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In Egypt!
Member Since
Yu-Gi-Oh! Otaku (cashier at BK)
Real Name
Kibou Yumi Chan, or Nami Shannon De Cantore
I've gotten on the right track with a lot of things with the help of my friends. I dunno!
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember! Seems like forever....
Favorite Anime
YU-GI-OH! Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Well, obviously!) Inu Yasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Vandread, Naruto, Street Fighter 2, World of Narue, Read or Die, Prince of Tennis, there's probably more that I'm not thinking of...
Have my own reseraunt or show on Food Network, become a storm chaser, seeing my little sister again.
Dancing, cooking, dancing, dreaming, drawing, chasing storms ^^;; um... playing DDR! Hanging out and stuff like that.
Dancing, Cooking, Multi-tasking, making people laugh, MY EARS CAN TWITCH LIKE INUYASHA'S!!!! and can annoying people about Yu-Gi-Oh! count as a talent?
| Yamis Pharaohess
Saturday, September 2, 2006
My Last Saturday Before School!!!! No!
Well, Lisa did sleep over on Wednesday night. And we had a good time! We ordered pizza and got free brownie squares from Domino’s! ^^ Yum. And we weren’t too hyper. Yami liked that!
Yami: I did. You just talked... No screaming from a scary movie. ^_~
Kibou: Yeah. We talked a lot bout school... AND BOYS! Mainly, about how much we hate some guys. Grrr... and our first day of school worse case scenarios. *nod nod*
Yami: On the other hand, the fair was really awesome. Lots of rides and games! And food. And French fries.
Kibou: Always with the fries, huh Yami?
Yami *shrugs*
Kibou: I got really sick last night, but I’m alright now. I just collapsed on the couch. ^_^ But, that rant can come tomorrow. This post will be long enough with the story. ^^. And speaking of that, I sometimes feel like I’m getting ahead of my self with this. I hope during the next few parts you guys won’t get confused.. *pokes fingers together*
Yami: It’s going to be fine.
Kibou: Alright. For me, I love this part. Hope you like it too. ^^
Anika woke up the next morning feeling great. She got up and went outside and looked out a window. The sun was shining. She didn’t know why she felt so great. But she wanted to make it last. She started walking around, like she had been.
“Anika, hey!” she heard behind her. She turned around and saw Mana. “Are you feeling better?” Anika smiled and nodded.
“Yes. A lot better thank you.” They talked for a while and Mana left the way she came. Anika went to another window. Staring off into the distance.
“Glad to see you’re up and about.” Anika jumped a little. “Sorry if I scared you.” Atem chuckled.
“It’s ok. I was just.... spacing out.” Anika said. After a while, Anika continued, “Atem... I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I can’t even begin....”
“You don’t have to” Atem broke in. “I know. And you’re welcome.” He smiled. “But now, I have to go. There’s a meeting about to start.” Anika nodded. Atem turned...
“Wait.” Anika said.
“Yes?” Atem responded. Anika went up to him and gave him a hug. Atem was a little surprised, he hadn’t seen her like this before. Anika took a few steps back. She looked down and the ground, but back up again with an embarrassed little smile. Atem gave out a little laugh himself and turned to go to the meeting.
Atem sat down with everyone at the meeting. Seto began.
“We all know now that Khalidah was the unknown foe. We know who she is, some of what she looks like, but no location.” Atem stood.
“I have her hideaway.” Everyone looked at him. “It’s far across the desert. That’s where Anika was, I’m guessing if she moved, she couldn’t have gone too far.” Everyone started talking. Now Isis stood.
“But we do have bigger problems.” She said and everyone quieted down. “I had a vision late last night. Bakura is planning a rampage upon the palace.” Shada quickly asked Atem.
“Have you asked Anika about why Bakura and Khalidah were after her?“ Atem shook his head.
”She just got up. I will ask her right after this meeting.” A few nodded and Isis continued.
”If we are not prepared by the time Bakura gets here, it will be our greatest fight yet.”
“How much time do we have, Isis?” Atem asked. Isis concluded,
“Less then seven days.”
Yay! There’s going to be a fight! Wait is that a yay? Eh let’s just go with it!
Yami: Trivia time!
Last week’s Q: Which of the Big 5 did Serenity, Duke, and Tristan duel against?
A: Big Four (that sounds weird...) Or his name is Nezbitt.
Congrats to.....
And I’ll give inuyashachick13 some credit for getting all the other people of the Big 5! ^^
This week is hard!!! Muwahahahaha. We’re all in school I bet almost, your brains should be working!
Q: The first seen duel in the fourth season was the Pharaoh and the guy who played the Orichalcos. What was his name? ^_______^
Answer next week!
Requests! Are there any requests for tomorrow’s video of the week? Yes? No? Maybe? ^^
See Ya!
~Yami and Kibou~
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