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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick・s Day!
Who didn・t wear green today? *smirk* I did. I wore the shirt I thought I couldn・t. =P anyway, nothing really happened to me. I got pinched by Stephi for no reason. So I pinched her back, and she had no green on. I asked people :Where・s your green today?; and they would answer, :I・m not Irish.;
Yami: So..... People think on St. Patrick・s day, If you wear green you・re Irish?
Me: Dunno. But that・s beside the point. Nothing happened today except for 3 things. And I・ll make it short. I beat my record for going around the basement in gym1 It・s now 54.56 seconds.
Yami: Whoo!
Me: ^^ And I got a pass to the guidance office today in gym too. I had no idea what it was for I thought I was in trouble. :I DIDN・T DO IT!; It was actually nothing. They just told me that I couldn・t take Driver・s Ed. this year. I t was full. No biggie......And last thing to talk about: today at lunch, Andrew saw me and ran up to me waving his arms saying, :WABBA WABBA WABBA!; o_O I told him he was crazy, but he was trying to do my imitation on Pac-Man from our conversation yesterday.
Yami: Kind of a weird way to greet someone...... At lunch....
Me: *imitates Pac-man* Sorry, I・m having fun. AND speaking of fun, I・m going over to my grandma・s house today and we・re going to make lasagna and cake. I also have the recipes for Apple crisp, pizza, and stir-fry.
Yami: Yum....................... We could make pizza tomorrow, maybe. And a movie. And popcorn. And............. I don・t know. DDR!
Me: *shrugs* uh, ok! I・m sleeping over at my gramma・s, but don・t think that means I won・t post my story. I・m e-mailing it to myself, HA! And if you think it・s getting boring, just wait, it does get better! ^___^ and the poll above closes a little later. Vote now or else! I・ll......pinch you! (must stay with today! heehee) Well, I better get ready. I・m getting picked up soon. And one last thing: Things don・t work out with me. The sleep over with Lisa and Sel is once again canceled. Lisa is busy this weekend. Next weekend...? maybe.
Yami: It・ll work out sooner or later.
Me: Let・s hope!

~*Yami and KIBOU!*~

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OMG! YU-GI-OH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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