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• 1990-12-12
• In Egypt!
Member Since
• 2005-11-20
• Yu-Gi-Oh! Otaku (cashier at BK)
Real Name
• Kibou Yumi Chan, or Nami Shannon De Cantore
• I've gotten on the right track with a lot of things with the help of my friends. I dunno!
Anime Fan Since
• I can't remember! Seems like forever....
Favorite Anime
• YU-GI-OH! Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Well, obviously!) Inu Yasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Vandread, Naruto, Street Fighter 2, World of Narue, Read or Die, Prince of Tennis, there's probably more that I'm not thinking of...
• Have my own reseraunt or show on Food Network, become a storm chaser, seeing my little sister again.
• Dancing, cooking, dancing, dreaming, drawing, chasing storms ^^;; um... playing DDR! Hanging out and stuff like that.
• Dancing, Cooking, Multi-tasking, making people laugh, MY EARS CAN TWITCH LIKE INUYASHA'S!!!! and can annoying people about Yu-Gi-Oh! count as a talent?
| Yamis Pharaohess
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Another Long Week is Over
Kibou: Phew! This week took forever to end...
Yami: and then you wonder why the weekend has to be so short!
Kibou: Right.. anyway, Monday was Kana-chan�s birthday. ^^ I got her a key-and-lock necklace, hidden in some Skittles in a small egg-shaped candle holder with the kanji �seeker of truth� I had painted on there. She loved them all. ^^ yay! Tuesday we made cookies in my chef class. I gave one to my old English teacher, and she said it was the best PB cookie she ever had. XP That was cool.
Yami: But to even out the good, Wednesday was a bit stressful, wasn�t it?
Kibou: >< Gawd, yes. I had to work on my Astronomy homework in the morning, that took a while, then I had found out that we had a long homeroom, meaning I had to rush to eat lunch, a bunch of other stuff happened that I can�t remember right now, but then I had two tests to study for, both on Thursday. Hope I did well. Also on Thursday, a storm swept through here, dumping over 2 inches of rain. O_o It was fun to watch! XD Friday was... eh... good and not so good. Being sick this week didn�t help much, either! ^^; I hope that this upcoming week is a lot better!
Salih followed Anika to her bedroom. He was surprised once again. He let out a sigh after a while.
�Look, Anika...� he began. �I want to apologize about earlier. I mean, with you here at the palace, after the village was destroyed...� Anika shook her head with a faint smile.
�It�s okay. I understand where you were coming from.� She told him. �I was surprised too when the prince said I could call him �Atem�. Actually, I was really surprised when I found myself here in the first place. But like you said, I am, and you too, we�re not royalty. I�d have to be kidding myself to think that--�
�Wait a minute.� Salih interrupted and made Anika stop by a wave of his hand. �I... didn�t really mean all that.� He admitted. �It�s just, you know, a bit of exasperation.� Anika nodded slowly.
�But the prince seems like a very nice person.� Salih pointed out. �And he appears to care about you, Anika.� Anika remembered all that she and Atem had been through and all the enemies they had faced and defeated. She shook her head a bit, ridding her mind of the thought. She let a long breath escape from her.
�Yeah... well..... I-I guess.� She agreed quietly looking down. A moment of silence followed. Anika looked up at Salih and into his eyes. She stepped towards him, and wrapped her arms around his neck. �I�ve missed you so much...� she murmured. Salih was cought off guard for a moment, but soon put Anika in his own embrace.
�The feeling is mutual. I was worried about you when I left. I thought of you, my best friend, everyday.� He whispered as he stroked her hair. After a while, both were sitting on Anika�s bed, both lost in their own thoughts. Salih soon got into Anika�s bed to rest. Anika watched him as he fell asleep. She let out a small sigh and left the room. After walking around for a while, Anika heard some commotion further down the hall. She stopped and listened, then took a few steps forward. Some guards and advisers were walking around, talking about Atem. Anika saw Atem between everyone, but decided to not become part of the crowd. She turned around and left the way she came. She began to wonder where Khalil had bee all this time. �How long has it been since we all returned?� Anika thought. She looked out a window, and saw that the sun was half set already. She drew her attention away from the window, and Mana suddenly popped in front of her. Anika jumped and began to laugh at herself. Mana was in her usual smiling mood. �At least I don�t have to worry about calling Mana anything but �Mana�.� Anika laughed to herself at the thought.
�Hi!� she finally spoke. Mana laughed and winked,
�There is something I gotta tell you!� she grabbed Anika�s hand and lead her away.
Last week�s Trivia: Espa Roba sand the BONUS was : Jinzo Congrats to:
Mai711 // YamiLover03
Follower of Atem // Auska-104
This week�s trivia: What is the name of Grandpa�s shop? (Hint: It�s not just �Game shop�)
Good Luck!
Today I�m going to be posted at least two new fan arts sometime today. Check back later too see them, if you would like. ^^
But I have a new wallpaper up now!
---> Click here!<---
<3! Kibou and Yami
EDIT: Got one of 2 fan arts up!
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