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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Friday, October 12, 2007

   The Week thus Far... Why am I posting this early?
Kibou: I have time to post. On a Friday morning when I have school. Ah, well, this week has been interesting and it�s just about over. Starting with Monday: On the bus ride back from the college (where I take my culinary class), we got in a accident. >< No one was hurt, but the bus scarped the left side of a car. The car was in the wrong direction, on the shoulder, I believe. But the police officer got all of our name who were on the bus. We were 25 minutes late getting back to school.
Yami: *yawns* (((Why am I up? Oh well....))) Well you missed the bus home that day. The buses couldn�t wait an extra 5 minutes, huh?
Kibou: *sighs* No... no they couldn�t. I got home at 4, which was fine, I guess. But we�ve been crash-free for the past 3 days.
Yami: Well thank Ra for that.
Kibou: Other than that, nothing real big has been going on. I did get my mid-term report on Wed. I have a B+ in Astronomy, an A in Global studies and an A in my Culinary Class. *dances* yayness.
Yami: And you made egg rolls Wednesday in Culinary, didn�t you?
Kibou: Yeah and they were REALLY good. I let Kana-chan have one before she got dropped off at her bus stop, 15 minutes later she calls me at home �OMG! THEY WERE SOOOOO GOOD! ..... Do you have any to spare?� XDDDDDDDDDDDD Good ol� Kana-chan. Heehee. I�ve been busy In the kitchen at school and at home. I made Pasta Monday (school) potato soup Tuesday (home) Egg rolls Wednesday (school) and chicken pizza from scratch (home)
Yami: And a turkey sandwich....... ..... I guess that doesn�t count?
Kibou: Um...... no. But all were very good. Well, that�s all the ranting I�ll do for now. I have a bus to catch at 7:10, and it�s now... 7:05?!?!?!?! Oh Ra, gotta run!

<3! Tired Yami-kun & Late Kibou-chan

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