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Thursday, June 12, 2008
Time: 8:26pm
Listening To: Ashita no Kioku by Takahashi Naozumi
Mood: Tired, but doing well!
Anime Watched Yesterday:
Bleach (ep. 59) (with Amber)
Bleach: Memories of Nobody (in theaters!! :D)
Hello everyone! Time for my daily update!
Yesterday was so much fun!! In the morning I went to my brother’s kindergarten class to help out the teacher and parents working during the classes’ end of the year party. I had a group of four. We played Duck, Duck, Goose, limbo, blew bubbles, and decorated hats. Then we watched my teacher gift (that video I was working on for two days straight), and they all loved it! I think they were going to watch it again today... XD. Then I came home and played video games with my neighbor for like two hours. Then my friend Amber came over at four. We watched Bleach (her request to see the episode with Hallow Ichigo... creepy voice >.>), ate Taco Bell, and left for the movie theater at 6:30. When we got there, there was a group sitting in the front, leaving us with the BEST seats of the house (the middle in the middle of the theater :P). We only had to wait 20 mins for Cat. During then, I was taking pictures (what else? :P). Then Cat came in and we only had to wait a half hour for the commercials to at least start. Before I go any further… we had a sold out crowd, with five Urahara cosplayers... XD. ANYWAYS… they were all anime commercials but when Naruto and Death Note came up, everyone SCREAMED (yes, including me for Death Note XD). Then they had a behind the scenes of the movie that we were going to see. That literally lasted a half hour… annoying us all! The group behind us were HALARIOUS!!!
"Yeah! There’s no point staying any longer! We’ve already seen most of the scenes and know the plot line!"
Then at the end of that there was a count down to the start of the movie. You would think the screen would go black and next thing you see is Ichigo/the beginning of the movie. Nope! Instead of that, it went black and went to credits that lasted for half a min to the behind the scenes junk!!!
"WOW! Great movie! Come on already!!"
It was HALARIOUS!! I swear, Amber, Catarina, and I were about to pee our pants! We were laughing so hard out of our seats!
Well, now for some during the film moments that were quite amusing. We all laughed at the EXACT SAME parts! It was like we rehearsed when to laugh and when to not. There was a scene when they were explaining the dimensions and different places (kind of critical information), and I doubt anyone heard! There were little drawings relating to it, but the drawings were HALARIOUS and we were pretty much all laughing during the entire scene. Kind of ridiculous, but it was great! Then there was one scene where Rukia is about to get killed, and all of the sudden you see this row of swords coming out...
Everyone! At the same time and held it out all the same time! It was priceless!! I think Amber got the biggest kick out of that one! We were JUST saying how we hate Bakuya and then we were excited to see his bankai! Oh yeah... did I mentioned that I squealed EVERYTIME Hitsugaya took the screen! I love that lil one!! He’s the best!! XD Man... it’s playing again right now. It would be great to see it again, but I couldn’t. Oh well... I’m DEF getting the DVD! I loved that movie!!
Today wasn’t very eventful. I hung out at home and watched Black Blood Brothers, read InuYasha (... and am going to read more once I’m done with this), and yeah... life... XD
I’ll have more eventful things to talk about tomorrow! My parents are going to be leaving tomorrow until Saturday afternoon so I’ll keep myself busy for sure! Hehe... don’t worry. I’m not a trouble maker ^^
Time: 8:52pm
Listening To: Speed of Sound by Coldplay
Courtney (yamisgirl)
theOtaku put their quiz page back up, so I took some new ones!
 What Member Of The Team Are You? Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime and Fandom
 What Cowboy Bebop Character Are You? Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime and Fandom
 What Zanpakutou Would You Have? Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime and Fandom
 What Code Geass Character Are You? Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime and Fandom
 What Anime Youngster Are You? Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime and Fandom
 What Is Your Primary Anime Day? Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime and Fandom
 What Death Note Character Are You? Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime and Fandom
 Who's Your DNAngel Boyfriend? Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime and Fandom

The Soul Society gets orders to capture Senna

Isn't that sexy or what? XD

Yup, here's a picture of the critical scene that I mentioned about in my post. You can't blame us though, right?! The drawings were HALARIOUS!!!

We all laughed at this scene too! XD

I LOVE this picture! It's so pretty, and Rukia is my favorite character! =)

I had to put an anime couple picture in here somewhere. The best one in this series is right here! :D
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Time: 1:30pm
Listening To: Daft Punk’s Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger/Tool Mashup
Mood: Excited!
Anime Watched Yesterday:
Black Blood Brothers (ep. 2-5)
My Othello Rank:
Long time no talk! Been around, but doing stuff so I haven’t had time to update. Sorry! =( Well, I’m here now ^^
Yesterday I hung out with my neighbor Carrie. We went swimming and played Mario Kart and Mario and Sonic Olympics on the DS. Afterwards I had to make a video for my brother’s kindergarten class which I presented an hour ago. The whole class and the teacher loved it and wanted to pay me big bucks for it. I’m getting $5 from this mother tomorrow because she said she wanted a copy… XD
Tonight I’m going to the one night movie viewing of the first Bleach movie with two of my friends (Amber and Cat). Amber’s coming to my place at four. We’ll watch anime, eat dinner, and go to the theater at 6:30. The movie is 7:30-9:30. We’re going to hang out for an hour there to make sure we get seats with each other and all that fun jazz! =) Right now I’m hanging out here texting Amber, IMing Tammy, and waiting for Carrie to get home so we can play more video games ^^
Well, I think I’m going to play Othello some more while waiting. I really want to beat Bob tomorrow!! XD Talk to you all later!!
Ending Time: 1:33pm
Listening To: Ice Dance by Danny Elfman
Courtney (yamisgirl)
PS. I just got Firefox last night. Anyone that has it that wants to give me tips/how to do’s/etc please feel free to ^^
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Sunday, June 8, 2008
Time: 8:32am
Listening To: Gleam/Yami no Hikari (Touya Character Single)
Mood: Nervous
Anime Watched (6/6/2008):
Spirited Away (Chapters 10-the end)
Trigun (ep. 23-26 - COMPLETED SERIES)
Anime Watched Yesterday:
Spirited Away
Death Note (NEW EPISODE)
Code Geass (NEW EPISODE)
Sorry I didn’t update yesterday. I would have updated after anime night except I was already nodding off during Code Geass so yeah… I needed my sleep. I had a good day yesterday. I spent the entire afternoon with three of my closest school friends! We ended up watching Spirited Away all together (because Catarina wanted to, and for me it was the second time in a row), and it was great – as always! We all had seen it so we were adding our own little commentary during the whole thing. Then we ate lunch, went for a dip in the pool while Monica and Lyndsay were making fun of Yu-Gi-Oh, and yup… that’s it =) After my friends left (an hour later than they were supposed to :P), my family and I watched a movie and just as that was over Bleach started!
I have my second driving lesson today at eleven. I’m freaking out so much for it right now. I really don’t want to be in a car for two hours and even consider taking the freeway again… XD
I don’t know what I’m going to do after my lesson. Maybe finish my Pendragon book, or continue to watch Black Blood Brothers. Not sure, but my math tutoring place isn’t open on Sundays anymore so that’s one less thing I have to worry about ^^
I hope everyone has a good day! Take care!! =)
End Time: 8:44am
Listening To: Yasashisa Nemuranai (Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama Character Single)
Courtney (yamisgirl)
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
Time: 10:34pm
Listening To: Always With Me by Joe Hisaishi
Mood: Sleepy
Anime Watched Yesterday:
Trigun (ep. 16-23)
Spirited Away (Chapters 1-10) ... I was kinda falling asleep, but it was 10:30, so you can¡¦t blame me, right?
I DID NOT know it was this late! Haha! I feel like posting though before I crash so I can keep my daily updating streak going! ^^;;
Last night I saw Spirited Away! IT'S SO AMAZING!! I LOVED IT!! I feel bad for not listening to my friends earlier! Hehe... it was so cute, and it's officially added to my list of favorite movies =) I really recommend it for those that haven't seen it yet ^^
Today I saw the ending of the first Pokemon movie on TV. I NEVER watch TV but my mom was going to take my neighbors to school so she told me to stay downstairs to greet them. I turned on the TV because I was bored, and ta da! My Pokemon side woke up and I ended up watching the rest. Sooo cute!! ^.^ I still have it on VHS :P Then I went to the mall with my mom and sister. I didn¡¦t get anything, but it's still fun to walk around. Then we picked up my brother from kindergarten, came home, and then I don't remember what I did actually... XD. My whole afternoon is actually drawing a HUGE blank!
... then I had dinner, went up stairs to watch Trigun, and then I got the call. Yup... the report card call. My stomach turned... literally. Instead of failing Geometry (good news right? No extra three weeks of hell during summer! :D), I failed WEST CIV!!! Of all classes! Honestly, now that I think about it I would rather fail Geometry and do an extra six weeks. I have NO IDEA how I'm going to pull off West Civ and US History at the same time >.> "Bloody hell" <--- HATES Harry Potter and is quoting from it. Weird...
I got a D+. Swell, huh? Well, it's honestly his fault and not mine! I asked for help, he turned me down, and I failed. But then why do I have to suffer? Oh well... I deserve it I guess. My friend just told me that her friend had to do the same and she ended up being fine so I hope she's right or I'm screwed. What's weird though is that we got no phone calls or letter saying that I failed like I got with Geometry last term. Maybe there's hope I didn't? HIGHLY doubt it! This is my report card, and if teacher side comment said low final score then that means I failed. It would take a GIGANTIC miracle to fix that up...
Oh well... this post is actually stressing me out. I should try to fall asleep before having a break down. I'll probably post tomorrow after my party. Take care everyone =)
End Time: 10:56 (talking to my friend Tammy at the same time)
End Song: Hizamazuite Ashi wo Oname by ALI PROJECT <3
Courtney (yamisgirl)
PS. Haku from Spirited Away is added to my list of favorite characters. He's protective, sweet, determined, and not to mention SEXY!!! :D (... but my Shuichi will always be sexier :D)
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Thursday, June 5, 2008
Time: 2:44pm
Listening To: Uninvited by Alanis Morissette
Mood: Sleepy
Anime Watched Yesterday:
Trigun (ep.6-15)
Man… I am sooo tired today! Actually, I’ve been really sleepy lately since I got out of school and my sleeping pattern has even gone off. Sleeping in for me used to be 6:30, but now it’s like six. It’s really annoying, and it NEVER matters what time I go to bed either. Oh well… I’m just weird like that
Yesterday wasn’t very eventful. Watched a lot of Trigun and read a lot of Pendragon. Talked to Catarina on the phone for an hour and Lynsday for a half hour in the afternoon. Played Pokemon Fire Red, had dinner, cried on my bed for twenty minutes or so, and yup… that was pretty much it.
This morning I watched Trigun, and then went out with my mom and little sister. We went to Kholes and I got a new pair of shorts and three new cami tops that I could wear when I’m hanging out at home and it’s 100 degrees outside. Then we went to Jamba Juice, came home, I talked to Chelsea for a little, then I had lunch. Now I just finished watching maybe two and a half hours worth of Trigun. Only three more episodes left of the series! I’m probably going to finish it tonight. I also promised a friend I would watch Spirited Away before Saturday so I’ll probably do that tonight too. I got the DVD so I could just watch it in bed. Before that I got to go to math tutoring (because I’m stupid >.>). Oh well
Well, I’m bored and sleepy so I’ll probably go read, do some graphic designing, or what the hell? Try to take a nap for once. I never take naps. Even when I was little and was forced I never did sleep. I don’t know why… I just can’t take naps. Oh well… another weird/interesting fact about me.
I’ll most likely post again tomorrow! ‘Til then, take care! =)
End Time: 2:55pm
Listening To: A Step Forward Into Terror from the Neon Genesis Evangelion OST
Courtney (yamisgirl)
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Time: 7:10am
Listening To: Morning Masume
Mood: Tired, but doing well =)
Anime Watched Yesterday:
-Black Blood Brothers (ep. 1)
-Emma: A Victorian Romance (ep. 1)
-Trigun (ep. 4 and 5)
Morning everyone! I hope everyone doing well! Wow… I remember saying those same words everyday 3-4 years ago. Well, I’m really happy that I’m back and thank you to those that messaged me yesterday and to Jacquelyn (JeT224) that commented on my first post after so many years! I’m going to let it sit out for another day in case if you still want to read/comment.
Well, nothing too eventful is going on with my life. I’m just happy to be off school for a little while. I start summer school for Geometry the 23rd, which really sucks. Until then I’m doing lots of graphic designing, playing with my new drawing tablet, reading, and watching anime! Then Saturday I’m throwing a party for my school friends! So far I have 4 people saying they’ll come and 5 saying no. It sucks… lol. I’m going to try to convince my parents for another one after summer school and hopefully more will come!
Yesterday my grandma got me the Kakashi and Gaara pack of Naruto cards. I collect anime cards. Yeah… the only one I’ve actually learned how to play was Yu-Gi-Oh, but that was AGES ago and I don’t even remember how to play! Funny… back when I used to post here I was a Yu-Gi-Oh freak with Jen (YY1990). It kinda fell in the back of our minds… lol. Oh well ^^;; I’m going to finish organizing the cards today in my binder that I keep them all in. I also collect InuYasha (no duh! Favorite anime EVER!!!) and Bleach.
Well, gots to go. I need to get dressed and find out what’s going on with my day. Once I get everything settled I might go watch more Trigun! =) Have a good day everyone!!!
End Time: 7:30am
Listening To: Aesthetics and Identity by Noriaki Sugiyama and Masakazu Morita (Uryu Character Single)
Courtney (yamisgirl)
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008
After 3 years of leaving myO, yamisgirl has come back for good!
In the beginning there was a girl, and this girl’s dream was to be a fabulous graphic and web designer. In January of 2004, she joined the anime fan site otaku.com as she was beginning the path down graphic designing. However… she was using Paint because she had nothing professional on her. She started to submit her work to her portfolio and people began downloading! She was happy that others were appreciating her work and she continued to make more wallpapers! However, situations with her family began and she had to leave her main page. She was crushed and didn’t want to, but promised she would return again some day. Even though she could not verbally express how her work was being put together, she still submitted her work to her portfolio and her fans keep downloading and supporting. During this time, the girl was entering in high school. Her classmates in her choir class had voted for her to be the choir historian and received a brand new camera. With this new camera came a picture editing program and she began playing with that. On and off she made wallpapers using this program, but she felt as if it wasn’t enough for her. She wanted to learn more and her desires continued to push her forward. Christmas of 2006, the girl got Photoshop Elements from her dad! She installed the program and started messing around with it within the hour she received it and she was fascinated by the millions of things she could do that was not possible on Paint. Every time she made wallpapers for her fans, she always tried out new ways to give the art work life and excitement. Seeing how this was working out better for her, she was taking the next step of web design as well. Her websites were looking like masterpieces as the layout brought in more fans and asking for layout requests. Between her busy school work and life at home, the girl continued to do whatever she can to make her fans happy and excited.
It is now 2008, the girl is now sixteen years old, entering into her junior year of high school, and is currently at the top of the computer science department of her school. She is no longer the little 13/14 year old girl that feels sorry for herself and has no friends. No, this girl now has new hopes and dreams, goals that push her towards life, friends for support, and maybe… just maybe… a purpose in life. She still may have her struggles such as the stress of school, her family, and her thyroid disease – but she not giving up on what she loves to do! After fighting through five devastating months of hard core depression, she is ready for anything!
Courtney (yamisgirl) has come back: back “home”.
Fellow friends, family, and fans… I am Courtney (yamisgirl) and I am happy to be back to my main page on the otaku.com. It has been 3/4 years since I last left and I am very sorry that I had to leave so suddenly. I have missed all of you and have been thinking about you ever since. I am sad to say that I have lost some close bonds due to my leave, but now that I am back I want to start over with a new beginning and make up for what had happened. I can’t exactly type up every single day of the past three years, but I will give you all an over view. I have completed my first two years of high school, and am now on my summer vacation! During this time, I have recently cured myself from a case of high depression. It was so bad to the point that I was loosing friends (including a brother I had from here), thinking suicidal thoughts, etc. Going off skin medication pills, I felt reborn and happy once again. I am now feeling more confident in myself and am able to feel happiness once again. I know that I truly do have friends that are truly there for me and that appreciate me for who I am and I thank them all for that! However, I am not COMPLETELY cured. I currently have thyroid disease (which very few of you know). I have done two ultra sounds and about four blood tests for my thyroid and we are praying that nothing changes. If my thyroid stays the same as it is now, then I am okay. If it grows any more than it is right now then I need surgery to remove it. Some side affects of my disease are disadvantages to weight gain (I am sometimes 5-10 pounds lower than I should be), anxiety (which I get quite a bit), and more that I currently cannot remember. Oh yeah… and I am also a vegetarian now, so yeah, I’m not as healthy as I was when I left. I’m doing okay but I could be a lot better than I am.
Wow… lol, it really has been a long time since I’ve been here! A lot has changed, but I hope none of you changed too much. The only thing I’ve changed really is my age and my anime interests. I’m not going to go to go into details. If you want to know about my anime interests and the wallpaper contest I have been (indeed) in/am currently in then ask in your comment and I’ll reply as soon as I can!
I hope this wasn’t too long! Hehe… I’ll DEF update again soon! If you want to talk to me before then reach me on IM! Later everyone!!! ^^
Courtney (yamisgirl)
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Saying Good-Bye
I never thought this day would come. I don't want my dreams to shatter, but I guess they are now...
Due to my parents... I have to turn off my profile. I will not be deleting my account because they did say I could continue my wallpaper making and posting them up. They just don't want me to have a site and post to all of you. I do not want to go through with this at all, but I have to. I'm sorry to say this but many of you I talk to MSN are off my account and blocked. Just a few... not all, but my parents are just getting strict and all with what I do. I'm going to miss talking to all of you, and going to sites which I can't do anymore... unless if it's those my parents are letting me talk to (which is like only seven of you... all girls too)
I may be back later on some time, I may not... I don't know. I just want to say right now that all of you will be in my hearts no matter what. I just want to thank all of you… especially those who have been with me since the beginning (January of 2005) like Kagome Mokuba… the first person I met on myO and a great friend! I also want to thank my best friend in this whole wide world, YY1990, and for the best thing that could have ever happened to me because of this site. I also want to thank other friends… you know who you are… for being there for me as well and supporting me with all I do.
Well… this is it… good-bye…
Forever and Always,
Courtney (yamisgirl)
(I leave with a total of 1590 visits. Popularity rank of 745)
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Monday, September 4, 2006
Hey there everyone! I hope you all are doing well! Sorry for not updating in a while. School started and so I don’t have as much time on the net and my computer as I did over the summer. I guess I can talk about how school is coming along and all. I finished week one Thursday! Yup… I’m on a four day weekend! Anyways… I guess things are alright. I don’t like Physics at all though!! Alright… the teacher is nice and all. It’s the work that kills me!!! Seriously… I got a C on my first homework assignment and that is also with my dad’s help! It’s so tough I’m not joking!! I don’t see why we don’t do Biology first in other schools and save it for last. I think I would be better off that way but oh well. Nothing I can do about it. Another thing I’m not too happy about is choir. Okay… I have never done singing in my life and I’m the only one in the class. It’s stupid. Not the class and not the teacher… just stupid that I have to be in it. I’m not enjoying it and I was going to switch to art this week, but then my whole schedule is going to be messed up and that won’t be fun. I’m just going to have to live with it
I finally got InuYasha Movie 4 on DVD!!! I’ve already seen it three times in Japanese, but I also wanted the DVD! I love the movie! ^__^ Now I’m watching it again but taking screen shots while I’m at it. Fun, fun, fun! Other than that… I can’t wait for Bleach to begin!! I love the magans and I hope the anime is good as well.
This weekend has been fun yet tiring. Friday was a free day of nothing but laziness and some of my weekend homework. Saturday was my brother’s little Birthday party, and today (it’s still the 3rd down here) I was at this house for another Birthday party which was actually very boring… lol. Tomorrow (the 4th) is my brother’s actual Birthday. He’s five! Yay!! My sweet little brother!! ^___^
Oh yea… I wanted to ask you all something. Now if you are not religious, which I completely don’t mind if you are or are not, but if you’re not… you’re better off not reading this. I wanted to ask everyone something. I have to say a prayer in front of my class on September 11th. While I’m at it going on about the present day I also want to bring up what happened in 2001 and pray for those who lost their lives on that day and everyone that got seriously injured as well. I got some great advice from Alex, but I just want to know what else I can do as well, so if you have any ideas… please let me know!!! I need to start typing things up before I’m too busy to so yea… thanks
I’m very sleepy, so I’m going to head off to bed now before I fall asleep on my keyboard. Ha! I did that once, and it was while I was talking to YY1990! Hehe… ah… good memories with my best friend! ^___^ Hehe… anyways… I hope everyone has a good day! Take care!
Love ya tons YY1990!!!! ^^
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Well… here’s what has been going on:
Monday: Once again I had a lazy day. I did go to math though so I did something at least. I was half out of it and really tired though so it was hard for me to keep up. Oh well… hopefully tonight won’t be so bad
My cousin Brian was supposed to come down this week. I found out yesterday he can’t since it was going to be too expensive so he’s coming down at the end of the month. I miss him sooo much!!!!
Today: Same… lol. I don’t know what else to say!!!
In other news…just a heads up… once Friday comes I’m not going to be online much anymore and once school starts I’m only going to online on the weekends. I might post and try to keep up but if I don’t I’m sorry. I’ll try to get to all of your PMs/e-mails if you send me any so no worries. I’ll miss ya all and keep ya all in my thoughts!!!
Now I’m off to bed to get a good night’s rest. I hope everyone has a good evening and a great day tomorrow!! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!!
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