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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Thursday, August 30, 2007

   Hidden Treasures
In the midst of cleaning/organizing my room, I came across some poems I had written in the past. This one is one of my favorite songs that I did. (It�s so cute!) I revised it a bit, and the tune I'm not too sure of how it would go exactly... Hmm....
Tell me what you think of it! ^^ (Words in bold are the chorus)

Left Behind

Tell me about that man on stage
Is he the one that I first loved?
Will he see me in the crowd
Or will I have to make him turn around?

A girl and a boy who loved each other
Thought that nothing could separate them
But now the boy has gone onto fame
While the girl is left behind

Now everyday she sees his face
On posters and in magazines
Will he forget the girl next door?
When all his fans surround him

As the girl walked from the stage
Something made her stop
A song that the boy had wrote
About the girl he never forgot

I suddenly spun around
And looked into your eyes
That look made me realize
That I had never left your mind.

TA-DA! XP There you have it.


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