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Yu-Gi-Oh! Otaku (cashier at BK)
Real Name
Kibou Yumi Chan, or Nami Shannon De Cantore
I've gotten on the right track with a lot of things with the help of my friends. I dunno!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember! Seems like forever....
Favorite Anime
YU-GI-OH! Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Well, obviously!) Inu Yasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Vandread, Naruto, Street Fighter 2, World of Narue, Read or Die, Prince of Tennis, there's probably more that I'm not thinking of...
Have my own reseraunt or show on Food Network, become a storm chaser, seeing my little sister again.
Dancing, cooking, dancing, dreaming, drawing, chasing storms ^^;; um... playing DDR! Hanging out and stuff like that.
Dancing, Cooking, Multi-tasking, making people laugh, MY EARS CAN TWITCH LIKE INUYASHA'S!!!! and can annoying people about Yu-Gi-Oh! count as a talent?
| Yamis Pharaohess
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Friday, December 23, 2005
Bubble Gum (11:35pm)
Me: *typing on the computer while chewing gum*
Yami: *watching her type while also chewing gum* *blows a little bubble*
Me: *blows a bubble and pops it*
Yami: *blows a bubble*
Me: *Blows a bubble.......*
Yami: .........
Me: *blows the bubble bigger......*
Yami: ..........
Me: *bubble gets bigger and bigger......* *thinks “Whoa....”*
Yami: ..........
Bubble: *Gets HUGE then pops all over her face*
Me: .........
Yami: ......*starts laughing*
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Today was really cool!!!! It was the last day before Christmas break, so there were all the Christmas stuff going on. I tried to wear something Christmas-y, but I went with winter. I found out that I could have pig tails in my hair, even though it’s short. ^^ yay! I just mainly wore a white tank top and blue jeans. (Wow..... ^_~) but I wore the earrings I got from my friend for my b-day. ^^ and I don’t usually say this about myself, BUT I thought I looked cute today! O_o heehee. Oh, and I ran outside to catch the bus w/o a jacket on! I was fine. I thought it was warm! It was probably like, 23 degrees out. No, I don’t live on the North Pole! But anyway....coming to school.....
In foods class, we made Christmas food. Foods like rice crispy wreaths. Only it was corn flakes. It was still really good. My lab had to mix caramel, butter, and condensed milk -all melted- together and put a marshmallow in it, then cover it in rice crispies. It didn’t taste that good to me. oh well. Some of the other food was good.
But in lunch *sigh* grrr......2 of my friends really pissed me off. Ok. They’re not big fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! well, they HATE IT. And I can be fine with that. If I’m talking about it, and they don’t want to hear it, I’ll shut up. All they have to say so. I’m fine. With. That. Well, what they say a lot is “Yu-Gi-Oh sucks!!!” ppppffffttttt.
“Yu-Gi-Oh! can go to hell!!”
Heh. Ok I get it............... but the last one, I’m not even going to say. My jaw just kind of dropped. It was uncalled for! And it made me feel REALLY uncomfortable. >< I just stood up, and left. All they had to do is tell me to stop talking about it, and I didn’t even start it. I barely said a word! I finished my lasagna (Yum!) on the way to the trash then kept my milk and put the tray on the cleaning-area-thing. I grabbed the school newspaper and read it and drank the milk the rest of the lunch. Some people just need to grow up. *scoff*
English was funny. The teacher left and didn’t come back for a while. After about 20 minutes, I looked out the door. I said, “She’s coming back! With doughnuts!” everyone believed me. Whoa. Weird! They were so mad when they found out she didn’t come back and didn’t have doughnuts. HA! HA! HA! Just a little fun. The guy behind me said I owed everyone doughnuts. And he wanted a lemon-filled one. I was just LAUGHING!!!!!!! It was too funny. anyway.....
The bus ride home was fun. When I got off, it was REALLY warm. I scooped a handful of snow. Yup. Snowball fighting snow. As soon as I put my stuff away, I ran to Lisa’s house. Muwhahaha! We had a fun snowball fight! ^^ she buried me in the snow when I laid down in it! My pants were soaked!!!!!!!! Wow. It was really a good time. She may come over tonight to sleep over. I hope she can. If my dad will EVER get off the phone!!! I’ll just to music.....and singing to it......horribly......... ^^
*~*~*~Yamis Pharaohess~*~*~*
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Well, all of today’s been up and down for me. I was on the computer this morning until 7am. I thought it was fast, but it wasn’t. so instead of it being 6:40, it really was 7. >< I had to run out the door. I catch the bus at 7:12. I got to school and everything seemed ok. Except I felt really drowsy. I’m sure it’s the school food. I had a doughnut (it’s actually a roll, I just call it a doughnut) with frosting. It was sweet, since it was vanilla frosting. My friend Heather came over to me and gave me a present. I said she didn’t have to, since she got me a b-day present. But she left before I could say anything else. It was in a bag, with tissue paper, and inside was a little blue box. It looked pretty! I thought it was make-up, because of the name on the box. I had to rip the box a little so I could see what it was. It was ANOTHER pair of earrings!!! O_O they’re pink jewels in the shape of hearts. I wouldn’t by them for myself, but I still like them! ^^ well, the rest of first hour went by too slow. I have to eat food from home because the school’s food not only made my feel drowsy, but I swear, they make me feel depressed! In second hour, I kept going on and on ranting to my friend Stefi how no does anything nice for me. I feel this way sometimes and I hate it. But I felt that no one has spent a buck on me if it’s not my birthday or some other holiday. And I remembered that in elementary school, on my birthday, no one decorated my locker. If it was, it was a piece of paper with “Happy Birthday” scribbled on it, and a little piece of ribbon. That made me feel kind of unwanted. So, in middle school I decorated my own locker. It was better than nothing! But, I’m getting away from my main story. I was listing to my CD in second hour (math) and it made me feel better because it was a mix I made of some of my favorite songs. I was taking this test that we were supposed to (no one else was doing it!) since I didn’t feel all that social. Then my teacher comes over to my desk and puts a red stocking on my desk. It made me wonder if someone I know did it but I picked it up and looked at the little note inside. It was from Stefi! I felt like crying because I just was complaining how no one knows I live on Earth so I gave her a HUGE hug. ^^ It was actually ironic. It had a little candy cane in it too. third hour...nothing really happened. I wanted popcorn chicken for lunch but people kept budging so I got a salad instead. At lunch, I saw Heather. Then I gave HER a hug too. ^^ I was hugging all over today. Andrew wanted to listen to my CD player at the end of lunch. He heard “Change the World” and knew it was Japanese, so he’s like *gasp* JAPANESE!! And wanted to hear it. It’s weird because he doesn’t really like least, no that I know of. I asked him “What’s with you and Japanese?” he replied, “What’s with you and Yu-Gi-Oh!?” I was confused! Nothing happened in rest of third our, but in 4th hour, I found I had a B- !!! I started out the quarter with an F! And now I had a B- ! Yes!!!!! ^^
We just put the tree up, and my dad broke my tri-pod I got for my birthday from my uncle! *scoff* he told me to calm down, but I already was. I said it before, Lisa, my friend, said that I have gotten better with the whole anger thing. ^^ *tear* I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And all those exclamation marks ARE necessary!! ^_^ well, um. That’s all for now. I don’t know who will see this post, but I just get it all out. I think since I haven’t gotten presents yet. (Since my dad won’t take me anywhere!!!!) I’ll give out hugs! O_o ok. Maybe paper cranes are better. I just have to find a page to teach me how. Hee hee ^///^()
See Ya!
*~*Yamis Pharaohess *~ *
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i made this last night.
Um......yeah. !!!!!

oh, and here's another poem. i'm printing it out so my friends can lok at it too. ^^
*~*~~Questions - Part 2~~*~*
Do I love him?
Do I hate him?
Should I love him?
Should I hate him?
Can I love him?
Can I hate him?
These questions run through my mind every time I see his eyes.
Should I forget the past?
Or should I let it remind me?
Does he know me?
Or am I just a face?
Should I hold him in my dreams?
But avoid him in reality?
Does he like me?
Does he hate me?
Should he like me?
Should he hate me?
Can he like me?
Can he hate me?
These questions have no time to answer.
But do these answers come quickly?
Or do they come over much time?
Can we be together?
Should we be together?
Getting mixed messages always confuse a person.
I wish for one straight answer.
Is that to much to ask?
What if he plays a different game?
What if he marches to the beat of a much different drum?
I am running the line that’s head toward happiness.
But will it lead to my despair?
Will it make the ground beneath me crumble?
But what id the past is still there, but it teaches? Not reminds?
Can this be a happy time?
Will it be a happy time?
These questions may get me nowhere.
But it doesn’t hurt to dream.
even thought i think it's bad, lol
^^ please comment! (POSITVLY!)
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Me: I GOT 100 HITS!!!!!! WHOO!!!!! *dances and pardes around the room*
Yami: AWESOME!!!!!!
Yami: but it only took a month!! yes!! Way to go!
Me: *leaves and comes back with cookies* thanks everybody! *gives you a cookie*
Yami: Can i have one?
Me: (sarcasticly) No......! *shoves one in his mouth* ^^
Yami: Thanks......? O_o
Me: heehee
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GRRR!!!! I’m almost there!!!!! (but I’ll never tell. heehee) hopefully I’ll reach my goal by the end of the day. (Sarcastically) I’m REALLY keeping you in suspense huh? I JUST GOTTA GET THERE! GOTTA GET THERE!!!!
Ok. *calms down* to the school part. ... ... ... ... ok. That’s it nothing happened. ^^ Just at lunch, when my friends Casey kept bugging me to ask this gut out. I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO HE IS. So, finally, I asked her, “Who is this guy?” No. I wasn’t going to ask him out; I just wanted to know who he was. So Casey points him out and waits from him. She said, “Happy couple!” And pushed me to him. O_o he looked at me and said, “Who the hell are you?!” I pointed to Casey and said, “It’s all her doing!” and then the dude chased her down the hall. It was funny, but other then that nothing happened today. Oh and.......*drumroll* here’s a poem I wrote in July. ^^ (I have a bunch in a folder) PLZ COMMENT!
**~*~*~~Thinking Of You~~*~*~**
Throughout the day
I do not talk I do not mumble.
I think of you.
Though all the times
Good and bad.
I think of you.
You can make me happy by just existing.
You make smile every time I see you.
You may have you flaws
You are still perfect in my eyes.
I don’t care what happens,
Who judges us.
I will still love you.
Our love is strong.
Even though it’s secret.
Almost to ourselves.
I admire you from all distances.
I still love you.
Although it wasn’t love at first site,
This love can last.
You may try and hid it from everyone else.
But you cannot hide it from me.
I will keep it.
This our secret.
From the world.
Just don’t break our love.
Don’t break out special bond.
Don’t break my heart.
Don’t break me.
I love you forever.
I’ll be here for you.
Just don’t tell me to leave.
Don’t leave me out in the rain.
All by myself.
Because I love you.
I always have.
And I always will.
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Monday, December 19, 2005
remember how i said i was going to post a poem like on......sunday or something? heh. sorry i didn't! um....pick a number (1 or 2) then pick a second number 1-22. heehee i love making people do this! ^^
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School was boring. Nothing really happened. I rushed to get my stuffy guide done today. I was writing so fast my arm got sore. I think I did somewhat ok on the final. It was more like a test, though. I have Current Events tomorrow. I’ll do that now. My friend is having a choir concert tonight. I’m going to see that later. That’s all I have for now. I’ll just finish this post right ^^;
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Feeling Stupid ^////^
Okay. The first time something happened to my computer only lasted for a day. It was fixed somehow! But it felt longer than that. Now, this last problem lasted for about 2 days. I always think that my computer will crash or something. But I have nothing t worry about. *clicks on the little music icon on her desktop...clicks “Nami Tamaki” and blasts it* everything’s ok. I feel stupid thinking too hysterically *dances to the music*
Yami: *wakes up by the loud music in the other room...comes though the doorway rubbing his eyes* What are you doing??????
Me: funno! I was saying how stupid I felt after the last computer problem magically fixed itself *continues dancing*
Yami: And you had to do this at 6:10 in the morning because.......?
Me: I was up.
Yami: but don’t you have to get ready for school? Be the “Gothic Téa” you were going to be today? That what you said yesterday
Me: *still dancing* oh. my hair is too short for that. I’m going as “Me wearing black like I have every other Monday except with much shorter hair.” ^^
Yami: Sure. Hey, don’t we have a 4 day week this week?
Me: *jumps up and down* YEAH!!!!!! ^__^ snowball fights and sleepovers and Christmas!!!!! Yes!!!!!! This is going to rock!!
Yami: *thinking (Uh-oh. she hasn’t even had breakfast yet and I think i already got her hyper.....note to self: don’t bug Yamis Pharaohess before school.)*
Me: (song ends) *stops dancing* ok. I’m done. Wish me luck on my final today!!! ^__^ I could use it! ><
See Ya!
*~*~*~Yami and Yamis Pharaohess~*~*~*
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Good Show!
Naruto was awesome last night!!!!!! Naruto was.........really.........angry. O_o he was turning demon-like. The next thing you know he’ll pull out a giant sword, start swinging it around yelling, “WIND SCAR!!!!!” Susuke was so cool! THE SHARINGAN ROCKS!!!!! FMA was good too. Now we know how Scar got his well.....scar and where he got his arm. Strange. It was sad who Scar’s brother died! Awwwww......
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