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Yu-Gi-Oh! Otaku (cashier at BK)
Real Name
Kibou Yumi Chan, or Nami Shannon De Cantore
I've gotten on the right track with a lot of things with the help of my friends. I dunno!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember! Seems like forever....
Favorite Anime
YU-GI-OH! Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Well, obviously!) Inu Yasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Vandread, Naruto, Street Fighter 2, World of Narue, Read or Die, Prince of Tennis, there's probably more that I'm not thinking of...
Have my own reseraunt or show on Food Network, become a storm chaser, seeing my little sister again.
Dancing, cooking, dancing, dreaming, drawing, chasing storms ^^;; um... playing DDR! Hanging out and stuff like that.
Dancing, Cooking, Multi-tasking, making people laugh, MY EARS CAN TWITCH LIKE INUYASHA'S!!!! and can annoying people about Yu-Gi-Oh! count as a talent?
| Yamis Pharaohess
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Monday, December 12, 2005
i had a good birthday at school. i had two Krispy Kreme doughnuts and that was really cool. i got on the bus and started talking at lighing speed. ^^; i gave out invitations to my friends who i want to come to my party on saturday. in foods class today, we made apple crip. (that was SO good!) then we had a pep fest. my friend who has the same bithday gave me a present. she drew me a picture of Yami for me. ^^ it was really cool. i just wanted to stare at it. O_o heehee. i loved lunch (except the fact i had to wait forever to get it and i couldn't find my friends anywhere!) it that is was chicken nuggets! Yum! in fourth hour, I GOT A PERFECT PAPER ON MY WUIZ! 9/9 right. Yes!!!!!!!!! when i came home, i saw 2 messages on my answering machine. i already knew who they were from. my aunt and my gramma. my aunt sang me Haapy Birthday. then my gramma called in the middle of the day and wished me a happy one too. she'll be here to give me a present later. ^^
even though no clapped for me when i got a perfect paper, and they did for everyone else, i don't care anymore. i'm just glad i do have a lot of people who care about me. all of my friends and stuff *starts getting teary* i have to stop haning around with Téa so much! ^____^
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Just a quick post before school.
Yami: Yay! *hugs* You’re 15!
Me: YES! *dances around the room to a Nami Tamaki song*
*Kaiba, Joey, and Mai barge in with a bang*
Me: *falls over* talk about a wake up call.
Kaiba, Mai and Joey: Happy Birthday!!!!!
Me: cool! Thanks!!!!!

Joey: Whoa. Dat cake looks good enough to eat..
Yami: ......Should we tell him?
Me: Tell him what?
Yami *whispers*
Me: oh!!!! yeah! *to Joey* Hey Joey?
Joey: Yeah?
Me: if you REALLY want to, you can have one piece of the cake.
Joey: Dis cake? *points to the picture*
Me, Yami, Mai and Kaiba: -_-;;
Kaiba: No. there’s a cake downstairs Wheeler.
Joey: ALL RIGHT!!!!!! *runs downstairs*
Mai: he eats way too much.
Yami: that’s Joey for ya! ^^
Joey: *from downstairs* I KNOW! I KNOW!
Me: He’ll eat the whole thing, won’t he?
Everyone: *nods*
Yami: *looks at the clock* You’re going to be late for school if you don’t hurry.
Me: ack!!! School! Oh shoot! *runs around getting ready*
Kaiba: this was a quick post?
Yami: Yes.
Mai: not to be rude, but it’s kind of long.
Yami: it’s fine. ^^
Kaiba and Mai: Whatever.
Yamis Pharaohess *downstairs* JOEY I SAID ONE PIECE!!!! NOT EIGHT!!! *Yells to upstairs* YAMI? CAN YOU ADD THE POST?
Yami: Yep!!!! *adds the post*
Yamis Pharaohess *running out the door* we’ll have a party after I get back!
Kaiba: See ya
Yami: Wait! I want to come with! *runs out the door too*
Mai: bye!
Joey: *face stuffed with cake* Mmmff! Mff-ff!!!
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
my e-cards have ben sent over 200 times!
Yami: 217 to be exact.
Me. Yeah... and my wallpapers have been downloaded over 250 times!! awesome!
Yami: 278!!!!!!
Me: how did you remember that?
Yami: we just checked it.
Me: oh. right. ^^;;
Thanks everyone!
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~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
ok. Yesterday morning, Yu-gi-Oh REALLY left me hanging!!!!! i watched Naruto last night and Sakura screamed (for a really long time might i add) and then they went to the credits. >< grrr..... and i usually don't watch this show, and i only saw the last 3 minutes, but Samuri Shamploo was making me get to the edge of my seat. Full Metal Alchemist was really good. so....i can't wiat until next saturday. no...wait.... *thinks* heehee. i REALLY can't wait for next Saturday!!! ^_^ ^_~
i don't have anything planned for today. my friend Lisa may come back over today if she doesn't have any homework left. hey, wait. i have homework too! i asked my dad to get some tagborad, and he hasn't done it yet! -__- " abd i said i would be on top of all my English. that doesn't mean he can't help!!!
ok. so, maybe here's the plan: get dad off the phone so we can go to the store, do my homework (ALL OF IT!) and bake the cookies that i made last night. ^^ yum. Mint M&M!!!!!!!!! i may work on my inuyasha wallpaper. i have to figure somethings out. and i may make some more e-cards. i haven't done that for a while.
See Ya!
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
Done cleaning up
My friend just left a while ago. I showed her all the funny Inuyasha clips I have on my computer. ^^ it was funny! She came over with her digital camera. OMG........i did the STUPIDEST things! I did a little dance to weird songs. Heehee. Speaking of weird songs, we listened to the Weird Al songs I have this music....thing. O_o I don’t know how to get there, really. I just click and it pops up after 14 tries and going through 36 folders. Then we made cookies! Yum! They’re mint M&Ms too. She got kinda hyper, and she kept saying “Yu-Gi-Oh!” I would scream “OMG!!!!!” and start hyperventilating! (I thought of what happened) WHAA! PHARAOH!!!!!! *calms down* ok I’m Fine! ^_~ she had to leave at , because it was getting dark. Her parents are really overprotective. Sometimes I feel like her baby-sitter! And she’s older then me. I said, when she was leaving, “We should get those pager things thy have on Teen Titans. So, if you’re walking home, and it’s dark, then someone is driving kind of slow around you, you can page me!” Since her parents are over protective, and sometimes she gets a little freaked out if she sees a truck driving kind of slow. So, I kind of protect her. ^^ She said her “tough side” is gone, but sometimes she acts tough around her dad, because he has a fit and gets mad easily. I said, that once I was walking to the Mall/Target, whatever and I was passing Menard’s. there was a van driving in the parking lot, going with me. I just stopped GLARED at it. after 10 seconds, it drove out of the parking lot and in the opposite way I was walking. Nope, I am not a girl who gets worried that quickly. A few people know that at school.
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*freaking out* eek! where's the Pharaoh?!! where's the Pharaoh?!! where's the Pharaoh?!! O_o try and tell me that didn't leave you hanging!!!! and with what Aknadin is doing to the prisoners and Kisara? freaky...... i'm going to end up pullng all my hair out! i can't wait until next Saturday!!!!! . . . *paces around the room* *gasp* and Bakura has the MILLENIUM PUZZLE!!!! uh-oh.....this will not end well. when Bakura did that whole backwards time thing, it gave me a headache! but yay Tristan! you punched Bakura! too bad he kinda got you back...! -_o i'm never going to stop talking about this episode. ^^ i'll probably only tell my cousin. no one else here repects it. oh well but OMG!!!!!! I WANNA HELP LOOK FOR THE PHARAOH!! yep. i'm crazy. but i don't really care! ^_^
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Yu-Gi-Oh! is on in lesss then half an hour! i've been waiting to see this episode all week!in about 25 minutes, i'm going to push my dad out of the basement so i can tape it. Muwhahahaha
in other news... ... ...
i got to updated sites in record time! O_o before, it would take FOREVER for a page to load. and it's supposed to be "Comtastic". but today, i clicked on the link, and was there in a second. cool! 8-D
my friend Lisa may come over today. i asked her if she could come over or if her neighbor was "keeping her hostage" again. she said, she was probably going to be "imprisioned" again. she then explaied the situation a little. her friend Kim has issues. lisa siad her life is worse than mine. (wanna bet?) i've seen her house, and it may be a little bigger than mine. both her paernts are working, and she even has to parents living with her. she's i dance, and i see that's a better life than mine. Lisa siad she couldn't tell me anymore. and even though we're best friends, and we tell everything, i understood that this was Kim's issue and i was fine that i wasn't going to get wrapped up in it. now i'm just wondering. maybe a little bit i could ask? so i could have a little idea what's going on and i'll never dive into it.
anyways........ *gasp* 15 minutes until Yu-Gi-Oh! starts! YAY!!!!!!!! ok. getting too hyper. if there's one thing i don't like today, it's the time yu-gi-oh is on. i'm hungry! ^_^
that's all for now. i'll post after breakfast and after i recoer from my heart attack from watching Yu-Gi-Oh! ^_~ (i think i almost fainted once. talk about really getting into it!)
*~*~*~* See Ya! *~*~*~*
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Friday, December 9, 2005
hey hey
does this theme look firmilar? it should! i had it a week ago! i feel so dumb! i couldn't get back the BG i have now! why didn't i think of it sooner?! (if you don't know, let me know if you wanna know and i'll tell ya!)
i'm working on a (what i think)a REALLY COOL INUYASHA WALLAPAER! i hope you all like it.
i'll get it done as soon as possible.
See Ya!
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T . G . I . F . !
Yamis Pharaohess: Today is Friday!
Yami: Yes!
Yamis Pharaohess: and so begins another weekend.
Yami: Yep.
Yamis Pharaohess: there’s only 16 days left until Christmas! ^_^ so......what did you all get me?????? What do you mean, “I haven’t gotten it yet”? ^_~ anyway.... Yu-Gi-Oh! on Saturday mornings has changed from 7:00 am to 10:30 am.
Yami: That’s a good thing because you can get more sleep in!
Yamis Pharaohess: Yep. Last episode we left off left off at......Where DID we leave off?
Yami: Hmmm.....*draws numbers in the air* the flash....then the attack......and the items......carry the 2........divide by pi.....We left off where Bakura is still up to no good,.....Yugi saw the Pharaoh run past chasing Bakura......and Slifer was about to attack Bakura, and Diabound was just about to attack the Pharaoh.
Yamis Pharaohess: Eeeeekkkkkkk! That last episode left me hanging!!
Yami: did you have any idea how close you were to the TV?
Yamis Pharaohess: heh. Maybe. But anyway, Yu-Gi-Oh has moved to 10:30. ^^ yay!
I’m glad that the weather has warmed up a bit here. It’s supposed to be in the 30s, but it’s been in the teens and single digits. Finally! A little more warmer!
Yami: Snowball fight!!!!!
Yamis Pharaohess: well, maybe. The snow seems almost to be ice. ^_~ hopefully we can get the Christmas lights up at least on the garage and windows. Here’s something off subject: I wanted to talk to a friend of mine after lunch. I just wanted to talk to him. So, I was talking to him, but I looked behind me, and our friend Casey was looking at us. I said, “Hi!...” and continued talking to my friend.
Yami: she probably thought you were asking him out or something.
Yamis Pharaohess: I wouldn’t doubt it, that or maybe she’s jealous because he may have a crush on me. O_o weird. ~~~~~ I have to get on top of my schoolwork. We’re going reading Ulysses in English. It’s easy, so I’ll be back on top very shortly.
Yami: And it’s my job to make sure you do that and not stay on the computer too long!
Yamis Pharaohess: Yep. And, with all this English going around, I’ll be doing a lot of work this week, working on my schoolwork because it’s Mid-term. So I’ll be studying and working. I and I still need to go a little more shopping.
Yami: How many people left?
Yamis Pharaohess: Ummmm.......*counts on fingers*...*counts on toes* I think 9.
Yami: -_- ;; did you need to count on your toes to get to nine?
Yamis Pharaohess: heh. Maybe. You keep track better that way.
Yami: Right.......^_~ ;;
Yamis Pharaohess: well, that’s Friday for ya. Naruto is on at 11 tonight! Yay! So is Revolution! *sigh* witch one to watch. Heehee. Both I guess!
See Ya!
*~*~*~Yami and Yamis Pharaohess ~*~*~*
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
S c a r y !
my dad really had me worried last night. he and some people from his baseball team were going to a bar. i thought, "ok. if my dad has like 2 drinks, he'll be fine." HE CAME HOME DRUNK!!!!! O_O it scared me half to daeth. it was after midnight too. i heard him knock into the wall a few times coming up the staris. this is the first time i've seen my dad drunk. i thought i heard him pass out on the bathroom floor. i was standing in the middle of my room, and i was shaking like crazy. i prayed he'd be ok. i though if my dad saw me up passed 10pm, he'd get really pissed off and may hurt me. i know what drunk people have done to their kids. i didn't hear anything coming from the bathroom, so i prayed to God he'd be ok. after 5 seconds, i heard something. HE WAS OK! i may of been overreating. but i was flipping out. i didn't go to bed until after 2 in the morning. my day was kind of messed up yesterday. i had a bad day and i was really pissed off. i was ok around 7, then i felt depressed about 10. i felt better after 11, then my dad come home and i felt bad aain. i just want to say, i was shaking so much my legs hurt, and i had a HUGE headache.
my dad feels really bad that he acted like that. he said since he wasn't driving he didn't keep track how much he was drinking. he won't do it again. and if he does, i'll be waiting for him sitting on the top of the stairs just like my mom did.
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