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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl
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Yami: Good Morning! How is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^
Me: *coughs and gets a bad head ach*
Yami: I think Yamisgirl is getting another cold…..
Me: Yea… I haven’t really been feeling good since Sunday evening and now my throat is getting really tight again and my head really hurts, and I’m really tired from not getting a lot of sleep last night
Yami: -_-() I guess I’m gonna have to doctor her again
Me: No Yami… *coughs* You don’t have to *coughs again*
Yami: Well, I’m going to and nothing you say can change my mind…
Me: -_-() Fine then………
Yami: Hehe….
Me: Well, in other news YamiYugi1900 and I are catching up a lot on role playing. I think I’ll put up the next part by tomorrow
Yami: It’s coming along really good… and funny
Me: Yea… and now I’m evil instead of YamiYugi1900! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! O.O!!
Yami: *falls down laughing*
Me: Okay… now today I decided to share something with you guys. Well, everyone keeps asking me where I got my name from and then JeT224 put something like that in her post so I decided to spill the beans (for the 100000th time -_-()) Okay… well first of all my real name is Courtney (most of you already know, but I’m just saying for those that don’t ^^) and my parents got my name from a girl named Courtney that they really like their favorite soap “As the World Turns”. Yup… so now you know. That is how I got my name… and I like it! ^^
Yami: Just a few days ago you said you hate your name
Me: Well, then I like it now… I don’t know!! lol
Yami: Hehe…
Me: *tries to laugh and ends up coughing instead*
Yami: Maybe you should rest up a bit….
Me: Yea… I’m really sleepy right now, and I feel like crap once again -_-()
Yami: Well, we all hope you have a good day. Sorry that we didn’t get to everyone’s sites yesterday, and we’re sorry if we don’t get to all of them today as well
Me: Yea… see all of you guys later… buh-bye
Yami: Bye! ^^
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Quotes of the Day:
Yu-Gi-Oh Quote (Act): Yami Marik: You could really use a rest, little Joey.
Joey: And you could really use a haircut. So what's you're point?
InuYasha Quote (Act): Kagome: [Starting to cry] So I should just... give up hope?
Inu-Yasha: Wha? Wh-what're you doing? You're not... crying... are you? No cryin'!
Kagome: Oh! Should I laugh!?
Inu-Yasha: No! You should shut up and let me protect you!
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Monday, August 15, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl (With a new theme! ^^)
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Me: *sings* Guess who’s back? Back again? Yami and I are back! And with the new theme! *stops singing* hehe… Hi everyone? How is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^ Sorry about not posting in 2 days. It’s a long story (unless if you went to YamiYugi1900’s site yesterday you already know what happened ^_~) Well, I was able to get back on around 7 last night and I got to a few sites, but I was really tired from yesterday so I ended up going to bed at 8. Well, I feel better now, and I know that there is still supposed to be 3 more days until I get this on, but I was bored and I decided to do it today! So, what do you guys think of it? Hehe… I know what some of you guys are thinking right now, “Why is she doing Yami AND Yugi? I thought she was a Yami maniac.” Well, I was going to do just Yami, but then I was bored and I was making a new avi (which is now my avi now) and I thought it would be cool to do a Yami AND Yugi theme. I’ve been too busy lately so I couldn’t make my own background so I just pulled one from janime.net and made it a bit bigger.
Yami: I even like the theme. She took a lot of time working on it. And she made a really cool banner (at the top) and a new intro (below banner)
Me: Yup…
Yami: Well, I hope you guys like the new theme
Me: Yup… and I’ll try to get to all of your sites today, and if I don’t get to all of them it’s because YamiYugi1900 and I will probably end up role playing all day!
Yami: Hehe… well see you all later. Buh-bye ^^
Me: Bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Quotes of the Day:
Yu-Gi-Oh Quote (Act): Kaiba (To his computer): "It's too long a story for right now,"
Computer: "Too long?! Well maybe I'm not in such a talk-ative mood myself."
Kaiba: "I'd find that hard to believe."
InuYasha Quote (Act): Inuyasha: "Uhh, isn't this a little close, Kagome?"
Kagome: (looks at dead body) "Deal with it, she's creeping me out. It's almost like she could spring to life any minute now...."
EDIT: Ps. I got 404, but more importanly 400 hits on my site! And thank you sooooo much YamiYugi1900 for the card!! I love it!!*points up to it in intro and hugs YamiYugi1900*
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Friday, August 12, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

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Yami: Good Morning everyone! How is everyone doing? Good I hope ^^
Me: …………………. *sighs and stares at the ground*
Yami: Yamisgirl is really depressed right now. She just has a lot on her mind and so far her day has been a mess
Me: ……………..
Yami: *walks over and puts hand on my shoulder*
Me: *hugs knees against chest and puts head down and starts to cry*
Yami: Yamisgirl……. ……… ………
Me: What? *remains with my head down on my knees and cries a bit more*
Yami: Don’t cry… *rubs my back*
Me: *keeps crying*
Yami: Well, I hope her day can get better. I think it will… YamiYugi1900 is coming home today and hopefully she can get on early and cheer Yamisgirl up. I hate seeing her like this
Me: ……………………
Yami: Well, I hope everyone has a good day, and we’re sorry if we don’t get everyone’s sites. Yamisgirl is pretty depressed and I don’t think she’ll feel like going to a lot so we’re really sorry. See you guys later… bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Ps. Hey, Yami Yugi doing all of the Ps’s… Well, Sorry for no quotes… Yamisgirl doesn’t have any out and I don’t know what to do so she’ll put some on tomorrow
Ps #2. 6 more days until new theme! ^^
Ps #3. I think Yamisgirl is going to get a bit of the new theme ready so her profile may be off for a while. She got a new card from msyugioh this morning and I think she’ll put that up later. Well, that’s all I got for now… Until next time... I hope everyone has a good day! ^_~
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

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Yami: Good Morning everyone! How is everyone doing? Good I hope ^^
Me: *runs around the room like nuts*
Yami: Hehe… she’s doing a lot better! ^^
Me: Yup… I’m a bit tired though from the lack of sleep I got last night but now I feel good!! *stops running and coughs a bit*
Yami: You okay?
Me: Yea… I guess it was running too much ^^
Yami: Hehe….
Me: Okay… so yesterday I was on my computer all day talking to msyugioh123 and XxbethxX
Yami: Then you got to talk to YamiYugi1900 before she left
Me: Yup… she’s coming back home in New Jersey! I can’t wait, ‘cause when she gets home we can role play without annoying brother trying to take the computer from her!! ^^
Yami: Yea, you 2 have a lot of catching up to do
Me: Yea!! No joke!! -_-()
Yami: Well, we better get going. There really much to say…
Me: Yup… I hope everyone has a good day! See ya all soon! Buh-bye
Yami: Bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Quotes for the Day:
Yu-Gi-Oh Quote (Act): Yugi: (to Yami) You got something on your mind?
Yugi: Uh, hello?
(slight pause)
Yami: Huh, did you say something?
(sound effects) *doink* Yugi: (annoyed) Ok, spill it. What's wrong?
InuYasha Quote (Act): Kagome: Freak Me Out!
Inuyasha: Stay here then if your so scared!
Kagome: Oh yeah, sure. I'll just stay here 100 feet above ground blowing in the wind!!!!!!
Ps. 7 more days until new theme! ^^ Does anyone have any ideas of some extra things that I should do? I already have a bg, a banner, but I don’t have some music. How do get a MP3 on your site? Please let me know if you do…. ^^
Ps #2. Thank you so so so so much msyugioh123 for the card. It really did make me feel better when I was depressed yesterday! *hugs*

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

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Yami: Good Morning everyone! How is everyone doing? Good I hope ^^
Me: *coughs a bit* Yea… I hope no one is sick like I am. I’m doing a bit better. My throat doesn’t hurt as much and I finally got a long rest last night without anyone or anything to bug me ^_~
Yami: Yup… and now she’s feeling a bit better
Me: Yea, but I’m still not in the best condition. I think I’m better enough to go to more sites today though…
Yami: And she’s also better enough to put up some quotes
Me: Even though I’m doing better, I’m still in an upset mood about what happened yesterday!! *grabs soup ladle and gets ready to attack 6 yr old sister*
Yami: ACK!! *stops me* I know she deserves it, but your mom will kill you if you do it
Me: Okay… well yesterday I was taking everyone’s advices and trying to rest up. I was dead tired again. More than I was a few days ago when I first got my cold. So I decided to take a lil nap and then my lil 6 year old sister kept coming into the room and she wouldn’t stop bugging me! And then the 2nd time I finally fell asleep and then my mom kept knocking on the door saying I had a phone call. I asked her nicely if I can take the call later and then she started to yell at me and everything again X_X Man, life is hard when you’re sick
Yami: -_-()
Me: At least I’m not tired today *yawns a bit*
Yami: Yea right….
Me: Hehe… Well, better get going. I hope everyone has a good day!
Yami: Buh-bye
Me: Bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Quotes for the Day:
Yu-Gi-Oh Quote (Act): Kaiba: “Relax, it's just a hologram. I always used to create virtual copies of myself to duel against.”
Joey: “Why duel against yourself?”
Kaiba: “Who better?”
InuYasha Quote (Act): Shippou: "Inuyasha, do you think Kagome's thinking of us right now?"
Inuaysha: *pissed* "Oh, you woke me up for that? Forget about her, she's a thing of the past. I mean.... the future."
Ps. 8 more days until new theme! ^^
Ps #2. Thank you so so so so much XxbethxX for the get well card. I love it! *hugs*

Ps #3. YamiYugi1900 is still trying to get all of her role playing stuff uploaded so I guess we’ll role play some more and get some more stuff of the skit up…
Ps #4. You know what is so funny… every time I instant message someone and say “Hello...” they always realize it’s me. It’s so funny! A couple of days ago, I instant messaged MarikMine on AIM and she so knew it was me like right away!! And then yesterday I instant messaged XxbethxX and she had to think for a min and then she realized it was me -_-() How do you guys do that?! Was it something that I did?! Man, this 13 year old girl needs to come up with some more ideas… lol… oh well ^^ I’m just glad I have great friends like you guys! *hugs everyone*
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

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Me: Good Morning everyone! *coughs like crazy*
Yami: Yea… hi everyone! How are you all doing? Good I hope ^^
Me: *keeps coughing*
Yami: Are you okay?
Me: *finally stops coughing* I’m fine… Ugh…. Why do I have to be sick?!
Yami: I don’t know….
Me: *yawns* Yea… I hope I get over it soon. I feel terrible right now
Yami: Yea… all we did yesterday was lay around and watch anime and sit at the computer all day
Me: … and I was tired to death and was DYING to sleep but I couldn’t. Stupid sisters and mom of mine!! My sisters were sooooooo loud and my mom didn’t want me to sleep ‘cause she was alone in the house most of the day and wanting me to help her around the house. She caught me dozing off in the playroom while watching Yu-Gi-Oh, and she stated to yell at me -_-()
Yami: You were dozing off while watching Yu-Gi-Oh?!?!
Me: Yami, it’s not my fault! I was so sleepy and besides it was an episode that I’ve seen a million times now and I can watch it again if I want to since I recorded it…
Yami: Oh… hehe…
Me: Well, I’m going to get going. I’m getting tired
Yami: If we don’t get to your sites today we are very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sorry!!
Me: Yea… please forgive us if we don’t!!
Yami: Yea…
Me: Well, we’ll see ya all later… buh-bye
Yami: Bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Ps. Sorry for not putting any quotes up… too tired -_-()
Ps #2. 8 more days until new theme
Ps #3. Happy Birthday to my hamster Mocha and YamiYugi1900’s brother! ^_~
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Monday, August 8, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

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Me: Good Morning everyone! *coughs*
Yami: How is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^
Me: *coughs some more* I think I’m getting sick. I keep coughing and now my throat hurts
Yami: So today I’m going to take care of her….
Me: Yup…. And on top of being sick I’m in a huge state of depression right now
Yami: It’s her aunt… she’s getting her legs removed
Me: *starts to cry a bit*
Yami: It’s hard for her to get over….
Me: Well…. It is. I’m sorry… I think I need to be alone for a while…. *walks out of the room in tears*
Yami: Poor girl… well, I guess I’ll finish up this post. Well, yesterday was really boring for the both of us. We did NOTHING all day, and today might be the same thing. Yamisgirl might take a nap later since she’s not feeling too good. Oh, and today Yamisgirl’s sister goes back to school. Lucky for her, she doesn’t have to go back until the 24th which is 2 days after her surgery. I hope she is well by then…. Well, Yamisgirl wanted to put some quotes up that she left here. Now this time it’s not just one quote but it’s like a lil part of the episode so there maybe more than one. Well, hope everyone has a good day and don’t worry about Yamisgirl. She’ll be fine. I think she really wants to talk to YamiYugi1900 about it so she’ll feel better after their chat. Well, see you all later… buh-bye ^^
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Quotes of the Day:
Yu-Gi-Oh Quote (Act): Rebecca: Genius. G-E-N-I-U-S.
Joey: Great, but can she spell "obnoxious"?
InuYasha Quote (Act): Miroku: You'll have to pass it to me...through the mouth.
Kagome: *sigh* Okay.
Shippo *drinks some and readies to dispurse it past Miroku's lips*
Miroku: *stops him* I'm feeling much better, thank you.
Ps. 9 more days until new theme
Ps #2. YamiYugi1900’s brother is EVIL!! I mean, she gets like NO time on the laptop! We’ll probably not role play until she gets back home…
Ps #3. This is a warning for all Otaku members: Rumor has it, there may be a hacker messing around with people's accounts. You know when people say on their sites that their sites are getting messed up? Well, that is what lots of people are thinking what's going on. I don't know if this is true but let's stay safe! If I were you, I would change my password! I just changed mine a few mins ago. | | | | |
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

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Me: Good Morning everyone! *yawns*
Yami: How is everyone doing? Good I hope! ^^
Me: *yawns some more* Man, I had a hard time sleeping last night. At least I slept in a bit
Yami: Yea…
Me: Oh, and I’m so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry that I didn’t get to everyone’s sites. I was getting ready for the new theme that is going to be up in 10 days, and plus I was with company for the evening.
Yami: And then YamiYugi1900 came online and then of course they wanted to talk
Me: Yea, and now she’s on the road again. I miss her lots!! It may not be hard for everyone else that knows her, but me and her…. We’re like sisters. It’s kind of hard for us to see one of us go…
Yami: It does sound tough when you put it that way
Me: It is *sighs* I can’t wait until she gets online in like 6 hours or so… lol
Yami: Yea…
Me: I hope her bro isn’t bugging her. Last night he was a pain in the butt!! He wanted to take the laptop from her!
Yami: At least her mom was trying to give her more time but her bro wouldn’t shut up
Me: Yea…. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm… what now?
Yami: The quotes of the day?
Me: Oh yea those. I’ll put them up! ^^
Yami: Yay! ^^
Me: Hehe... well I guess I better get going. I’ll see ya all later. Buh-bye, and have a good day!
Yami: Bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Quotes of the Day:
Yu-Gi-Oh Quote: “The last time someone had the nerve to speak to me like that, I broke them in half.” -Panik
InuYasha Quote: "All this for a memory and a dead mortal girl? If I'd known that's what it took to make you fight, I'd've killed her sooner." -Sesshomaru
Ps. Pray for all of my friends and YamiYugi1900 for her safe drive today
Ps #2. We didn’t have time to role play ‘cause of evil bro. I hope we can have sometime soon
Ps #3. What do you think of my new avi? It’s of Yami Yugi!! YAY! ^^ *hugs Yami*
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

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Me: Hiya! Yamisgirl here!
Yami: And Yami Yugi as well! ^^
Me: Yup… so how is everyone doing? Good I hope ^^
Yami: Well, nothing much is going on
Me: Yea and yesterday was such a drag!! So boring!!
Yami: At least you got to talk to YamiYugi1900 before she left
Me: Yea… I really miss her right now. I hope she’s okay
Yami: I’m sure she’s fine
Me: I can’t wait until tonight when she gets to her hotel and then we get to chat. I miss her too much already!!
Yami: Yea, but this is the perfect day to catch up on your reading
Me: Yea, I’ll do that. Oh, and I’m also getting ready for my Yu-Gi-Oh theme that I’m going to put up in 11 more days! Right now I’m making these really cool things with my Animation Shop program. I already made a banner from this one pic that I got from janime.net. It’s really cool!
Yami: I bet it is…
Me: Yea… well in other news we’re having company today. It’s my friend Allie and her family. This will be the last time I see Allie before she starts school on Monday.
Yami: Yea, you still have like 3 weeks to go huh?
Me: Yea, and then I’ll be so busy I’ll probably only post once I get all of my homework done or on weekends
Yami: Yea, it is going to be tough…
Me: Yup… I guess so
Yami: Do you think it’s time to put up the quotes for today?
Me: I’ll put them up right now. Well, I hope everyone has a good day! Take care…. Buh-bye
Yami: Bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Quotes of the Day:
Yu-Gi-Oh Quote: You forget that here, I have the powers of the Dark Magician! I'll show you who's puny around here! –Yugi Muto (hehe… that’s from my fav episode of the Duelists Kingdom series! ^^)
InuYasha Quote: Don't you faint on me you stupid girl!! –Inuyasha (I went wild for that episode too, especially the beginning of it! ^_~)
Ps. Pray for all of my friends and YamiYugi1900 for her safe drive today
Ps #2. Man, we haven’t been role playing in like 3 days! I’m going to make YamiYugi1900 role play with me once she’s in the hotel… lol ^_~
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Friday, August 5, 2005
The Day in the Life of Yamisgirl

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Yami: Hello… how is everyone doing? Good I hope ^^
Me: Hi everyone! I had such a fun day yesterday! Now I’m just exhausted!!
Yami: Hehe…
Me: *yawns* I got no plans today. I guess tomorrow is going to be the beginning of YamiYugi1900’s trip to Wisconsin
Yami: Yup…
Me: Oh, speaking of Wisconsin… while I was on the 3 hour drive to the beach I was looking for out of state lesion plates. I found 1 from Wisconsin, 2 from Nevada, 1 from Iowa, and then my dad from one from Canada. It was fun! Hehe…
Yami: Yup… it does sound like fun!
Me: It was! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… what else should I mention?
Yami: You’re new idea?
Me: Oh yea… I thought it would be cool if I can put quotes down from my 2 favorite animes (Yu-Gi-Oh & InuYasha) everyday! They’re just going to be random quotes… nothing special…
Yami: Sounds cool huh?
Me: They’ll be at the end of every post… I’m getting these from some websites that I randomly go to or some of them just come out of my head! ^_~
Yami: Will this start today?
Me: Yup…. I thought of the idea while I was in the car ride to the beach
Yami: It’s cool how you think so much when you’re bored
Me: Actually I do… hehe ^^
Yami: Hehe…
Me: Well, that’s all the news I got for now. I’ll try to get to everyone’s sites today! ^_~
Yami: Have a good day! Bye!
Me: Bye!
~Yami Yugi and Yamisgirl
Quotes of the day:
Yu-Gi-Oh! Quote: “No thanks, I think I will have much more of a challenge playing solitaire.” –Seto Kaiba
InuYasha Quote: “Oh, wow. Like, dog ears. I think I wanna touch them.” –Kagome (I cracked up when I saw that episode and when she did that!! Lol ^^)
Ps. What do you think of some of the changes I came up with? Cool Huh?
Ps #2. Sorry that this part of the skit isn’t up let. YamiYugi1900 and I have been really busy! We’ll have it up soon! We promise you that!!
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