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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Friday, January 20, 2006

   Ha ha!
I�m at school! And I�m posting! Shhh! No one knows about me at school. Ith the whole Otaku stuff�. Shhhh!!!!! Ok. Sorry. Got a little hyper there. Um. I�m going to lunch soon. And I do have limited time on here. I don�t know what to say. In English I�m having a vocab test on the Lord of the flies, I didn�t even study1 I barely know what the words are! Ugh! **gigantic sweatdrop** oh well. I�ll pass it. ^_^ no over or under confinence here. But yeah. My first post at school and I�m feeling special because we don�t come t the Comp. Lab everyday AND get to surf. Oh! Why I�m here�. I took a MAP test. I got 243!!!! It took me almost 50 minutes. So, almost 1 minute per problem. Some were easy. Some are still confusing me. And right now I have he sudden urge to watch Yu-gi-Oh! Oh yeah. I�ve lost it. O_o


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