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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Waking up at 6am defiantly has its advantages! (got a ride from my aunt and uncle, who were coming back too.) I'm hungry... BUT ANYWAY! It�s great to be back in my own house! And I�m glad to be back at the Otaku. ^_^ *hugs everyone* I had a lot of ups and downs (mainly downs) at my Grandma�s trailer. But, I�ve done it a million times before, so I know how to survive. ^_~ and since I said they were mainly downs, that does mean there were some good points. But that I�m saving for later. I�m going to sum up the little diary I wrote in while I was there. Today, like I promised, the next part of my story, since I wasn�t here last Saturday.


Anika was thinking of where she could run off to. She might look for survivors from when the Tomb Raiders attacked her village.
�The Tomb Raiders!� Anika said to herself. �I should tell Atem and-- no. I can�t. He�d want to know how I knew, and it�ll be that much harder to leave.� She went into her room and lied on the bed, thinking. It seemed forever, but night finally fell. Anika sighed. She heard someone coming. She quickly went under the covers. She opened an eye, and looked towards the door. She saw feet passing by the dim light. They stopped right in front of the door. She only had a split second to think before she heard Atem sleepily say,
�Good night, Anika.� She let out a mumble and Atem went away. Anika knew what to do. She grabbed her bag, just like before. She quietly went down the halls and down into the courtyard. No guards were there, they were still out all over Egypt. She waited and looked up at all the windows. The moon wasn�t as full, so it made it a lot darker. She walked out she noticed the front gate was shut. This made it a little harder. But she knew another way out. A secret passage way. In the back, and in a dark corner of the wall, there was a hole dug in the ground that was covered over by some plants. Anika went back in the dark shadows. Something suddenly grabbed her around and covered her mouth. Not again... Anika thought. She got as much energy and strength as she could, wriggled around, and broke free.
�I told you, Bakura, I�m not going anywhere.� She hissed. �Leave me alone!�
�Bakura?� a voice asked. Well, it was safe to say it wasn�t Bakura. The voice was feminine.
�Who are you?� Anika asked quietly, peering in the darkness. Someone stepped forward.
�I am Khalidah.� That�s defiantly not Bakura. Anika thought.
�What do you want?� She questioned. �Wait... how did you get in here? Are you with Bakura or something?�
�it�s always questions with you, isn�t it?� She walked over to Anika, but Anika stepped back.
�Don�t come any closer.� She warned, a little shaky.
�Is that a threat?� Khalidah asked, mockingly. Anika was getting frustrated. Her eyes narrowed. All Khalidah did was chuckle. and pulled out a little jar, but even Anika couldn�t see it, not in that darkness. Anika was a little confused, she saw a bit of sparkle in the air coming towards her. She smelled something. It was something sweet. Even so, it made her cough. Before Anika could move to get away, she collapsed. Khalidah put the jar away and picked up Anika by her arms and half carried her to the palace wall, and went completely through to the other side.


Tell me what you think!
One thing I�m going to say is.... a big thank you to anybody who downloaded my wallpapers and sent my e-cards! ^_^ I was completely shocked how much they were downloaded/sent.! Whoot! *more hugs*

And real quick, I hope everyone has a safe and fun fourth of July! ^_^

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See Ya Soon!
Yamis Pharaohess*

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