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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Sunday, June 4, 2006

   I'm Back on Sundays!
I’m Back on Sundays! Hello!

I now have time to do this. Yay! So with out further ado, onto it then!

Quote of the Week: Often the test of courage is not to die but to live

Video of the Week

Before you Watch.....

If you don’t like the couple. Don’t watch this! ^_~

I think there's a big spoiler here too! sorry! THIS WAS NEVER HERE.... @_@

It’s the song I heard on the radio in Photo class one (headphones) and I almost yelled out “YAMI AND ANZU!” When I finally recognized it. Heh heh. anyway. Onto a rant.

Kibou” ^_~ anyway. That duel was so INTENSE!!!!!!!!! I thought it was the last episode, I’m sure glad it’s not! That was another episode where I didn’t breathe much. ^_~
And so..... Atem knew Yugi would defeat the God Cards? Huh? What? I love how Yugi took them down though. Very cool.
Yami: The part where Bakura and Grandpa were skipping around..... that was the weird part. I wasn’t expecting that.
Kibou: No...no...me either. But the interesting part. Kaiba admitting he was wrong ..... with his own free will! . O____o
Yami: He has defiantly changed.
Kibou: No joke. What I’m wondering about, is when Atem (^^) played the Dark Magician, and Ishizu had some kind of vision or memory or something. Yea, it probably has to do with her being a priestess in her past life, but I thought it was that reason, plus the time when Isis was warning Mahad that one time........ the part when he and Bakura dueled...... Hmmm......
Yami: Hmmm....... It was a real good duel. Like you said before, everyone loves a good comeback.
Kibou: And that one was COMPLETELY FULL OF THEM! As soon as you think either Yugi or Atem had the upper hand, the other one totally came up on top. Just Like how Yugi took out the Three God Cards in one turn. Amazing. I can’t wait for the next episode!
Yami: ...And it’s the last one.....
Kibou: Err..... Like I said. I can wait.
Yami: *chuckles*
(Stove in the kitchen beeps)
Yami: What was that?
Kibou: *nervous laugh* What?
Yami: The stove beeped... Are you baking something for some certain reason?
Kibou: Um.... no.... But I’ll just stop it from beeping. Um... I’ll be right back. .... *runs downstairs*
Yami: I smell chocolate cake...... ^_~
Kibou *from down stairs* NO YOU DON’T!


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