve seen it enough times. V_V I tried to cheer her up a little. Not to forget about it, but remember the good times and not the bad.
EDIT: I’m back from Lisa’s house. it's now after 5 pm. I was going there weather she liked it or not. And i gave her the Naruto button that i had just bought. she wanted it yesterday when she saw it... We didn’t do too much at her house..... just kind of cried. We did laugh too. With all the stupid things we were saying. She said, "This is sadder then int InuYasha movie!" (no kidding, huh?) And we buried her too. We but her in a little Christmas card box. I thought she was going to but “Honey” on the box. I thought it was cute when I read it. it read “Honey Wildung.” July 16-Januray 16 We love you and we will miss you Cute Fuzz.
Cute fuzz was my nick-name for her. There were a lot of times where we just stopped talking and just thought. At least we have a bunch of videos with her in it and a million pictures. Tomorrow we’re both going to wear all black. And she’ll get a new hamster in 3 weeks or so.
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Monday, January 16, 2006
Mt best friend's hampster just died! i'm going over right now..... V_V
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