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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

   Bareable Day?
Today wasn't the greatest. I was really crbby and pissed off today. I'm not usually like that, ecspecially that early in the morning. Afterwards I felt kinda depressed. After 2nd hour I felt better. I got a few more pictures done, even though the last two were kinda off-centerd. I'll fix it tomorrow. And in Science we had a sub. This girl who sits behind me keeps calling this dude my boyfriend. *shudders* We just so happened to be a boy and a girl, who were partners a few times. 'Sides, I don't need one, I don't want one. EVER! O_O But we did a lab, I couldn't do it becuse there weren't enough supplies, and everyone else had a partner, and I just like being alone. *shrugs* I'll make it up somehow. Lisa wasn't on the bus after school today. I remembered her telling me she wasn't going to be for a few weeks. She's kinda on the tech. crew for the play. I'd do it, but I like going home after school.
Wow. This is the shortest post I've ever done, and I'm reasonably calm. Huh. Weird. Anyway, I have to new e-cards up. (Shippou!) And i have a new AMV below. *points to the post she did earlier today* Check it out! ^^
I'll get to sites a little later in the day.

~***~Yamis Pharaohess~***~

P.S. I think I figured out how to get clips from animes and stuff.... I'm just messing around. Heehee

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