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myOtaku.com: yamisgirl

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Gregman11 (08/11/05)

Hey nice site but how come you have
inuyasha instead of yu-gi-oh? But nice site.

fairi qween (08/10/05)

hey i love ur site tx 4 signing mi gb u shuld check out my site now demon drangon fixed it up 4 me lol well bye

FireMistress13 (08/06/05)

Hey I like your site alot. I added you to friends. Please sign my guest book if you didn't already bye ^.^

ADevineLove (08/06/05)

Rockin Hoola site.^-^.I like the wallpaper that you made.Inuyasha and Yu-Gi-Oh are my most favorite anime.Im going to add you to my friends list if thats ok with you.Can you come to my site some time and sign my gb...Bye!!^-^


volleyballdoll (08/03/05)

hi! nice site! the Inu theme is cool^.^ please come and see my page, sign my GB, and add me as a friend!


Loverboy101 (08/03/05)

cool site.stop by and sign my gb.

Night shade2 (08/01/05)

I like your site could you sign my guest book I would really apreciate it.
Night shade

Ayame rulez (07/31/05)

hi, awesome site!i like the bg, and ur avatar. a yu-gi-oh fan huh?thats an ok show, i just dont watch it often, lol.ill add ya two!

Vampire Kazaizl (07/31/05)

i like the InuYashai theme its very nice with all the Inuyashai picture hehe j/k but not really keep the good work ^^

aoao (07/30/05)

satin red aura

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