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Saturday, December 3, 2005
Opening Day of new Club!
Today is the opening of my new club... Yamisgirl Clubs. I hope you all check it out!
If you want to join... you can feel free to PM me and I'll get back to you when I have the time. Oh... and if you want to announce this club to your friends... you can copy and upload the banner above. Thanks! ^_^
Well... today is going to be a long day. My little sister is going to have a friend over while I just sit here and study for a test next week, and work on other things. After that... we have piano lessons. FINALLY!! I'm probably going to have an extra long lesson today. I don't mind... I seriously need it!!!! After that, we're doing Christmas card pictures -_-() Hopefully it isn't as hard and boring as last year.
Well... got to get going. I hope you all have a good day, and check out my site! Buh-bye ^^
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Friday, December 2, 2005
I'm Back! ^_^
Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. Well.... here is how my week went:
Monday: I had an okay day
Tuesday: Same... it started raining at night :(
Wednsday and Thrusday: The WORST days of my life!!! Still raining :(
Today (Friday): Better than the two other days. It's sunny today! ^_^
Well, tomorrow is December 3rd... the opening day of my new anime club! I'll give you guys all the information you'll need for if you want to join in tomorrow
Oh... there is something I'm really happy about!!! Okay... I'm going to a new high school next year and all... and this high school is the one that my dad went to. While he was in high school... he did marching band. He had asked me a couple of weeks ago if I may be interested in it, and I said that I wasn't sure and that I would think about it. I hear a lot about it from YamiYugi1990 (of course ^^), and it sounds a lot of fun! Well.... right now I'm working really hard on my piano lessons and all of that fun stuff. Well... on Thursday my dad asked me if I would be interested in trying out flute. I said that I could give it a shot... so that's what I mostly am doing this summer. Hopefully... this means if I do well enough and practice a lot I may be able to get in. Besides... it would be fun trying something different than basketball every year. Hehe.... ^^
Well... I better get going. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
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Monday, November 28, 2005
A Quick Post
Okay... just a quick post before I have to go to school. Well... I had a nice Thanksgiving break. I would like a longer one, but I guess all good things must come to an end.
Yesterday I didn't really do much. Just did a lot of role playing with YamiYugi1990. Hehe... it was fun. Oh... and I was able to see everyone's comments yesterday! Yay! ^^ I guess it decided not to work until around 7:30pm. Oh well... glad that's taken care of.
I got to get going or I'll be late for school. Have a good day everyone! I'll be back to post on Friday night after my week of school. Take care everyone.. Buh-bye ^^
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
Okay... this started yesterday, but I think it only got worse. Yesterday... while I commenting on everyone's sites, I wasn't able to see the comments I posted up. I could see everyone else’s. Also... I was able to view my comments fine. Well... today I can't see any of the comments that you guys already put down for the post below... and now I'm just not going to go comment on people's sites until this gets fixed. Daff-Power and I were chatting... and he told me that he would send a letter to the myO administers. I hope he did 'cause I want this to get over with so I can see everyone's comments!!
Oh well... I hope everyone has a good remainder of their day. Buh-bye ^^
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The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

Good Morning everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Well... yesterday was a good day. We got our whole outside and inside decorated. All we really need to do now is decorate our tree which we may start either late today or next weekend.
Well.... today I don't know what I'm going to do. Probably work on the net like crazy since I have to go back to school tomorrow. My mom wants me to clean the house a lot today as well. I already cleaned up my sister's mess in the playroom... and I'm probably going to be forced to clean my room soon. I feel like playing video games today so I might do that for a while as well
Oh... yesterday I posted 4 new wallpapers on here. If you want to check them out you can. I'm actually in the middle of making another one. I can try to post it tonight once I get all of my work done.
Well... I better get going. I hope everyone has a good day. Buh-bye ^^
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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Good Morning everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. Well…. yesterday was a good day, except for I was really tired half of the day. I didn’t get much sleep the night before so yea… that’s how that all started. I ended up going to bed at 7:30 after watching a bit of a basketball game with my dad. Yesterday… I also went to my grandma’s house. We had more turkey! Hehe… ^^ Yup… it was all good hanging out with my family and all.
Today my family and I are going to start decorating for Christmas. We already got our tree up with the lights on as well… I think we’re going to spend today and tomorrow working on that. Also… my neighbors are coming home today. No more dog sitting for me anymore. :( Oh well… it was fun while it lasted. Oh… and here’s a picture of the dog I was taking care of:

Isn’t she cute? Her name is Pebbles… and she’s soooooo sweet!! ^_^
Well… I hope everyone has a good day! I’ll try to get to everyone’s sites today if I have the time. I forgot… my next piano lessons are on December 3rd. Since I have school… I won’t have the time to practice. I think I’m going to spend half of the today and tomorrow catching up before my teacher thinks there’s something wrong with me *sweatdrop* Oh well… talk to you all later. Buh-bye ^^
EDIT (1:30pm): Yay! I got to everyone's sites!!! ^_^
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Friday, November 25, 2005
New Theme!!! ^_^

Good Morning everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! What do you guys think of my new theme? It’s awesome huh? It’s a theme dedicated to my favorite villain in InuYasha… Kagura, the Wind Sorceress. Hehe… I’m obsessed with her right now…. I dunno why. Oh well… I’ve been working on this theme all this morning and I think I did a pretty good job on it. The only thing I still want to do is put the Kagura theme music on here…. But I’m not sure how. I’m going to ask oceans breeze how since her last theme was Kagura and she had the music on her page ^^
Well… yesterday I had a fun Thanksgiving. I got to see my cousin Brian before he had to leave today at 10am to catch his flight back to San Diego. I also got to see my aunt and uncle that I really never get to see. So yea… I had a lot of fun, and today my family and I are going back this afternoon for leftovers. Fun, fun, fun ^^
Well… I got some things that I need to do before YamiYugi1990 comes back. She told me that she was going to be gone all morning with her mom helping her with some after Thanksgiving sale… so I was going to work on some stuff until she came back. I hope you all have a good day… buh-bye ^^
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is Thanksgiving… let’s be thankful, and thank the Lord above for what we all cherish!
I’m thankful for many things that I would like to share with all of you:
1. I’m thankful for my parents. Without them… I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Without them… I wouldn’t even be here, and that is why I am grateful for them!
2. I’m thankful for the education I’ve been getting all of these years of my life. I may not be at the best school… but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I’m learning something new everyday… and planning for something big for the future!
3. I’m thankful for the roof in which I live under. Most people are not lucky enough and they’re forced to live out on the streets… those poor people!! :(
4. Last… but not least…. I’m thankful for all of my friends! My friends like Allie… and my friends like all of you guys on myO.
And on this day… I’m especially thankful for my good friend YamiYugi1990. YamiYugi1990 is the BEST friend I ever had! I don’t think I deserve such a great friend like her... *starts to get into tears* but destiny brought us together that one day not long ago… and I know that our bond will NEVER break for as long as we believe in ourselves and in each other. *starts crying* All of the people that I’ve know throughout my life end up dumping me in the end and leaving my side. I know that YamiYugi1990 wouldn’t do that to me… so I won’t either!!! We’ll be friends to the end… and there is NO ONE or NOTHING that can change that!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YAMIYUGI1990!!!!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone… and remember to be thankful (Along with pigging yourself up with turkey and all that good stuff… hehe ^^)
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. Well… I thought I was going to feel better by today, but I still feel kind of bad. I’m going to be resting a lot today ‘cause if I’m well by tonight… my dad might take me to a basketball game. I really want to go, but I don’t want to go if I feel the way I do now… so I’m just going to hope for the best of it! ^^
Yesterday I didn’t do much. All I really did was talk to Daff-Power, Pink Usagi, msyugioh123, and YamiYugi1990 all day. YaimYugi1990 and I were role playing some more. Hehe…. It’s really funny… I’ll give you guys an inside scope. Well… YamiYugi1990 is role playing as Netto Hikari (from Megaman…. She says “It’s indeed an anime!” Hehe….) while I was role playing as Yami (like always ^^). Well… we got a letter from a Yami Fanatic asking if he wanted to go on a date. The girl was a demon that held T’ea’s soul captive. Yami refused to go on this so called date… so Netto was forced by Yugi to go instead. It was soooo funny!! YamiYugi1990 made Netto dress just like Yami, and Megaman couldn’t recognize him. Then the demon “girlfriend” called “Yami” (AKA: Netto) her Honey Bunny! LOL!! I’m sorry YamiYugi1990, but that was funny. So yea… we had a lot of fun beginning dumb and all *sweatdrop* I have an idea that I can do today when we role play. I’m not going to say a thing... my lips are sealed! ^^
Hmmm…. What else? Oh yea…. I was talking to Kagome_Mokuba yesterday. She was going to make a wallpaper for my new theme that I’m going to put up before I have to go back to school. I can’t wait to put it up! ^^
Okay… one more thing I want to mention. I’m soooooo mad at… uhh… actually I don’t know who or what to be mad at, but check this out: “InuYasha episodes 127+ (127-167) won’t air until 2006” ARGH!!! NO!! Right when it was getting so good and interesting too!! I can’t wait that long :( Oh well… at least their episodes on during the week as well… so it’s not like it’s totally gone or anything
Well… I got to get going. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Good Morning everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! I feeling better today! Yay! Well.. I would only say 95% better, but heck I'm getting there. I was able to get to a lot of sites yesterday so I feel really good about that as well. I'll try to get to everyone's today... and forgive me if I run out of time!
Well... yesterday all I did was watch anime, then role play the rest of the day with YamiYugi1990 when she came home from school. We had sooooo much fun yesterday, and our story is great!! I thought it was so cool that I saved it on a Word document. Right now… it’s 49 pages long! O.o It was originally 60 something… but I made the font smaller so now it’s 49 ^^
Well... Today not sure what I’m going to do. Probably work on my clubs some more. They plan to open up soon… and I want everything to be perfect!!! My dad was originally going to take me to see the Harry Potter movie today… but the day ended up getting kind of busy. The tile guys are coming today. We got all of the tile on... but there are still some things that they still need to do. I'm actually in the middle of getting a new theme ready for this site... so I'm going to work on that as well. Other than that... I'm not too sure what I'm going to do. My next door neighbors are leaving to Utah (I believe) for Thanksgiving. They came by asking me if I wanted to take care of their dog Pebbles. Yay! I love Pebbles! ^^
Well.... I got to go. I hope you all have a good day! Buh-bye ^^
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