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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

   The week�s half over......
Me: It�s Wednesday. What else is new? Nothing much is going on here. I DID however, beat my record AGAIN in gym. ^^ It�s now down to 49.5 seconds. YAY! But other then that, nothing seems to be going on...... It got very warm today, which is awesome. An right now...... *blank look into space*..... I have forgotten what I was going to say......
Yami: ...We watched Full Metal Alchemist last night.....
Yami: It really was a good episode... What I thought was funny is that when we started out, we had a blanket over both of us, but by the end of the episode, you were all wrapped up in it. How did that work?
Me: No idea. But OMG it was sooooooooooooooo good! I couldn�t stop crying! It was awesome! I could go on forever...... I wanna watch it again, but I had to tape over it with Inuyasha last night..... V_V oh well, it�ll be on again. *gasps* I remembered what I was going to say! I now have a title. I am now �Andrew�s Little Lovely Crackhead�. HA HA HA! All because I came up behind him and said �Watashi ai pi!� ^__^ (I love pie)
Yami: you don�t even like pie......
Me; it was more random then a fact..... And afterwards, I was REALLY hyper. I was bouncing on the seat of the bus, singing along with the radio when they played Unwritten and Every Time We Touch. OMG. I was driving Lisa and Selica INSANE! But it was all good, after 15 minutes I was calm. Very strange.
Yami: Yeah but that�s like you. Always hyper then perfectly calm. ^_~
Me: yep. And that�s where I�m going to close for today.... I�m going to visit sites today. (yayzz!) And I�ve decided to close the above post tomorrow. So that way I have time to fix whatever I want in my story. VOTE!

And................. Like my theme? I finally got music on it! YES! *dances around the room* Ok. Sorry. ^_^ heehee

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