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In Egypt!
Member Since
Yu-Gi-Oh! Otaku (cashier at BK)
Real Name
Kibou Yumi Chan, or Nami Shannon De Cantore
I've gotten on the right track with a lot of things with the help of my friends. I dunno!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember! Seems like forever....
Favorite Anime
YU-GI-OH! Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Well, obviously!) Inu Yasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Vandread, Naruto, Street Fighter 2, World of Narue, Read or Die, Prince of Tennis, there's probably more that I'm not thinking of...
Have my own reseraunt or show on Food Network, become a storm chaser, seeing my little sister again.
Dancing, cooking, dancing, dreaming, drawing, chasing storms ^^;; um... playing DDR! Hanging out and stuff like that.
Dancing, Cooking, Multi-tasking, making people laugh, MY EARS CAN TWITCH LIKE INUYASHA'S!!!! and can annoying people about Yu-Gi-Oh! count as a talent?
| Yamis Pharaohess
Saturday, January 19, 2008
3 Days Off After An Interesting Week
Kibou: Saturday! Yes! It’s finally here! *goes back under the covers*
Yami: It’s 9, Kibou, time to get up.
Kibou: *whispers* But it’s cold outside.
Yami: Alright, I’ll talk about the week, then. Wednesday Kibou had registration for the ’08-’09 school year, like she said on Thursday. She’s taking some good classes. Including the second course of her Culinary class. No surprise there. ^_~
Kibou: but now, I feel as if I’m falling behind in a current class of mine, Comp.Video Arts. X_x So much left to do..... but on a positive note, I made a cake in my Culinary class. ^^ It’s a wedding-kind-of cake... sort of. That’s the category I put it in. =P I took pictures! XD

Gah... >< It’s so crappy and out of focus.... Yarg. ><
As Salih walked down the halls towards Anika’s room, he caught a glance of Atem in the meeting room. He had his elbows on the table, hands folded at chin-height, his head resting upon them. Salih slowly walked in.
“How is she?” he asked. Atem looked up and sighed.
“Anika will be fine.” Atem assured him. “I checked on her this morning. But it’s what she said last night that worries me.” Salih stiffened.
“What did she say?” he questioned, a bit worried now himself. Atem gave Salih a serious look as he spoke.
“She told me that it was... Bakura. He had taken control over her.” Salih looked at him in bewilderment.
“What?!” he exclaimed. “I thought we didn’t have to worry about him anymore. Anika told me.” Atem shook his head.
“Believe me,” he began. “I’m as shocked as anyone. I defeated Bakura with my own two hands. I saw him disappear right before me.”
“Than how could he have returned?” Salih asked, almost demanding. Atem sighed again.
“I’m trying to figure that out myself.” He told him. Salih stood still for a moment, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. “Shouldn’t he be doing something more than just sitting here?” Salih thought to himself. Neither of them spoke. Shada appeared in the doorway and was a bit hesitant to enter. He walked forward and approached Atem.
“Prince Atem,” he spoke, breaking the tension between Salih and Atem. Atem shifted his attention to Shada. “I have the arrangements made.” He stated, handing the pile of papers to Atem.
“Oh, thank you Shada.” Atem nodded as he took the papers and began leafing through them. “Anika could be in danger, and now it seems like he’s ignoring the entire situation.” Salih thought to himself again. Atem peered at Salih, who was watching him from the corner of his eye. As other priests began to fill in, Atem set the papers down and turned to Salih. “You’re welcome to stay for the meeting, Salih.” He offered. Salih looked at the half-seated table, then back to Atem. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them as he sighed with a small grunt.
“Thanks but I’ll pass.” He said bitterly. He turned around and left without another word. “There’s one more thing that Atem doesn’t know about Anika.” Salih said to himself as he continued his walk to Anika’s room. “He may know about magic and spirits, and he may think he knows everything about Anika...” his paced quickened slightly. “... but he doesn’t know half of who she is.” Salih now stood at Anika’s doorway. He pushed back the curtain and walked in. Half way to the bed he let out a quick gasp. Anika was gone.
Kibou: Damn, where’d she go this time? And... what is Salih’s problem?
Yami: You’re the person who’s writing it, you should know. =P
Kibou: .... ^^; anyway... onto trivia time.
Last week’s trivia answer was: Raphael.
(It was when he challenged Yami-kun to a duel in that canyon, and he chopped the bridge off! O_o Crazy man.) No one got it this time around. So onto the next one! Same season
Who did Yami duel after he lost to Raphael?
Good Luck!
Kibou: Well, that’s a nice start to the next 72 hours where I’m going to be HIBERNATING! It’s so cold here. XD Right now, at 9:30 am, it’s 13 below zero, and it feels like -25. heehee. And this is just a little below norm for here! XD XD XD don't worry, I've been through this 16 times before. heehee
Hope you have a nice and warm Saturday! ^_~
<3! **Kibou & Yami**
P.S. I don't know who many sites I'm going to be on today, or the whole weekend for that matter. I really want a good start on my Global Studies project. *nods* gomen, minna!
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