Here’s How my Week was:
Monday: First day back at school… and it’s already depressing for me. The person that got all mad at me yesterday just came up to me giving me evil faces for no reason. Her friend did it too as well… so I got zero attention from them. It got better when my friend Christian (pokefan100000044) ran up to me and started talking to me. I watched him play dodge ball in gym class with the rest of the class while I sat out because of the surgery I had two weeks ago. Hehe… that was actually kind of fun to watch. I’m not a big fan of playing dodge ball… but it’s pretty cool to watch Extreme Dodge ball on GSN… lol. Well… that all went well. Math class… only got worse there!! I don’t think I’m going to be ready for this mid term. It’s all on the Algebra chapter we’re in the middle of working on right now. Algebra is really hard for me, but the lesson that we did today made me all nervous. Oh well… hopefully my dad can help me prepare.
Oh well… things got better in Art class. Christian was working on this really cool picture that he wanted me to help him with, but I was busy coping some notes down for the mid term. I know that this one is going to be a breeze for me!! Art is my 2nd favorite class!! Oh… and speaking of breeze, I got the huge art test back that we took before the break. I got 100%... plus three extra credit points for getting the extra credit questions right… so my actual score is 103%!!!! ^.^ Lunch was nice… hanged out with Christian the whole time Science class was… okay. We got our 10 page study guide for the mid term, but the cool thing about it is… we skipped the last chapter in the book, so there are questions from the last chapter that he’s giving us for extra credit!! YEA!!! I think this is going to be a pretty hard mid term as well, but I plan to study, study, study and do well!!! ^_~
We didn’t get anything from our last two classes, but even if we did… I don’t even really need them!! English (No duh!!! *laughs*) and Bible. Hehe… well, I might want to look and see what she’s expecting us to do for the Bible mid term… but English I don’t even need to glance at all!! Lol Well… got homework to do!!
Tuesday: Even though my day was really crappy (Monday was terrible)… I had a wonderful 1 Year Anniversary!! I got two little “gifts”. This AWESOME card from YamiYugi1990, and 900 visits on my site!! Yay!! ^_^ Only 100 more until I reach 1,000!! o.O
Oh well… today I had a better day. We got some more work on our study guides done in class. The only one that we don’t have yet is the one for our Bible mid term which we’re getting tomorrow. *sighs* Man… I think the pressure with these things is really getting to me. I’m nervous of failing… especially in Math and Science. Oh well… I still have a week to go before I have to take them, so I guess I’ll be prepared when the time comes
Well… that’s all I really have to say. Tonight is a new InuYasha episode!! YAHOO!!! I can’t wait to see it!!! ^_^
Wednesday: Some of my classes moved a bit. My first and third period classes are for some reason in the Elementary building… so today some teachers had to move their rooms around so we’re all in the High School building instead of the Elementary. Now… my math class is where my Bible class used to be at, and my Bible and History class is at the High School Bible teacher’s room while his class is at the old Chapel room. Got kind of confusing at first ‘cause I almost wanted to walk to the Elementary side like always after gym to get to math, but now it’s not that long of a way to get there ^.^ *laughs a bit*
Well… other than that, my day was okay. Nothing much really went on again. -_-()
I saw the new InuYasha episode from last night!! It was really, really funny!!! Especially with those dried demons from that fruit running around, you know Inuyasha will never listen to Kagome or her mom. I don’t even think if everyone in Kagome’s world knows about him and his powers… but Kagome sure does… lol. Well… what I really like was the part when Kagome and the rest of the drama group were doing their play. Hojo knew that Kagome wanted to get the play over with quicker that what it was supposed to be, so he played along with what she told him to do. Inuyasha, however, thought she had some kind of brain problem!! *laughs* Seriously Inuyasha… do you understand drama at all?!?! ^^;;; Well… I also liked it when Hojo said to have a duel. He pulled out his fake toy sword, while Inuyasha pulled out his Tensiga. Kagome knew then she was in trouble… especially when Inuyasha used the wind scar!!! *laughs* It blew part of the ceiling up… then Kagome and Inuyasha “flew” away, and founded the remaining demons of the dried fruit. Hehe… strange too huh?
Well… don’t really have homework tonight, so I’m just going to study for the night ^.^
Thursday: Man… nothing really AGAIN!!! lol
Christian and I hanged out with each other again and all that good stuff. We got our schedule today for our mid terms as well. My mom wasn’t too happy about it. Long story… lol. It took me a while to even tell Jen the whole thing… hehe.
Well… the only channel I watch on TV (Cartoon Network… adult swim) hasn’t been working for 2 days now. My dad is probably going to call Direct TV to see what’s wrong with it. Hopefully by Tuesday… ‘cause I can’t live without InuYasha!!! *sniff* lol
Well… got to go to bed now… *yawns* Good Night!
Friday: School has been getting kind of freaky lately… I forgot to mention that yesterday. Long story… don’t really feel like going into it. Oh well… other than that, my day was a good day. Got kind of hyper in the afternoon from the Mountain Dew that Christian HAD to by for me!!! lol Oh… we also got to watch Dr. Erdman feed his snakes, so that was kind of cool… I guess.
Well… now I got a three day weekend. I’m doing nothing probably besides studying. Hehe…
Uhhh… don’t know what else to really say. I’m pretty tired… *yawns*
Yup... that's all that has been going on this week. Next week is mid terms. Ra, ra, ra... lol. I hope things go well. I'm still a bit nervous for a couple of them, but I know all things are possible through God, and I'm going to do the best as I can!!!!
Well... I hope everyone had a good week!! Take care, and I'll update tomorrow before I get to my studying ^^
Ps. Oh yea... the awesome card from YamiYugi1990!! Thank you soooo much!!! *huge hug* Comments (3) |
Monday, January 9, 2006
Happy 1 Year Anniversary to Me! ^.^
I have been on this site for a full year now… and I’m proud of it!!! These times on this site are the best times in my entire life… and that’s the truth!! I just want to say… thanks to all of you… the friends that I’ve met during this year!! You’ve all supported me, stayed by my side, and even helped me fight off the bad things in my heart!! You guys are the best in the world!! I especially want to thank YamiYugi1990 (Yes girl… you are #1!!!), Daff-Power, sugar_high_nut, oblivian, Kagome Mokuba, Xx beth xX… and many others for being my very close and loving friends!! It really means A LOT to me, and I don’t know where I would be without you all!!!
As extra special thanks… here’s a card that I made for you all:
I also made this all for you yesterday out of complete boredom:
Ugly huh? lol (Honestly… it is!!!)
Once again… thank you all sooooooooooo much!!! *hugs everyone* You all deserve something special… like... candy!! ^.^ *throws a huge pile of candy in the air for everyone* Enjoy!! You all deserve it!! ^_^
Well… anything else I want to say? Nope… I don’t think so!! ^.^
I better get going anyways… almost school time. I hope you all have a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Ps. Oh yea… another thing I want to mention!! Mid terms are next week… (Jan 18th and 19th) so if I don’t post this weekend… you know why. I wish all of those who have mid terms as well lots, and lots of luck!!! I hope you all have a good week! Take care! ^^ Comments (12) |
Sunday, January 8, 2006
Hehe.... strange post ^.^
Yesterday I had an uhh… okay day. Got really depressed and upset in the morning, then my afternoon got better at the game during piano lessons (hehe… I know! Strange huh?) Anyways… my little sister’s basketball game was actually nice to go to. The girls that are in my sister’s class are sooo cute!!! ^.^ It’s so cute how they play… they get away with everything *laughs*. Well… they’re only in first grade right, not to mention that they got the best basketball coach in the world!! (My dad ^_~)
Well… tomorrow is school. NOOOOOO!! I don’t want to go!!! *sighs* Oh well… hopefully things will be okay. *gives my school an evil look* EVIL, EVIL, EVIL, EVIL, EVIL!!!!! -_-()
Well… in other news, yesterday I think I FINALLY convinced YamiYugi1990 to post!! *laughs* Yup… I don’t know how long she’ll be back, but at least she updated after two months ^.^ lol
Oh yea… I forgot to mention that I forgot to record the new Yu-Gi-Oh episode… so I missed that as well. Oh well… I’m not upset. They end up replaying them anyways so no worries. If it was a new InuYasha episode that I forgot to record, I would be sooooooooooo upset!!! ^^;;;
Oh yea… I heard some people say that YYH is coming back and it’s on at 5 or 5:30am. I was looking at the TV guide… not realizing it was the old one, so I still don’t know if that’s true or not. I hope it is!! I’ve now become a HUGE fan of the magna, and I’ve wanted to see the anime as well, so yea… I hope it does come back!! ^^
Hmmm… what else? *thinks and yawns* Oh yea… I guess I could talk about last night, and about my SUPER hyper ness!! I’m not kidding!! I had a laugh attack to the point when I couldn’t stop laughing at all. I think I scared YamiYug1990 a bit… lol. I tried to get my laughter out more by watching on comedy on the net, but didn’t help. It only got worse. I finally calmed down after that lasted for about 20 mins. Hehe… my mom thought I was retarded!! *sniff* I feel unloved!!! *winks*
Well… better get going. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Today is my little sister's first basketball game. I'm going to go with my folks and help them out with the game. I guess they want me to run the clock, so I'm going to be at the school doing that in the early afternoon. Because of this... I'm not sure if I'll be having piano lessons today. My mom was going call the teacher yesterday and ask for a later time, but if it doesn't work... then we won't have lessons until next Saturday. I'll still practice for a while after breakfast though just in case
Well... in other news, it took me quite a long time to beat the Demon Tournament game on the adult swim website yesterday. I finally finished around 12 or 12:30 after I had some lunch ^.^
Yesterday I didn't do much yesterday. However, right now I'm in the middle of making this huge Crossover Wallpaper that hopefully gets on this site. To me it looks pretty cruddy, but I never know right? *winks*
Okay... my computer keeps showing me this pop-up saying that my computer has some updates and the computer needs to be re-started. I'm going to do that now. Well... I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Nothing Much Really (Again)
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Sorry about the short post yesterday, but I’m afraid that today may be the same. I got more to say, so it won’t be too bad I guess… so yea *sweatdrop*
Okay… *laughs* you are probably all wondering, “Is YamiYugi1990 dead or something?!?!” Well… no, she’s not dead. I actually just talked to her uhh… 10 hours ago, and she’s doing just fine. She just doesn’t have the right amount of time to make up a post. I keep getting messages, and notice people asking about where she’s at in their posts… so yea… thought it might be a good idea to tell you all. As her “sister”, I would be more than happy to tell her anything that you guys need from her. If she’s unable to take care of it… well, who better to ask, but her “sister”/best friend herself! *points to me and smiles* Hehe… ^.^
Well… yesterday I didn’t do much. Just worked on some things for some sites, and role played with YamiYugi1990 the rest of the day. Oh yea… I also played this one cool game on the adult swim site. It's an InuYasha game called "Demon Tournament". It's a really fun game, but really tough as well. Today I plan to beat the game... hehe! ^.^
Well... *sighs* only three more days until I go back to school. *whines* Why me?! I'm happier just being at home. School just makes life worse... *sighs again* Oh well... I got to get ready for mid terms that are in two weeks, so I guess I'm pretty much forced to go and all.
Well... better get going. I hope everyone has a good day... buh-bye ^^
Ps. Don’t forget to PM me to have your button added above my page
Ps #2. Well… I guess my first day back won’t be too bad. That’s the day of my 1 Year Anniversary on this site, so I guess I’ll be happy too at the same time…
Ps #3. Here is another cool AMV that you guys can check out
Hiya, Hiya, Hiya! ^_^
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. Well… nothing really much going on right now. I’m just chilling out in my room while my mom is taking all of my younger siblings to school.
Well… nothing really happened yesterday. Just doing a lot of role playing with YamiYugi1990 and such… lol. Today is probably going to be the same. I got a few more ideas for some wallpapers that I can make, so I’ll probably work on some of those as well.
Well… uhh… sorry, I don’t know what else to talk about. I guess today is going to be a short post. Oh well… I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Ps. Sorry again for the short post... but do you think I was really going to bore you guys to death?! Of course not!! I'm going to share a few of my favorite AMVs with you all! So yea... Enjoy! ^^
Rock and Roll!!!! Yay! ^^ (lol YamiYugi1990!!! I'm sure you'll love this one ^^)
This is my favorite AMV of Kurama!!
A really cool InuYasha AMV with the theme song from Kingdom of Hearts (The remix)
I'm Back
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. Okay… I’m REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY SORRY for not updating yesterday!!!! I usually never miss a day like that, but I did, and I sooo sorry!!! Well… I hope you all didn’t miss me too much. This site wouldn’t let me on all morning and afternoon for some reason, then I was at a basketball game last night, so I couldn’t update then as well. Oh well… I’m here now, so it’s all good! ^_^ Well… I guess I could share how the last couple of days have been for me:
My dad took my neighbor Carrie and I to see Harry Potter. Carrie already saw it, but when I asked her if she wanted to maybe see it again she sound really excited so she came along with us. When we got there, it was sooo packed!! *laughs* We ended up sitting in the front... the first row up. It wasn't bad at all. If we had arrived like 5 mins later, we would have ended up in the very front and that wouldn't be fun, but if it was to see Harry Potter... I would do it! *sweatdrop* Oh well... the movie was AWESOME!! So wished I saw it earlier, but nope. Okay... now this might sound strange to you, but to YamiYugi1990 and me... it's not! Well... the both of us have been role playing, and she was thinking to add Professor Snape to our story. I started thinking of what it would be like, and I told her that it would be really strange... and not to mention a bit freaky since you're dealing with the scariest professor in Hogwarts. Anyways... while watching the movie, every time I would see Snape I wanted to crack up. I guess it's because I was getting more visions of what it would be like adding him to the role playing. Well... when I arrived home, I told YamiYugi1990 what had happened. Then she was like, "Okay... well, want to role play?" I was like, "Sure!"... like always, since I always like to role play (Except for this one time... but that's a WHOLE different story!!). Well… we started continuing from where we left off, like always, then all of the sudden it was all like playing out like a Harry Potter book would. Right away... I knew I had given her an idea! Well.... while it was playing out, I started cracking up again! I almost couldn't even type!! Even though I didn't get half of her message (stupid net connection), I was still thinking... "Why mix Megaman with Harry Potter? They don't even go together!!" *laughs* Oh well... it's really coming out great right now, and it's actually really cool! ^_^
I got my stitches off!! Yahoo!! ^_^ After I got them off, my mom wanted to go to Ross and some other stores to look for pictures and stuff for my room when we get ready to redo it. We didn’t get anything, but we found some nice stuff that we might go back later to get. Other than that… I did nothing in the afternoon, besides role play with YamiYugi1990 when she got home from school. Then last night… my dad asked me if I wanted to go to the basketball game. My mom was originally going to go, but my grandma wasn’t feeling too well, and we couldn’t find another babysitter, so I went with him instead. We may have lost the game, but still… it was a lot of fun to go to and stuff! ^^
Well… today, probably going to be the same… nothing really going on. Oh… I watched the new episode of InuYasha this morning from last night!! It was soooo cool… and not to mention funny! Hehe… poor Kagome!! First day back at school in like ages, and you’re forced to run almost the whole entire festival. *laughs* Oh well…. I don’t want to talk anymore about it just in case if people haven’t seen It yet, so I’ll keep quiet now… hehe ^^
Well… I got a call from my basketball coach two days ago saying that there was practice today and Friday. However… he doesn’t know that I quit the team. Yup… I don’t think I told you guys this yet. Because of the surgery I just had, the doctor said not to do any sport-like activities for 3 weeks. We have our first game… I think this Saturday, and practice… and I’m unable to do any of that. I’m just going to tell him, “You know what? I missed like three practices… thanks to the flu, and now I can’t do anything for a while because of my surgery. You don’t want me on the team if I can never participate… so I just quit!” Yup… that was my decision. No… I’m not upset about it or anything. I’m actually kind of glad I did, but it isn’t something that I’m going to go overwhelmed with if I can’t do it… so yea… it’s all good! ^_^
Well… better get going. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Ps. Sorry for the 66 Really’s
Ps #2. Something I noticed yesterday… only 5 more days until 1 Year Anniversary on myO!!! Cool huh? ^_^
Ps #3. Oh yea… there is another thing that YamiYugi1990 and I are obsessed with: ROCK AND ROLL!!!! *falls to the floor laughing* Get it Megaman fans? (Rock- Rockman and Roll- Roll) lol ^^
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Well… it’s day #2 of 2006. Hehe… I had a nice time yesterday with my family and all. My little cousin Brooke was so happy to see me, for some strange reason, so I hanged out with her for some time. Then… I practiced piano for a while (Yes… I was dead bored… so I decided to practice while I was at my grandma’s house). After that… my family and I all watched this one Hollywood story on Jessica and Ashlee Simpson. It was kind of strange, but kind of interesting as well. After that, I “stole” my brother’s Game Boy Advance and played Mario Party for the rest of the time, until we left and arrived home around 6:30pm. I ended up going to bed pretty early last night. I guess I was tired from waking up on and off so many times. If I would have stayed up ‘til midnight yesterday I would have felt soooo cruddy yesterday and today… so I’m glad that I didn’t! ^_^
Well… I just found out that I’m getting my stitches tomorrow!! Yay!!! I was supposed to get them off the 7th, but I guess that time didn’t work… so my dad told me that he changed the date and all, but I’m really glad ‘cause I want to get these STUPID THINGS OFF MY MOUTH!!!! *ahem* Sorry about that… *gigantic sweatdrop*
I don’t think I really have any plans for today. Just hang out, and watch TV and stuff while all of my good friends are going back to school. Why do YamiYugi1990 and all of my other great friends have to go back to school TODAY?!?! Why can’t they go back on the 9th when I do? *sighs* Oh well… at least I still got the weekends! ^_^ Oh… and my dad found out that the 4th Harry Potter movie is at Imax right now. Nope… I still haven’t seen it yet!!! Why me?! It’s like… I’m the last person to see anything. Oh well… he was thinking of taking me today. I hope I get too ‘cause I’ve been DYING to see it for like ages now!!!
Oh yea… I got more great news!! 2006 is FINALLY here, and so is the return of new InuYasha episodes!!! *jumps up and down* YAY!!! ^_^_^_^_^_^_^ I heard that the new episodes are on every Tuesday. Don’t know what time… probably the same time that it’s usually playing on Tuesdays, but instead of the old re-runs, (which aren’t old to me, but for most of you they are…) they’ll show the new episode.! I can’t wait until they start airing again!!!!!!
Well… got to get going. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Happy New Year!!!
Yay! 2006 is here! Hehe… honestly I don’t know if I should feel excited or nervous about that, but oh well. I have a feeling that this year will go a bit better than last year. Well… I was bored… so I made a speech. Yup… *sweatdrop* Doesn’t sound like something I’ll do, but I felt like it. Well… here it is:
“To me… a New Year means to start over from the beginning, but continue to grow in life. For example, if you were doing bad… you can throw that all of that sin away and make your new year a better one by being a better role model, but you keep growing as well. You heart, your hopes, your dreams… they’ll continue to grow as you grow as well. I’ve already thrown some of my fears and some of my sin away… and now I feel better than ever and I just hope throughout the year I’ll continue to feel that way, and of course… God will continue to guide me through life as well!”
Well…. that’s it. Bad huh? *laughs* Oh well… hopefully I can do better if I’ll ever have to do an actual speech (Which I hope NEVER happens… lol)
---Down Memory Lane---
Now that I was thinking about it… I didn’t really have a good year last year until around the middle of the year. I’m going to share with everyone my favorite day of the whole year of 2005. *sighs happily* May 22nd, 2005. I’ll never forget that day!! The day when YamiYugi1990 and I first said words to each other. Well… we weren’t that close of friends yet. For the longest time… we kept private messing each other on this site. Then… we got each other Yahoo ID names and started to IMing each other. Okay… now this is kind of funny, and don’t get offended YamiYugi1990 because you know I don’t think of you like this now… but I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to be talking to someone I didn’t know. At first I thought of her as a fake, but then after talking to her for a few more months… I knew that she wasn’t a fake, and that she ended up being a nice person. After some time when I got MSN, I added her to my contact list. Since then… we’ve been talking to each other everyday. It was then we thought each other as sisters! Now we both consider each other the best of friends, and we’ll never let each other down!!! *gets in tears* That is one thing… I know… that I’ll never forget!!! *gives her a huge hug and breaks down in more tears* I love you so much YamiYugi1990, and I’m so glad that destiny and God brought us together!!! I don’t know where I would be without you!!!!!
Well…. that’s all I got from memory lane. A lot of other cool things happened as well, but I don’t want to make this a 5 page post. Hehe… well, I guess I could talk about last night. Well… I went to bed at my normal time. It was tough to get to sleep at first. There were some teenage boys outside throwing poppers and being very noisy… so I didn’t get to sleep until around 9:30pm. Then… I woke up again at 11:58pm by the sound of the teenage boys blowing horns. I was like… “Is it New Years already?” I looked at the clock on my cell phone and it said 11:58pm. Then I heard my folks out in the hallway… so I peeked out of my bed room door, and they were watching the boys being all weird and strange outside with my little sister. After that… we all went back into my rooms. While I was walking back to bed, I heard a loud boom. I looked outside my window again to see some fireworks going off. They were sooo cool!!!! I’m glad I didn’t miss out on that!! That lasted for about 2-3 mins. After that… I got back into bed and didn’t get up until this morning at 6:15am.
Today we’re having a New Years Day party at my grandma’s house. My family’s all coming, and we’ll be hanging out and stuff all afternoon. Hopefully that’ll go well ^_^
Well… better get going, and I hope everyone has a good day and a Happy New Year!! Buh-bye ^^
Ps. Here's a card for everyone:
Oh... and here are some cards that I got from some of my friends:
Tomorrow is the New Year!!!
Tomorrow is the New Year! Can you believe it? 2005 went by sooooo quickly!!! I bet the same will happen for 2006… hehe…
Well… there’s a bad storm going on right now. I woke up extra early today from the sound of the loud wind blowing and the hard rain falling. The power actually went out not too long ago. That only lasted for like 30 seconds. I’m the only one that knows about it. Everyone else in my house is still asleep… those lazy people…. lol. While that was out, I just sat there… listening to some music on my iPod, then all of the sudden it came back on. I didn’t feel like turning my computer back on right away… so I studied and did some extra credit math work for a while… and now I’m back! Yay! ^^
Today… uhh… don’t know what’s really going to happen. All I know is at I have piano lessons this morning at 11am, so I’ll probably practice some more after I get some breakfast. Yesterday… I practiced for an hour or two, and it took me quite some time to get my song down, but I managed to do it! *smiles* I just don’t hope I don’t have to spend half my day cleaning like I did yesterday… lol
Well… better get going. I hope everyone has a good day… and a Happy New Year!! Buh-bye ^^