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Monday, November 21, 2005
AMV Question
I've been wanting to try to make my own AMV for a while now. I was talking to mirokus_daughter, and she told me about this one program. I think she also mentioned Windows Movie Maker. Well... I have that program already on my computer, but I'm not sure how to do it still. If anyone knows how can you please let me know? Thanks... and have a good day! ^^
(Oh... and don't forget to read the post below ^^)
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I Feel Crummy X_X
Not feeling all that great today. I think I'm getting another cold. I just had one that I got over 2 days ago. Yesterday I kept sneezing all day. My mom and YamiYugi1990 says it's probably just the dust that's all over the house from the tile work. Well... I thought that as well, but now I'm feeling really crummy so yea... I'm sick X_X
Today I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Probably rest all day. My dad said that he was taking me to see the new Harry Potter movie either today or tomorrow. Oh well... I hope it doesn't get too boring here. Actually.... I'm not the only one that's sick. My lil brother and my 6 year old sister are sick as well. So yea... I'm going to have to help out and stuff. Lucky me... *sarcastic*
Well... I better get going. I'm going to go lay down, watch anime and play video games for a while. Just so I can rest up a bit before YamiYugi1990 comes back from school today. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
Just a Quick Post
Okay… this is what happens when you have lil siblings like I do. Last night, my parents went to a concert while we had a babysitter. Well… you know how little kids are without being around their parents? They cry and miss them… and then you have to feel sorry for them. Well…. my lil 6 year old sister was being a big pain last night. She wouldn’t go to bed when the babysitter and I were trying to do so. She would keep staling… asking us for things like a pair of socks or a drink of water. I think all of that lasted about 10-20 mins. I started loosing my patience. I asked her to please get to sleep since it was past her bed time. She told me no, then I said if she didn’t I would leave her room without any questions asked. No… I wasn’t trying to be mean or anything, but COME ON!! She wasn’t doing what she was supposed to be doing! -_-() Well… after that, my babysitter finally calmed her down and she FINALLY went to sleep.
When my parents came home from the concert at 11:30pm (I was already asleep by then), she told my parents what had happened. When I got up this morning my parents told me that I was grounded. I thought, “What the heck?! My sister is the one that did it all!! Not me!!!” So… that’s why this post is up really late today. My parents finally aloud me back on. Yay! ^^
While I was “grounded”, I worked on my Science homework. I also watched some anime. Oh… speaking of anime, I’m really sad right now. According to the tv guide, InuYasha not on next week! It wasn’t even on last night. There’s some kind of new series their airing again in its place! FMA stays heaven forbid they ditch it and keep InuYasha!! I want my Inu!! :( Oh well…
Well… I’m going to close this up for today. I hope everyone has a good day. Buh-bye ^^
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Today I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I know that this morning I’m going to get my bangs cut at 8:30. They’re getting pretty long now… and soon it’s going to be at the point where they’re at my eyes. So yea…. I’m going to take care of that today. Then after that… I’m going to my sister’s last soccer game. One of her old friends that live really close to us is going to come along with us to the game… then come home and hang out with my sister for a while. Hmmmm… what should I do at that time? I’m really hopping to see the new Harry Potter movie before I have to go back to school next Monday (Nov. 28th). I also have some homework to do. I only got some in Science class (Evil Dr. Erdman X_X). We have to write a 3 page summary on 17 pages… then we have these questions to answers from 2 pages. Then we also get an extra credit assignment that I might plan on doing. Right now… we’re doing this huge chapter on birds. Weird… we went from Chemistry to like Biology. Hehe…. Oh well. What we have to do though is diagram these things of a bird. One of them is the digestive system. We would have to draw a picture of it, and then label everything…. All that fun stuff *sarcastic*.
Oh well… in other news, I haven’t been getting to people’s sites on myO in a while. Too much going on. Well… I just found out last night that one of my friends and my BEST friend had their 1 Year Anniversary on myO! So Happy 1 Year Anniversary Jen and bLuE eYeS!! ^^
My one year Anniversary isn’t until uhhh… *checks* January 9th. I guess I can look forward to that. Oh... and it looks like my rankings are getting better by the days. Check it out:

Not too bad… if I do say so myself! ^^
Well… I hope everyone has a good day. Buh-bye ^^
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Friday, November 18, 2005
Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. Too much going on this week. Well... the good thing is that now I'm on Thanksgiving break!!! Yay!!! ^^
This break I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I know I have a few assignments to work on, and I'm also going to try to do a extra credit project for science. Of course... Thanksgiving is on Thursday. That day my family and I will be over at my Grandma's. Every year, our family is in charge of mashed poatos so my mom will be working on that stuff. Oh... and my cousin Brian is coming over on Monday!!! I can't wait to see him again!! ^^
Well... I hope everyone has a good day/weekend! Buh-bye
Ps. Today is YamiYugi1990's Birthday. YamiYugi1990, as your best friend... I have a few words to say:
You are such a wonderful friend... and you deserve wonderful things!
So YamiYugi1990... have a wonderful Birthday!
I hope this Birthday of yours is one that you'll never foget!!!
I love ya bunches!!
Love Always and Forever,
*gives YamiYugi1990 a huge hug*
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Monday, November 14, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope. Well… YamiYugi1990’s back from the ACCs! Her band group ended up getting 19th place out of 25 different school and band groups. I agree with her that is actually really good! They’re going against many other people, and she told me her band group got creamed last year. So yea… I’m sooooo proud of her!!
Speaking of YamiYugi1990… 4 MORE DAYS UNTIL HER BIRTHDAY!!! Cool huh? ^^
Well… yesterday I didn’t do much. I have 2 tests today so I was studying all day. I also played Lingo! My highest score was 1,513. That game is sometimes pretty hard, because they’ll give you a letter like “Y” but you don’t know any 5 letter words that start with “Y”! Oh well… I’m going to keep on trying! Oh… and one of my new wallpapers got on myO yesterday! It already has 13 downloads, and a comment from one of my good friends, Dunpeil Dueliest! (Thanks Dunpeil!! *hugs*) If you want to check it out…. here’s the link: http://wallpapers.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=61093
Well… I got to get going. I got a long day of school ahead of me. *sighs* Lucky me! Oh well… this is my last week until my one week break for Thanksgiving so I’m excited about that. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
InuYasha Episode Summary
I don't have time to really type up both a Yu-Gi-Oh and an InuYasha summary. I only got an InuYasha one written down, because my friend Kagome_Mokuba wasn't able to see it so she wanted a summary so I gave her the one I'm posting here. Well... here it is:
Miroku and Sango need to save Kagome! They were still held back by the castle soldiers. As much as they wanted to hurry and save Kagome, they couldn’t kill them. They tried everything they could, if it meant not killing them in anyway. Kagura watches them from the entrance of the castle. She walks back over to Kagome, who is possessed by that weird infant.
Meanwhile… Inuyasha keeps looking for Kikyo near the area where that man told him he saw her, but has no luck. He couldn’t smell her sent everywhere. Not too far by, Shippo is still trying to look for Inuyasha. He and Kiara got separated, so it was up to him to find Inuyasha. Someone picks him up by his little fox tail. It’s Inuyasha! Shippo tells Inuyasha that Miroku, Sango, and Kagome have been taken to the castle. Inuyasha runs off to save them, and Kiara and Shippo follow.
Miroku and Sango still struggle with the men. They start shooting arrows at them. Inuyasha came right before they both got hit. Inuyasha punches the men, and that was the end for them. Miroku tells Inuyasha that Kagome was taken inside the castle. Inuyasha runs inside… only to find the man that told him that Kikyo was alive. Inuyasha figured out that it was a set up all along! He runs off to find Kagome.
Kagura takes Kagome to another castle not too far from the other one. When they walk in, they find Kana. Kana holds up a black jewel shard to Kagura. The infant tells Kagura to place the jewel shard into Kagome. Once it’s inside… she’ll be in Naraku’s control. Kagura walks up to Kagome with the jewel shard. Kagome regains cautiousness and wonders what’s going on. This girl is a stubborn one. Kagome realizes that she can’t move. The infant was somehow grasping onto her so she would be paralyzed. It’s no use… Inuyasha is too busy worrying about Kikyo. He wouldn’t save her! The infant regains control back on Kagome. Kagura starts to put the jewel shard into Kagome, but somehow it got pushed back. Kagome tells the infant that he’s all wrong, and that even if Inuyasha still loves Kikyo that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. She realizes all these feelings that she’s having means that she’s in love with Inuyasha. Just then… Inuyasha breaks in. Kagome becomes un-cautious and falls into Inuyasha’s arms. Miroku and Sango come in as well. Miroku notices that the color of the infant’s skin looks like the clops of flesh they saw at Mt. Hakuri (sp?). Miroku asks the infant if he was Naraku’s human heart. He says yes. Inuyasha finds him sick. Naraku’s human heart was the only thing holding him from hurting Kikyo. Inuyasha draws out his sword, and uses the wind scar. The infant created a barrier to keep the safe from the attack. Then the barrier reflected back the attack. Everyone was able to escape before the building collapsed. Don’t think this is over… they will return again for Kagome. Inuyasha felt sorry that he had left Kagome. He would never leave her again! (To Be Continued… Next Saturday!!)
I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
Well… since my post was REALLY late yesterday, only one person commented on my site! Thanks mirokus daughter, and I’ll make sure to thank you again at school on Monday! ^^
Well… today I have to go to my sister’s soccer game. I also have some homework and tests to study for. Oh… and today YamiYugi1990 is in Pennsylvania at the ACCs for her band finals. GO KNIGHTS… AND YAMIYUGI1990!!!!
The tile guys are supposed to be here by now working until 12 or 1 this afternoon. It’s 9:08am right now… and they should have been here an hour ago. This morning, we’re able to walk on some of our new tile. It looks so cool right now…. (I’m going to put up some pictures later… once my sister gets off the computer with the scanner!!!)
Well… I got to get going. Got lots to do today. Have a good day everyone… and good luck today YamiYugi1990!! *hugs* Buh-bye ^^
Ps. I got 700 hits!! AWESOME!! ^^
Ps #2. Some people have already PMed me about the new clubs. The site doesn’t plan to open until the first weekend of December. I’ll make a big deal about it on the day that it opens so you will all get a chance to know about it….
Ps #3. *points to the video above* It’s an AMV… cool huh? It’s an Inuyasha video- In the End (by Linkin Park) Enjoy! ^^
EDIT (10:34am): Tile pictures
That's when we got all of the old tile off

Our new tile being put on!

More tile! Hehe.... ^^
Cool huh?
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Friday, November 11, 2005
No School! Finally!!!
Yay! No school today! Just what I need… a break. Well… it’s not the greatest break in the world. I have like 3 tests to study for. One of them I can’t study because of STUPID history teacher having my book!!! Grrr… I’m sooo mad at her! She should have brought it back when she came to school today… but nope! Oh well…. I guess I can get out taking the test and take it later once I can get all of the information I still need.
The tile guys did a lot of the tile today. Yesterday they only put like 10 pieces down. So far of what they’ve done it looks really nice!! I’ll put up some pics tomorrow ^^
Today was a long day. I’ve been at my grandma’s house since 10am. I got too bored around 11… so I asked Allie to come hang out with me (She only lives like 2 mins away from my Grandma’s house). We had lunch… then we took a walk, and yea… it was fun to be with a really good friend of mine (for once!!).
Well… I’m tired, and I had a long day. I hope you all have a good day. Buh-bye ^^
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
The Sad Days in the Life of Yamisgirl
10/8: Today was an okay day. I mean... it could have been better. I arrived at school, talked to mirokus daughter for a while, then headed for class. I had my first period and 2nd period class. 3rd period was our Jog-A-Thon (Yay... no math class!!). I ended up running 90 laps in an hour and that's why my legs are hurting me so much. They told us that each 5 laps equals a mile. That means I did 90 laps and ran 18 miles!! O.o A lot huh? Well... after that, I had art class. We had to get ready for a test that we're going to have on Thursday... fun fun fun *starcastic*. The rest of the school time went along okay... I guess. I got picked up early 'cause I had to go to the hospital for an appointment. They told me that the area looks good, except it's not as high as it should be right now. I am getting forced into another surgery type thing on December 27th. It's not like what I did before. They told me it was going to be "better". *sighs* Oh well... I think I'll live. Another thing that's bugging me is that my history teacher has my history book... so now I can't do my homework. Nice huh? -_-() *sighs again* I'm going to get going... I think my depression is getting to me again....
10/9: I can't wait to leave my school now. I just HATE it!!! I have no friends, and everything just turns out so bad! Nope... I didn't get my history book back. My teacher is out sick with it, so I can't even get ready for my test next Tuesday!! I can't even do Science homework either. Someone like 3 months ago stole my Science activity book, and lately he's been making copies for me and 3 other people. This time he DOESN'T... even after I reminded him like twice!! That just shows that no one ever listens to me... *sighs*. At lunch, I ate alone 'cause I didn't feel like being around anyone. The rest of my day turned out alright... just with depression and sadness around me. I could really use YamiYugi1990 right now... but I'm unable to talk to her tonight. Oh well... I guess I could tomorrow.
Well... got to go. I hope everyone is having a better day than I am. Buh-bye
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