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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Sunday, April 9, 2006


Well, I suggested about having a quote of the week and a video of the week. Then maybe a rant. ^_~ This one will be a funny one.

�Silence is golden, duct tape is silver�

Video of the Week~

Ha! Yu-Gi-Oh! 5th! Opening! *dances*

Since we�re on the subject...... ^_~

Me: Ok. So yesterday�s episode of Yu-Gi-Oh.......
Yami: ..........
Me: .......IT WAS FREAKING ME OUT! So here comes Zork. Creepy looking, as I figured. But still, I say poor Kaiba. I still say he�s confused and won�t admit it! heehee.
It was really getting interesting every second! But Yami Bakura, in the dark, being...Yami Bakura....not a good mix. o_o *whispers* he scares me! *runs behind Yami*
Yami: I don�t think Bakura will get you. Beside, I�m here. ^_~ You�re safe.
Me: *looks around* ok. I almost had a heart attack twice in that episode. Once was when Atem started falling over. Yikes! I put myself into the show too much, maybe I forgot was in FRONT of the TV, on in it, I wanted to catch him! ^_^ I�m crazy, and I just had breakfast.
Yami: This is normal for you.
Me: And before this post is too long, and before I make YOU go crazy, I�ll just say the one part of yesterday�s episode that freaked me out, was then that bolt of lightning hit the ground right whre Atem was..... and the...thing �deok deok� (aniceient duel disk!) came off and I just stopped. I didn�t move I thought how that could of happened when there�s still plenty of episodes left. It was Shada. (ha ha. love saying that) Poor Shada, at least the Pharaoh�s safe. Yay again! But geez, everyone�s going to the Shadow realm and then...... *idea* Ooh...... what about the duel with Y. Bakura and Yugi? And the shadow realm? Hm.... Well, if one of them loses, they�ll go to the Shadow Realm. But what if Bakura loses, and he�s to go to the Shadow Realm, but doesn�t he kind of control it? with Zork and all? Interesting....... I don�t know what will happen, it�s just an idea that popped into my head. O_o and last, but not least, I LOVE YUGI�S LITTLE MARSHMALLOW!!!!! Ii was so kawaii! ^^ What was it called? Marshma.....
Yami: Marshy..mallow....
Me: Marshmallow.......something...... never the less, it was cute, and never the less, I�m shutting up now. So see ya everyone later!
Yami: Bye!

~Yamis Pharaohess and Yami~

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