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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Monday, March 13, 2006

-After Dinner-
*Kibou in the chair upstaris slowly spinning in the chair*

*Yami comes in* You ok?

Kibou: I don't know... I was thinking. I think my posts seem really dumb to other people. Just like. I don't know.

Yami: Your posts are fine. It's just about the day and all.

Kibou: Still seems that way.... And right now I want to be up at the trailer watching the sun set over the lake.... Just to get rid of some tension .

Yami: Can you wait a few more months? We have plenty of sun sets before then.

Kibou: Yeah, i guess you're right. ^_^ I guess one's words can move the masses, huh?

Yami: yep. ^_^

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