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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Sunday, August 26, 2007

   New Stuff, Old Stuff
Kibou: Well, my aunt�s garage sale was alright. There was a lot of stuff gone. I don�t think there�s much of my stuff that sold. Just almost all my jeans.
Yami: Then you can use that money to buy some new jeans.
Kibou: Exactly. I may go back out there today, since my aunt extended the sale. I hope everything of mine goes. But yesterday, I got my Yu-Gi-Oh and Naruto fix, but I was kind of disappoint with at least YGO.
Yami: It was only the ending of the 3rd season last week, so the 4th should have started. The TV Guide thing said the episode that was going to show was �the Intruder�. And it wasn�t. It was the 5-to-last-epi. Very confusing.
Kibou: and Naruto was funny, but the repeating images were bugging me. >< I guess, if it was a filler. *sigh* Oh well. What can ya do?

Quote of the Week: �There is always more than one way to do every, and anything.�

Video of the Week: A Yuugiou animation! ^^

I have some new stuff, nut they�re not submissions. Heehee. ^^ I got an account on DeviantART!

I just had the same name as I do here, less for people here to remember. XP j/k!
I�ll be submitting my work there as well. If you have a DA account, you could add me if you wanted to. ^^
I think that�s about it. I�m sorry that I didn�t get to all the sites yesterday. T_T I�ll try and visit EVERYONE who�s updated yesterday and today, alright? ^^

Hope you all have a good week!

-Kibou & Yami-

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