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myOtaku.com: Yamis Pharaohess

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

   Sweet Sixteen!
Yami: someone�s happy for the occasion!
Kibou: Yeah.... Anyway, school today didn�t go EXACTLY as planned, but ended up pretty ok. I wore a tiara to school! Everyone was wondering why. =P A lot of people guess right. My b-day. Heehee. I made cookies last night and handed them out this morning.
Yami: Did you get mobbed?
Kibou: surprisingly, no. O_o People did start taking a picture with my tiara on! HA! My meteorology teacher asked if I was a princess. I thought, �Pharaohess..... Yeah. I�m royalty.� Bio I had a test... I�m sure I totally bombed it, but I tried my best. ^^ Um... Heath nothing really happened. For lunch, I ate a blueberry muffin and a chocolate malt. Yum.
Yami: I still fear the sugar high...... I think some of it is rubbing off on me. Oh Ra!
Kibou: Oops. In History, I got a B+ on my Ch. 20 test! Today was good. THEN I came home... nad ran right to the computer. Ree-Ree drew me a b-day pic! And I absolutely LOVE IT! *hugglezz Ree-chan* So pretty and totally awesome. Click here to view it!
Yami: I got something for you too, Kibou.
Kibou: YOU DID?!
Yami: Well yeah. ^_^
Kibou: *puts a cute look on her face* Can I have it?
Yami: *shakes head* No.... You'll have to wait until 5:00. when you are officaly 16.
Kibou: Does EVERYBODY want to make me wait! Now I'm getting hyper, just THINKING what you got.......
Yami: ^_` Just a couple hours is all.
Kibou: Well, before I get even more hyper, I�m ending this post. You�ve heard me rant enough about today and I�m sure it�s getting overly annoying. The good part: I have virtually no homework, so I�ll make around to sites today.

~Yami and a hyper-active Kibou~

Kibou: ^_^;;;

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