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Sunday, August 13, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope!
Yesterday was a lot of fun! In the morning I had piano lessons which went along really well! In the afternoon we had some company come over. It was this girl Cassie that I know (she’s going to the same high school as I am) and her family came down. We had a lot of fun! We hanged out in my room and she was going full out random and I recorded it with my webcam! Hehe… it was funny! ^^
Today was been a pretty calm day. I just got back my hour math lesson across the street so that’s why I didn’t post earlier… sorry ^^;;;
In other news, I have to go to my high school in five days for this orientation thing. I’m not happy or excited about it at all. I also have this study skills class coming up and it’s a tradition that after the class the girls stay to decorate their lockers. I don’t want to but my folks are making me. Cassie and I found out that we have the same locker room so we might get together and decorate our lockers together.
I added some new wallpapers today and I hope you check them out! I might even add some more tonight or tomorrow morning so keep your eyes opened ^.~
I hope everyone is having a nice day! Take care!!!
Love ya YY1990!!!
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
New Theme
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Sorry for not updating in a while. Things have been crazy once again. Oh well… I did manage to change my site theme before school starts up on the 23rd. What do you all think of it? It took me an hour just to make it PERFECT!! I actually think this is my best theme that I’ve done in ages!!
Oh well… moving on to my life (since I last updated) Nothing much has been going on and this applies to everyday… lol. I haven’t been doing so well either. It’s just… my parents have all this joy yelling at me and how much I suck and stuff. It hurts me so much. I constantly have these breakdowns and stuff. I’m even feeling down right now. It just pains me so much… like an arrow through my chest. Oh well… I’m doing a bit better now. Talking about it actually helps
Today we’re having company over. I hope that’s fun. I need a break anyways.
I don’t know what else to talk about so I’ll end it there. I hope everyone has a good day! Take care!!
Love ya YY1990!!!

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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Well... today's post is extra special. I have one of my best pals posting with me! I'm sooo happy!!! ^_^ Well... I better reveal who it is... *opens door*
Alex: hehe *comes in*…*smiles* hello all...who am uhh I? I am a weirdo
yamisgirl: Awww... no you're not, and if you didn't notice... this is destinyssweetman! He's also one of my online brothers. Actually... my only online brother ^^
Alex: awww hehe well I was just playin around and I'm happy yamisgirl is my online sister she's awesome
yamisgirl: Hehe... you are too!
Alex: hehe thanks *huggles*…*messes up Yamisgirl's hair*
yamisgirl: Hehe... well, I don't have all the time in the world. I'm going out with my mom this morning to get my uniform skirt fixed up and then I also have to go to Wal-Mart with her. I'll be here coming to sites and stuff the rest of the day though! So uhh... anything you wanna say destinyssweetman?
Alex: Umm not much except I wish everyone a wonderful day and I hope you (yamisgirl) has fun *glomps yamisgirl*
yamisgirl: Thanks! ^_^ I hope you have a nice day as well and everyone else on myO as well!
Alex: Thanks may everyone have a great day and be silly
yamisgirl: hehe... ^^;;; Yes... and when it comes to being weird and silly I'm at the top!
Alex: lol hahahaha that's why she's my sista
yamisgirl: Hehe... well, gotta go! Thanks for posting with me bro! I appreciate it, and I hope we do it again soon!
Alex: np I hope so too later all!
yamisgir): Buh-bye
Love ya YY1990!!! (I will never forget to put that down!!! ^_^)
~This has been a special post from yamisgirl & destinyssweetman~
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Monday, August 7, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Sorry for not posting yesterday. I actually did that on purpose because I knew I wasn’t going to have anything to talk about again… hehe. Oh well… I’m here now so it’s all good.
Yesterday was a better day than what I have been having lately. I had to go to math to yesterday but I actually didn’t end up going. My mom forgot that it’s opened 1-3 and not 3-7 like the other days. When she thought about it and looked at the time it was already too late. I do have to go today… oh well. I’ll try to make the best of it. Yesterday my grandma came over and we had a huge dinner. It was fun. I had my first artichoke in ages… lol ^^;;;
Today my sister and almost like everyone in my court goes back to school. Everyone except those who are in high school… they go back Wednesday. I’m not going to be doing much. I’m also going to continue working on this one wallpaper I started yesterday and still not done with yet. I’ll put it up once it’s done. I’m also going to be working on my new theme so I can put it up before school and before I’m really busy!
I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!!
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! I’m sorry for not posting at all this week. It’s been crazy between working around the house, sickness (yes… I got a cold and I just got over it two days ago), depression, and yea… other things. I have been getting to some sites though so I guess that’s a good thing ^^
Well… I don’t know what there is to talk about. I just gave a short version of my week above… lol. To make long stories short ^^;;
Today I have piano lessons. I don’t know what else is going on today. I’ve been really lazy and YY1990 and I have been working on some role playing a lot. Hehe… that’s all we do almost all day (or chat about it… lol)
Well… that’s all I can think of… hehe… sorry ^^;; I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!!!! *hugs*
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Sorry for not updating. A lot has been going on, but I’m here now… so it’s all good ^^
Tuesday: The day was alright… until the evening. My dad came home from training (he’s a cop… and once a month all the cops have a certain date of training) with side pains. He was worried that maybe it was his kidneys so he went to the doctors. The doctor wanted him to go to the hospital so he did. Well… during all that… I was trying to calm myself down by watching the new episode of InuYasha. It helped, but not much. My dad had to get x-rays to see if there was anything wrong. It turns out that there’s nothing wrong with his kidneys… just really bad side pains… since he was wrestling and all during training. It still hurts him a bit today, but he’s getting better
Wednesday: Don’t really remember what went on… ^^;;;
Thursday: I started math torturing at this once place right across from where I live. Welcome to my life. I am now back in my nightmare. A funny thing happened though. My sister got a new fish Tuesday (sorry that I forgot to put that down), and while my dad and I were there, we got bedding for my hamster. My dad suggested trying some new bedding, so we got like this pine smelling stuff. So I cleaned the cage on Thursday, and when I put my hamster in the cage… he started eating his bedding!! I’m not kidding!! He picked it up and started eating it. It was later in the evening that he finally found it disgusting! Hehe… my mom was even freaking out… lol
Yesterday (Friday): Lazy day. I didn’t do much. I read a lot of my summer reading book, and practiced piano. The rest of my day was role playing with YY1990! It’s getting sooo good!!! I’ll explain some of it out of boredom. My main character’s name is Courtney, and I am now experiencing some things that happened in the past. I don’t remember any of this since my mind has been erased, but now things are starting to click in. I was saved by Aaron (from the newest Pokemon movie, and one of YY1990’s characters) and he was asked by my parents to protect me at all costs… this was back when I was only a baby. Aaron watched over me with his pokemon Lucario and then took me to haven to keep my safe by this man (it’s my uncle, but in the role playing… we both don’t know it yet). He’s trying to take the powers that my parents and I hold. My father has a skill of putting up barriers. My mother was great at archery. Me… I picked up both of those with help from my friends and because of my parents. I do not remember my parents at all, so now I think Aaron and I are going to search for them. That’s all that’s going on right now. It’s really cool too!!! ^_^
I better get going. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!!! ^^
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I'm Back!!!!
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Sorry for not updating in a while! A lot has been going on, and I’ve been out of the house quite a bit as well. Oh well. I guess I’m going to be doing a lot of typing. Yay me! BLAH!!!
Saturday: Uhhh… can’t remember ^^;;;;
Sunday: I went swimming in the morning with my sisters and my brother. It was really nice, and the weather was awesome! That’s the time to go in the pool… early in the morning! It was a lot of fun too. Afterwards I hosed down my hamster’s cage, so that got taken care of. Sunday was also my little cousin’s Birthday. She had a bowling party with her friends that my sister, my mom, and my grandma went to. Then there was the after party with the family only… and then my other sister and I went over to my aunt’s place to join. My dad stayed home with my brother since it was too hot and all, and hot it was!!! I stayed inside the whole time with my mom and grandma. I went out once in a while to take pictures for my video, and I almost couldn’t even breathe. Oh well… the video was a success anyways.
Yesterday (Monday): Yesterday was a really fun day!!! I went to a water park with my friend and I had a blast! The only bad part of it was my feet got burnt due to the hot ground I had to stand on while waiting in the lines and all that jazz. Oh well… my feet are doing a lot better today and so is my leg that was really sore ^^ It was really crowded, yes, but we managed to get on some slides a good amount of times. ^^;; So yea… we had a lot of fun
This may sound stupid… really stupid, but last night my sister’s little beta fish, Ariel, died. We all knew she was soon, but we didn’t tell her. She wasn’t eating her pelts or anything and she was loosing some of her color. My sister is really upset, so keep her in your thoughts. My dad said that maybe after his training today he could take her to the pet store and get a new fish for her. That made her feel a lot better
Today (Tuesday): Today I have to go to Borders and get a book so I can work on my last summer reading book. I’ll be working on that a lot today. Other than that I don’t think anything else is going on. I’m probably going to stay up ‘til ten tonight to catch the new InuYasha episode! I hope!! I’m dying to see it!!! ^_^
In Other News:
I got 1500 visits on myO site! Thank you everyone! ^^
I made new wallpapers… and I will indeed put them up later today! ^^
Well, I got to go. This post is getting pretty long. Take care everyone! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!! *huge hug*
EDIT: I almost forgot! I also finally have more than 100 wallpapers on the otaku! I also made a little card for you all ^^;;;

I also want to thank my soul sissy YY1990 and Kagome Mokuba for helping me and supporting my wallpapers... *hugs* YY1990 would also help me come up with ideas, well... that's just because we role play so much!!! ^_^;;; Oh well
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Friday, July 21, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! Sorry for not posting yesterday. I just didn’t feel like it for some reason. Oh well… I guess I can give an update about my day now. Lazy… lol. I pretty much spent my day in my room and the playroom. I broke my week record and I watched one and a half hour of TV instead of a half hour, but oh well. Last night YY1990 and I role played which was a lot of fun! ^_^ It may have been sad at a point, but in the end everything was cool! Weeeeeeeeee!!! ^^
Today we’re having the house cleaner come down. I think my grandma is getting me my third summer reading book and giving it to my mom so I can start working on that.
Tomorrow we’re having company over (I think). Oh well… I’m not even sure, so I might change that later. Tomorrow I have piano lessons. I think I’m ready. I’m going to practice today though just to make sure (with shoes this time >>;; The other day I killed my big toe on the pedal. Not fun!!!!)
My dad said that either Sunday morning or Monday morning that we would see Pirates of the Caribbean 2… YAY!!!!
Well… I got to get going. I need to clean my room before the house cleaner comes. I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya tons and tons YY1990!!! ^^
Ps. I will be putting up new wallpapers today! ^^
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! ^^
Well, yesterday was an okay day. It took us a few hours to gather all the uniforms I needed. We got home and my family and I had pizza for dinner. The rest of the evening was lazy. I stayed up to watch the new InuYasha episode last night, and it was AWESOME!!! ^_^ I can’t wait ‘til next week! I’m already dying to find out what goes on next!!!
Nothing much has been going on today either… just being lazy. This morning I was in this funny conversation with Tito and YY1990 going back and forth with both of my messengers… lol. Right now I’m role playing with YY190!! ^^;; Fun, fun, fun. I also finished my report for my second book. Now I only need to read and write about one more book… Yay! ^^
I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!!
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Hey there everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope! I decided to change my theme a bit earlier today! My site has gone to the bad guy!!! ^_^ MUHAHAHA!! I had to do this!!! It’s a very, very long story (LOL YY1990!!) Oh well… what do you think of it? It’s Naraku from InuYasha… the worst of all anime villains!!! Well… I’ve seen worse, but he’s cooler than those other freaks… lol. Oh well ^^
I have to leave soon to get my uniforms for high school, so this is gonna be a bit of a short post. I’ll try to get to some sites when I get back. I have also been making a ton of wallpapers these last couple of days. I post up a bunch of new ones tonight! Other than that, I’ll be online on my instant messengers. Most likely going crazy with role playing with YY1990 (like always… nothing new… lol). I finished my second summer reading book and still have to do the report, but that won’t take long! Now I just need to read one more book… yay! ^_^
Well, better go! I hope everyone has a good day! Buh-bye ^^
Love ya YY1990!
Ps. Thanks Alex for the blog codes!! ^_^ Love ya!
Ps2. No, I did not make the bg. Felt like taking a break, so I’m using one from PI311 ^^
Ps3. Same goes for avi… did not make it. I made one, but it didn’t look that great, so I just took one off this InuYasha site ^_^
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