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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What a Week!
Kibou: The two days so far this week have been filled with enough excitement to last me all week! So I�ll quickly tell ya. Monday: Well, it�s the beginning of the week. I got out of Health class and went to lunch. I usually fine Lisa sitting with the rest of our friends, and James. (o0o0o00o heehee) My friend Christina met up with me, she and I sat at the �Cool Table� for lunch. (the Cool Table is against the back wall. ^^;) We suddenly started singing, �Oops I did it again� and other weird 90s songs. It was too funny! (More happened, but I can�t remember! X_x) but Tuesday is when I t was really a party. On Tuesday, a bit tired. In Meteorology class the teacher asked, �What makes us see our breath in the winter?� I almost yelled out, �Like Ree-Ree�s picture of Yami-kun in the cold!� But I caught myself. (Phew) Biology was fun. We were testing stuff with carbon dioxide. The 2nd half of the lag, I had to run 5 flights of stirs. 5 TIMES! It was really tiring, but it was awesome.
Yami: You better not have pushed yourself a lot.
Kibou: Ummm...... no... heh. ^^; anyway, lunch was fine. Lisa got her class ring. (it�s SO PRETTY!) so Stephi, Lisa and I went over to an open area, where it wasn�t too crowded. Stephi said, �You should let James borrow this for a second, so he can get down on his knee, like this, and say �Lisa, will you marry me?�� then James said, �I�m right here.� Talk about an awkward moment. History was the best. The teacher asked us, �If you had a million dollars, and you could spend it on any 2 things, what would it be?� I was going to say a bunch of anime, but I said, �Anime DVDs, and a cooking ware set... including the RUBBER SPATULA!� And started laughing. My friend Liz started too as well. (Inside joke) People asked if I was ok. I was just hyper. We took a test, and afterwards, we could listen to music. BAD IDEA! I put on Nami Tamaki. I started doing little movements and lip-syncing. I was trying to embarrass Liz. I think it worked. People were making fun of me, which just encouraged me to do it more. Liz literally threw me a note saying, �No dancing, and no mute singing! Bad Kibou!� Too funny. And that�s it.
Yami: Yeah, I�d call that a full week. The plan for today?
Kibou: Let�s see... get up, breakfast.... Oh! I�m going shopping with my friend from Colorado. =D she�s here for Thanksgiving! And I get to see my friend Andy Handlon. I haven�t seen him on 5 years. I�m going to make cookies and start cleaning and cooking for Thanksgiving. ^^
And painters today are supposed to come and paint our house... no one here yet. Hmmm....
Now I�ll shut up before this post becomes too long. Sorry, that it already is!


Yami and Kibou

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